Showing posts with label toyfriends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toyfriends. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2015

the princess and the unicorn

hee hee, before you take the picture, please make sure my buns are even, mom.  princess leia's buns are always even. :)

I'm not sure what I find so endearing about this behind the scenes picture from our little unicorn appreciation day shoot, but whatever the reason, it seems like a perfect photo to close the week. Go out and make your fun this weekend, even if it means getting help from your mom to put on your Leia buns :) 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

happy unicorn appreciation day :)

The slow, hot days of summer vacation can go by a little faster when there are unicorn holidays to celebrate, made up songs based on Christmas carols to sing, and happy go lucky friends to share them with. :)  



 happy unicorn appreciation day my friends :)

Friday, July 17, 2015

u know what :)

It's been rather busy this week in top secret makey world, learning and researching stuff and juggling the progress on multiple projects, all while tiny chumley spends his days as he usually does, sometimes helping me, sometimes sleeping in the sun, sometimes eating and digging, and of course barking, and sometimes plotting his own little top secret adventure with his merry little band of toyfriends. :)

...hee hee so we are agreed. this weekend we will finish digging the backyard mega pit and start filling it with u know what so we can u know what in time for u know what so u know what can u know what. unless it u know whats, in which case we u know what by the u know what so we can u know what. any questions? :) :)

Monday, June 15, 2015

we so luckee

ooooOOoOoOooOOoooo!! delicious snackies!! boy that sure was nice of miss pam and bailey to send us this package, wasn't it, duk duk? sometimes i think we are the luckiesy dog and duk in the whole world!

and looky - they even sent us more awesome poop bags refills so we can fill our next litter of tiny pooper poop bag dispenser and snackie holders! 

hee hee, "chasing baxter".  like u would really have 2 do that if u were gonna give us a bag of poopie. we'd be like just standing there saying, "yes please, fork it over", right duk duk?

yeppies. we should totally write miss pam and bailey a very nice thank u card today. well, maaaybe just after..

last one to eat eleventy threeve snackies is a rotten poopie snake!! :) :)

Friday, June 12, 2015

summer vacation: dia uno

hee hee hee, u got that right, duk duk.  all we need 2 do is find a trampoline and -- oh, hi mom. what's that? o, just getting ready to, um, well u know, nothing in particular really. :)

Friday, May 29, 2015


so, yesterday, me and duk duk decided to make me a motorcycle helmet out of biodegradable packing peanuts because, well, we had a ton of them, and all u do is just stick them together with water and, well,  u know, we thought me wearing a big ol packing peanut helmet would be really funny for today's blog posty. and so, anyway, while we were making it, the post lady arrived and u could tell she was going to bring us a package, so i asked mom 2 take off my helmet real quick and set it aside because u know, i was gonna get all barky and stuff. and, anyhow lo and behold the postlady brought us the zucchini noodle maker we ordered, so well, long story short, while mom and duk duk were busy making cucumber curly ribbons up on the countertop because we did not have any zucchini because none of us thought our package would arrive so quickly, well, my helmet smelled so popcorny delicious, and it was just lying there so...well, i sort of ate it. before we could take pictures. and that was pretty much our yesterday. which brings us 2 today. and u know, this picture of duk duk and me, not wearing my packing peanut helmet :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

friday night lights

..hee hee, first let me say, pato pato, i am so glad u and anka anka could come visit us this weekend! and that's right, since none of us have our blindfolds with us, duk duk and anka anka will go first and we will have 2 guess what they ate. if we both get it right then they have 2 give us each a gummy worm and we get another turn.  if we get it wrong, then we will have to give them each a gummy worm and it is their turn to guess.  the team who gets the first threeve consecutive answers correct before mom tells us to stop wins.  if mom tells us to stop before either team reaches the goal then the game is a draw and we follow secret rendezvous protocol number alpha tango ocho to meet at the new location to start a new game.  if a player runs out of foofie, he can call on his teammate to substitute for him.  if both team members fail to produce a foofie within the agreed upon sixty miss-a-poopie time limit, then the other team gets to decide whether or not the empty team's time limit can be extended, and if so, the other team also gets to decide the means by which they can earn the extension. if the other team decides against time extension, then the empty team must fork over 1.5 gummy worms for each loss on their next turn.  and, if at any time a poopie shows up, the pooping team must collect it, categorize it, seal it carefully, and donate it to our impressive poopie museum. and then game immediately goes into spin and speed overdrive, which needless to say, involves spinning and speeding.  any questions? :)

Monday, May 4, 2015

there will be #poopiedoot :)

Hello my friends, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, reporting to u today on some very special additions and surprises coming tonight at nine o'clock PM EST to my mom's Kalyxcraftopia Etsy shop.  Now, everybuddy knows the first rule of makey design and product development is to start with what u know and love, and figure out how u can add your own unique voice to it.  Like, u know, how a dog bowl is a dog bowl but some just seem way awesomer than others because they speak to u in some way?

So, when mom asked me and duk duk earlier this year if we could help her develop a new product for our shop, we started with this simple rule.  And, well, you know how me and duk duk know poop and snackies, and we know how everybuddy seems to like collecting poop and eating snackies?  We decided to design this for mom to make - (dunt da dahhhhh!) - say hello to our super cool, super new, super funny and super cute Tiny Pooper poop bag dispenser and secret snackie holders!!

Me and duk duk will be busy working on the etsy listings all day today not only for our first litter of Tiny Poopers, but also - for our friends who like to carry more than just poopie bags and snackies on their walkie, like, say maybe also an iphoney and keys and stuff, - we sized up our design and developed our new Walking Weenie Wiener Walker compact crossbody purse, which we will also debut tonight at nine o'clock PM EST.   So I hope u will watch for the #pootiedoot and be there because we have been busy coming up with awesome slogans and everything.

This is Baxter your roving reporter wishing you the Poopiedootiest of Mondays! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

PAC-P.U. :)


whoa, duk duk, do i look fuzzy 2 u? because i sure feel fuzzy. but at least that is all over, and the tushie man's lady was supercool enough to send us some pictures of my procedures. speaking of which...

 i am thinking maybe we find out where the tushie man got his gas mask and his gas from bc let me tell u, that stuff really knocks u out like u would not believe.  better than monkey chow chili foofies and kitty poop tarts combined.  but unfortunately it does not smell nearly as bad so u know, it would not be nearly as fun.


what's that? yeah, i do not know, duk duk. i would tell u more about what happened, but really, i have no idea. except, sheesh, i woke up and there no flaming bunny tattoo...

but the tushie man did give me some super cool dissolving stitches from the cyst he removed.

and mom does not think so, but  i am pretty sure i might be getting a gold pirate tooth from where tushie man took out my loose one. and if not, well, at least if i try hard enough, i bet i can probably whistle all on my own now. i might not like him poking around my u know what, but duk duk, i have to say, i do like my tushie man and the tushie man's lady a LOT.

boy, the tushie man was right, this sleepy stuff does wear off pretty fast. quick duk duk, help me practice my pitiful groggy face before i forget how to make it...  

hee hee, this face already got me a big bowl of chunky chick-- um, chunky water,  and i bet if we play our cards right, it can get us at least eleventy five bags of gummy worms too!! :) :)

Monday, April 20, 2015

little coneflower

well, duk duk, I am sure glad that got cleared up. I guess I was really hungry when the tushie man said it, because I sure thought he said ice cream cone and of course how could u say no to that no matter if u r getting an eye thingy removed or not?...  hey, can u scratch my nose for me?

wow, I see this might be a problem for both of us. good thing this is only our test run so that way we can work out the kinks. how bout maybe we take off the yellow part?

yep U just have 2 look for the snaps cuz remember that time when mom first made it for me and we wore it for easter? that was the year u got us banned from..okay okay, i will get off our bed but I call dibs on my same spot so no stealing it when we are all done or I will pound u...hee hee, yeah I guess u r right I guess I should save the pounding for after my stitches dissolve. okay, is that the last one? 

hmm, full range of head motion but I cannot reach my eyes with my paws. a fit that is not too loose or too snug. yes this is much better than that blue thingy we got when I got frankentushied. now if I can only resist rubbing my head on the floor we will be set!

although if I do, maybe mom would make me a new one with propeller shaped blades instead of marigold petals. :) 

Friday, April 17, 2015

flaming bunnies

yep, that's it, duk duk.  right there on my lower eye rim. 

the tushie man said it has got to go and so I get 2 stay home from school on Tuesday and mom said u can stay home too.

I wonder if the tushie man will use a sword like zorro did when he visited me when I was little.

well, I think zorro used a sword. I kind of was asleep for all of that and do not remember much. which is why I guess he left his mark on me, come to think of it...  

I sure hope the tushie man will let me have a say with my new mark. I'm thinkin flaming bunnies, dontchoo think, duk duk? :)

Monday, March 23, 2015

fun for a dog and a duk

well I'll be...

...i guess u r right, dukduk...

poopie snakes do not slink down the stairs after all.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

meet me at the end of the nile

sigh. well, duk duk, i guess we better tell chocobot n lulu the tiger n lil pink puppy 2 get ready. today is going 2 be another school day after all. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

cloudy with a chance of snow

nope...nope... o there i see one! aw nopies just a feather...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope
...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...o maybe!. rats nope just some dryer lint..nope...nope...nope...nope..nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope....nope...nope...

Friday, February 13, 2015

a dog and a duk walk into their school to hand out their homemade valentines...


hee hee, it sure was a good idea to make our own valentines this year, dontchoo think, duk duk?


i mean, sure it took us a lot of time to  think of what to say,  and then it took us forever to design them on the computer...

and here it is early friday morning and we are still trying to finish them up. but  a) everybuddy's who's anybuddy's bound to agree they're comedy gold, b) this year at school, we can finally give something back to all the mushy cootie contaminated girls at school, and c) we can also remind said girls about what is most important about valentine's day too.  espcially since mom will not let us bring our cootie fallout shelter 2 school. it's a win win win really, dontchoo think, duk duk?

 and,  what with us using all the right pleases and thank yous and all, well, surely we will not get in trouble with teacher for handing them out. if there is anything at all i have learned from watching house of cards, it's that manners are everything when u have something important 2 say.  anyhow, i think this was the last valentiney to cut so..

duk duk, u finish punching all the lacy stuff around the edges...

and i will start coloring all the... oh snap, is that the time i think it is? quick u get everything together and tell chocobot n lulu the tiger n lil pink puppy to be ready in three and i will....moooooooooom!

mom, sorry 2 use my outside voice but may we please have a ride to school today so we can finish our valentineys in the car?  :) :)


Friday, January 9, 2015

winter has come

dear diary,
sometimes I think it would be nice if me and duk duk were bears so we could hibernate all winter. and that is pretty much all I have to say about yesterday, because it was very very cold. and all we did was pretend to be hibernating bears.

b. :)

Monday, December 22, 2014

the owling :)

hee hee, finally mom and henry gumption are done with the owl mask they are making for auntie robin! i am sure she will not mind if i borrow it for a little while.  christmas is like, forever from now.

now, if only i can figure out how to get this orange stool out of my...

(oof! shuffle shuffle)

...way!  hee hee, wait'll duk duk comes home and gets a load of me.   

wooty hoo, wooty hoo! 

 yep, he's gonna be so scared, i bet he upchucks all his gummy worms and his monkey chow chili.  

yep, yessiree, and no complications with santa at all because this is payback for what he did to me last week. well, payback times ten because duk duk is to owls like i am to stinky big dogs.  scare-reee!

yep, yessiree, any minute now, when duk duk comes home from his fowl and feathers wait, that was yesterday. when duk duk comes home from his little, wait..duk duk..o snap, he  went to the lake today to visit his grandma, didn't he? sheesh, he will be there all day!...

hee hee, only seven more hours til duk duk comes home and he gets the bejeebies scared out of him! wooty hoo! wooty hoo!! :) :)

Friday, December 19, 2014

i doot the robot dachshund cutetastic :)

okay mom, we will, but can u please let us say goodbye to them first? i promise it will not take long.  

well tiny shiny representatives of our second litter of tiny robot dachshund christmas ornaments, me and duk duk just wanted to say even though we have burned the midnight poopie oil for many nights now making you, it has been a pleasure and an honor bringing you into this world so that you may bring happiness and joy hanging on the christmas trees of your new families.  and, seeing as how our time left together is very short since we will be putting you up for adoption at NOON EST today in our mom's etsy shop, me and duk duk wanted to invite the entire litter to our very special christmas party in our heat cave, where the super special disco robot dachshunds, who will also be up for adoption, are already decorating and preparing for the big send off event!!! :) :)

 (ps - have a great wooty weekend my friends and hope to smell u at noon today in my mom's etsy shop!! :) :) )


Monday, December 8, 2014

now doot this! our first etsy book and a peek u know what :)

Hello my friends, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, happy to report to you today about half of our Etsy Christmas Wooty Project that me and duk duk have been working on for a very long time.  That's right, we wrote a teeny tiny Christmas story and turned it into a teeny tiny book! It's so tiny that you can pretty much read it in less than five minutes. You know, the length that all good books should be. Because, well, as u might be able to tell from our grades in reading this year, who has time to really read any more than that?

Anyhoo, are you ready for the great unveiling because drumroll please...

 Ta-daah! Just in time for the holidays and available now for a limited time only in my mom's Etsy shop, introducing me and duk duk's first ever book that is sure to become a treasured stinky holiday classic, ladies and gentlemen I give you, The Poop on the Stoop!!

Hee hee, yeah I know, it is so cool, right?  And yes, my friends, it is so tiny that you can hold and read it with just one paw.  Although since my legs are so short, I prefer using two paws, just so I do not accidentally roll myself.

Speaking of rolling, I had a wonderful time playing with my puppy Hank yesterday, which kind of explains why the second half of me and duk duk's Etsy Christmas Wooty Project is not ready today. But do not worry, if the sun comes out on Tuesday like the weather man thinks it will, then we can finish taking pictures and work on our Etsy listings so that our christmas ornaments will be in the shop on Tuesday or Wednesday night.  And as you might have already guessed, although there will be more couthy options available, me and duk duk made a very very special ornament to go with our story, which I will give you a tiny peek at here now.  I hope u saved room on your tree. :)

This is Baxter your roving rover reporter, tiny book author and ornament designer, wishing you a very merry Monday!