well, i am pretty sure it would be a viable summer job, mom. i mean, u saw harry and meghan’s wedding. it was really lovely but well, every wedding needs a little ferocious walking down the aisle, right? plus me and duk duk and chocobot can totally dj the reception after and we can even help with keeping things tidy by eating anything that falls to the floor. o and besides, i am eleven now so i can be the something old, and obviously since i already have a family i would be borrowed...

and looky, if i wear this, i can be the something blue, too!

I would marry all over again if you would be my ring wolf.๐๐งก๐พ
Well now that is very interesting, Baxter! Was my little Klaus in contact with you and duk duk? Klaus claimed he was suppose sing at Harry and Meghan's wedding, but missed his "red-eye" flight.
Little Wisconsin Klaus' mom, Krista
Baxter, you have figured out a great plan for summer work. Who wouldn't want to hire you if planning their wedding? Just your cute walk would be enough, but you have everything else to offer too. Yes, a great idea for sure. :)
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