Showing posts with label toyfriends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toyfriends. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2014

the little lady, part two :)

okay duk duk, u get our test kibble and i will come back around to turn the dial.

mmmm, warm kibble. hee hee i cannot wait!


doo bee doo doo, doo be do, doo bee doo doo doop be doo doo doo doo...

yeah i think u r right duk duk, we should probably stir it.

hee, why, i do not mind if i do do doodley do! oh duk duk, this warm kibble is fantastic.  do not tell the sales lady but i think we should totally give her ten bags of gummy worms for it , maybe twen - say what? oh smap! quick, u hide the kibble and i will unplug the stove. and remember, do not act too interested and let me do all the talking.  and whatever u do, do not make me laugh.  okay, time to put on my poker face!

 miss, this stove stinks and not in a good way. and, seeing as how it was probably previously owned by a girl, my friend here and i are very concerned about cooties and the costs to decontaminate it.  we can offer you five bags of gummy worms and not a gummy more.



Wednesday, November 12, 2014

the little lady, part one



no duk duk, you're gonna break the door!! move it! i can do it, i promise.

"works, burners get warm" see i told you i could read it without my glasses.

hee hee, and mega WOOTY! duk duk u r so right. this would be perfect! we could make hot monkey chow cider, chunky chicken water,  poopcorn, baked gummy worm alaska, monkey chow krispie treats, monkey chow pancakes, monkey chow fried rice, monkey chow chowder, monkey chow chili, monkey chow chicken chower, monkey chow lasagna, monkey chow kiev, cream of monkey chow and who knows what else. without even leaving the cozy comfort of our heat cave.

hey, before the saleslady back, let's plug it in and see how hot it gets!

hmmmm, okay is this the cord we want? or is it this thingy by the exhausty pipe with the metal whatchamajiggy and the two prong pokey things?  hmmmmmmm....

(to be continued..)

Monday, November 10, 2014

chunky chicken water with the kitchen kielbasa

Hello friends, it's us, baxter and duk duk! I'm wearing a napkin today because I want to share with you an  easy peasy recipe we just created.  We call it Chunky Chicken Water.  And we call it ez-pz because all u need to ask your mom to thoroughly boil in plain water a boneless skinless chicken breast, the cooking water your mom cooked the chicken in (skimmed of any fat), and some raw carrots.   Then, when you are ready for a delicious and lovely special snackie treat, just pull these ingredients out of the fridge and follow these three easy steps to tummy nirvana...

1) Put some of chicken water in a very cute bowl.  No reheating is necessary but if u do, make sure it is not too hot, know what I mean?

2) Sprinkle in some raw carrots for color, texture, and tastiness.

3) Add as much shredded chicken meat as your mom will allow and there you have it, delicious chunky chicken water!

There are probably a million more things u could add to this, like cooked rice or you know, blueberries or stuff.  Just always be sure to check and make sure what u are using is going to be good for you,  and most of all, remember to hold on to that tasty cooked chicken water.  I know, so easy, right?  Oh, so how does Chunky Chicken Water taste? Well, see for yourself in this video we made too!

Hee hee okay, this is me, Baxter your roving rover reporter and friend, and duk duk, wishing you the happiest of Fridays and the weekend! :)

Friday, November 7, 2014

winter is coming

hee hee hee, hooray - phase two of our heat cave project is now finished, duk duk! i am sure glad mom figured out how to make everything from our drawings.  especially this supercool awning, right?  no medieval tent is really complete without one. the starks had them. and i sure bet the lannisters did too. 

only i bet theirs did not retract!

last one in's a rotten poopie snake! well, a more rotten one anyway.

(shuffle shuffle) (shuffle shuffle) hey hey, pheeeeeeeew! duk duk, didjoo just..oh nevermind i just did one too so we are even.

okay,  maybe at in phase three we ask mom for a pull cord so we can pull george over whenever we wanty want. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

happy hallo-scary-ween :)

hee hee, thanks, chocobot, for taking care of yours and lulu the tiger's and lil pink puppy's halloween costumes. me and duk duk were so busy making ours, we did not have any time at all to work on stuff for the three of you. the toyfriend club scar on your cheek is a nice touch, by the way. 

and, it was pure genius to put lulu the tiger and lil pink puppy in one costume.  now we have room for even more candy in our wagon!

okay, duk duk since u are already dressed, u wait here with chocobot and lulu the tiger and lil pink puppy while i get into my #topsecretSCARY costume, okay?

(zip snap shuffle shuffle zip snap swoosh zip)

you know, duk duk, i really like how everything turned out, but i sure wish mom would have let us make the teeth sharper and more scary spaced. i mean, how scary could that be, right? we have been scaring our friends all week with the pictures we posted on instagram and facebook and twitter.

(snap snap shimmy snap zip snap)

but, at least if nobuddy recognizes who we really are, then they can at least they think they know who we are, even though they would be really wrong.  

(bump clatter clatter)

whoops. uh oh, was that my mask?

..boy it better be okay. without my mask, i'm just a long dog in a nicely fitted, super plushie hoodied onesie with white fur on my...


 whoa - did u guys just hear that?? i think i heard cassie.

no, false alarm. it was just the wind blowing a bunch of leaves.

okay, let me just get my mask on, and we finally can start trick or treating!! 

oh not again. yes mom?


pictures? again?? but mom, me and duk duk already posed for our halloween card, and our super cool wall poster, and even for next year's calendar. and we promised that we would try to put them in the shop for you by this Monday and send out a doot doot dooty doot and everything.  well for the poster and the calendars anyway because we sold out of the cards for now. so our friends can see us in our full glory there,  and besides they will see us live any minute now when we knock on their door for tricks and treats. 

so, like, do we have to?

okay, make a hole everybuddy. we need to make this quick so everybuddy keep their eyes open, mouths closed, and save the funny faces for after we bring back our candy haul.

phew, the inside of this mask smells like desperation and rancid gummy worms! duk duk - did you do this?? 

hee hee, why thank you my friend. it most certainly will help me get into character.  which i am guessing hardly anybuddy will guess even with u standing next to me and u are like the main character. oh, okay mom's ready, so on the count of three

trick or treeeeat! :)

(hee hee, ps if  did not get one because we sold out, here is a peek at our halloween card.  and do not worry if u missed out, it will be back in the shop again :) )

Sunday, October 5, 2014

today is stomping day, another nother short story by baxter and duk duk, in lieu of the ninety page essay on the pros and cons of a spiced based universe economy, that we were supposed to write for writing class

The monster feet had been in stinky situations before.  Children may smell like children, but their feet stink too, and especially in slipper shoes like him because they never seemed to want to wear socks and their feet get all sweaty and the only thing left to absorb all the sweat is, well, him.  He used to think their feet smelled awful, only now as he sat on the thrift store shelf, surrounded by scuffed patent mary janes and tired old sneakers that no longer lit up when you stomped with them, he missed smelling like what he now felt monster feet should always smell like.

Forever seemed to pass at the thrift store as he watched moms and dads take pair after pair of more practical shoes home for their stinky feet children, while he remained, alone and wondering if he would ever get to stomp again.  Tired being passed over time and time again, the monster feet decided to go into a deep deep sleep.

A curious and very sniffy wet nose startled him awake.  What the heck??? This is not the thrift store, he realized as the rest of his senses came into consciousness.  Why is there a tiny red cabin in front of me and what's that smell? It smells worse than children feet - more like, meat mixed with duk mixed with poop mixed with - hey, that tickles!

The brushing sensation of curious but very appreciative whiskers gave way to two stubby and chubby but extremely awesomely ferocious paws, each slipping in to him with a stink, awe, and reverence he had never felt before. Hmm, the monster feet thought. I am not in a house with stinky children feet and yet I no longer miss them.

One of his feet was lifted high into the air as the faint sound of snickers danced about his ears.  Wheeeee!! Today is a new day, he proclaimed as he started to fall and the wind started whooshing around him.  Today is stomping day! :)

Friday, October 3, 2014

the third sense, another short story by baxter and duk duk, as told from the perspective of the tiny red cabin in the woods, still in lieu of our thirty page essay on the pros and cons of a spice based universe economy, that were were supposed to write for writing class , only now it is sixty pages because of the story we turned in yesterday

The tiny red cabin in the woods was relieved that its inhabitants had decided to go in to town for the evening.  Restless people are not very relaxing, and nothing irked the cabin more than having people inside it who did not appreciate the solitude that it offered. Now that they were gone, the little cabin could relax and go back to its happy go lucky, cabiny ways.

 And yet, a strange sense of foreboding still haunted the cabin.  It had survived many rough winters in the woods, put up with noisy little children and snoring adults and even survived a freak rainshower of poopie snakes mixed with monkey chow.  But something about this foreboding feeling was different. A warm wind blew in from behind, bringing with it a piquant stink of curious and exceptionally malodorous quality and consistency, accompanied by a low, almost imperceptible gurgling noise. 

Hmmmmmmmm, the tiny red cabin in the woods thought, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

O bother, the little cabin decided. I see no need to worry about things I can only smell and hear and cannot see.  I have stood here for many years now. And I will stand for many more. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

the black duk

well duk duk, with ten minutes to spare before we have to pedal to scopl, I guess we should really get started on last night's ecology reading assignment, dontchoo think? let's see what we have here. oh, it's "the black duck..."

"wariest of our waterfowl.."

moooom, are u sure today is a school day?? :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

que blah blah, blah blah

gee, duk duk,  that's a good question. i am not sure what that would look like...


yeah...maybe something like that :) :)

Friday, August 29, 2014

little buddies


hee hee, oooo - didjoo smell that, duk duk? i think that was cassie's - no wait, the wind is coming from the notes of  (sniff sniff) turkey and, make that seventeen weeks old at least...delightfully rancid (sniff sniff)  in a blue cheesy way.. and, i detect a slight trace of slobber.  aged stinky basset neighbor poop. definitely stinky basset neighbor poop. :)  

Monday, August 25, 2014

back to school :)

hee hee, look everybuddy! there goes the school bus!!

i sure am glad we pooled the last of our summer gummy worms to buy a parking pass.  i usually do not look forward to the first day of school, but today is a whole different story now that we can pedal to school every day ourselves!

what's that, lulu the tiger? 

oh yeah, i guess it is time to get this show on the road. commencing pre-pedal checklist ops number 3758delta9ner for the inaugural mission of pedalcraft HMP JamiahBunnyCakesPootenpenny!

okay everbuddy just like we rehearsed...



duk duk, homemade locker stink pucks?

lil pink puppy, thermoses?

lulu the tiger, lunchy lunch boxes?

chocobot, pencils and notebook paper?

okay houston, i think we are a go...everyone hold tight and get ready to pedal off in o-

, houston, could somebuddy open the door please? :) :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

the elfies in the selfie

This week tiny chumley and I are busy little elves, working on teeny tiny doxie treasure boxes and making progress on top secret holiday makey projects that will hopefully make their debut in the coming months.  And finishing up a certain little someone's Halloween outfit, so there will be plenty of time for him and his little duk friend to enjoy it before the big day arrives. 

hey hey, less talky more makey, mom! the sooner we finish the boxes and the super secret stuff, the sooner we can finish my Halloween costume! :)

Monday, August 11, 2014

hold it

Some things are worth a break from the afternoon fun of playing guess whose foofie with their best toyfriend, even if it means possibly missing out on what was sure to be the gassiest foofie of them all.

oooOOOooo! no wait, hold it!! just hold it, duk duk! i will be right back in a jiffy..hee hee, delicious corn!! :) 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

yesterday was unicorn appreciation day :)

dear diary, 
yesterday was unicorn appreciation day. and today we are pooped. :)
