The beginning of summer is always so full of promise and anticipation. There are books to be read, beaches to be visited, gardens to tend, and of course much fun to be had, even if summer mostly means sitting at a desk every day. I like to think that baxter and duk duk takes all these things into consideration when they dream up the little goodies for our shop, which is why their tiny summer cyber doot fair is so rich this time not only with the return of recent resin favorites, but also new goodies to delight the senses and help make summer as special as they think it should be.
Going to a summer wedding? Why, you’ll need cootie protection of course.

Looking to tidy all your keys to the house and rocket ship? We’ve got u covered!

Stuck inside the office all day? Do not worry, we can bring the sunshine and smelly flowers inside to you!

Got a lot of boring reading to do? We can keep your place and make it funner!

Need a little help enhancing your ferociousness temporarily while u work on your summer tan ? Hee hee, looky!!

Needless to say, we’ve got a lot of work to get everything into the shop for sunday night, and it might just be a little more than even I anticipated if a little wolf and falcon have their way...
mom, do u think i can borrow dad’s electric razor? just to, u know, shave a small, o, u know, 2 inch area on my hiney quarter ? for um, well, no particular reason really...:)

Oh yeah. I’ll be buying some of everything at this lovely craft fair :)
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