Wednesday, January 21, 2015

picture poopfect :)

hee hee, okay mom, all u have to do is hit this purple button.

but wait until duk duk hits his mark and i jump out and scare him, okay?

oh, and u might want 2 wear a gas mask, because i am pretty sure things will get pretty smelly after that :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

ode to my blue ballie number two

o my beloved blue ballie number two,
it is not often we see each other, me and you,

u smell so lovely, and u are so smooth and blue.
let's play together and have some fun,

at least til i remember, where i left number one. :)

Friday, January 16, 2015

haiku friday: o glorious sun

o glorious sun,
how i have missed u this week,
my moon says hello.

- baxter, 8.1 years old :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

scenes from the playground :)

oooh, dad!  while we are waiting for duk duk to finish catching up with his cousins at the lake, may we please stop by the playground and see if the dinosaur is free??

yess! i cannot believe how luckee we are - finally nobuddy is hogging him! 

what was that, dad? oh, yes, that is probably a good idea.  when u text him, just tell him to meet us on the playground and say it is really busy. do not say anything about the dinosaur, it will be a surprise!



hee hee - choo choo! rawwwr! choo choo!...choo choo! choo choo!...

sheesh! duk duk should be here by now.  i bet that stinky rat stopped by the boathouse and got some gummy worms without me.  he better save me some cuz once he sees what i've reserved fot us, he's gonna owe me that plus..uh oh, big dog at ten o'clock headed right this..


uh, nope, sorry this dinosaur is taken.  besides, there is only enough room left for a duk and u r like, eleventy times bigger than me. the big dog playground is over there by the lake. yeah, yeah no worries...

..poopie breath.  

oh hey, if u see a one winged duk eating gummy worms, can u please tell him to hurry up???

Monday, January 12, 2015

etsy fresh: valentines for the rest of us :)

dear diary,
Yippee! I am really glad mom has given me and duk duk more design responsibilities this year because not only did our two new Valentine's Day cards turn out supercool with pictures on the outside and the inside, but they are also the kind of Valentines we personally would be very happy to give and receive to just about everybuddy.  especially the bottom one for obvious reasons, and probably we would give mom the top one for equally obvious reasons. 

anyhoo, u can read more about these cards and pick and choose from our entire collection of Valentine's Day cards - including the i heart u, kaack,  the return of our teeny tiny pocket sized valentiney sets and more - by clicky clicking on this WORD

 or clicking here

 I hope u will consider sending some bc me and duk duk are hoping to earn enough gummy worms so we can take an evening robot electronics class. 

b. :)

Friday, January 9, 2015

winter has come

dear diary,
sometimes I think it would be nice if me and duk duk were bears so we could hibernate all winter. and that is pretty much all I have to say about yesterday, because it was very very cold. and all we did was pretend to be hibernating bears.

b. :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

safe travels :)

safe travels, madwilly, my friend! i had a wonderful time and hope u did too! oh, and next time u visit, maybe we can play another duet and u can see me and duk duk's finished project at the library! :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

shampoo :)

mom, next time I have to take a bath, instead of the stinky purple flower stuff like we used this time,  do u think maybe we can try using the shampoo me and duk duk are working on? the firsthand batch should b done fermenting any day now. :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

hello 2015

dear diary,
yesterday I went for my first walkie of the new year, and I met a new puppy friend who is only seven and a half weeks old. her name is cooper and she is a girl and she was on the very first walkie of her entire life.  i am pretty sure I will be reminding her where to stand when she gets older, but for now I said she could stay right where she was, because I remember being a puppy and when u r little and new, the world can be a scary place.  and even scarier I would think when u find out u have cooties. 

b :)

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

goodbye 2014

Tiny chumley is quitely sleeping in his heat cave as I write this.  I am reminded of his forefathers, Kep and Padua, who in their senior years, slept much of their day away.  But the little kielbasa is not that old yet, I think to myself.  He's just waiting for something interesting to happen. 

Younger dachshunds often make their own kind of interesting happen when their moms and dads are busy, chewing on things or expressing their displeasure at being ignored in often wet and odorous ways.  But we've been lucky with Baxter.  Through praise and snackie love, we've been able to develop a language with tiny chumley that allows him to speak his mind and get our attention in usually more welcome ways.  Except maybe when there are no more socks or shoes to be brought, or when we are so deep in thought or makey that we fail to notice the sound of his tail gently thumping on the floor, and the sight of his little tummy being offered up for a belly kiss.  Except for those moments, when he knows that only a bark will do.

Tiny chumley turned eight this past year. The white hairs are sprouting up and lightening his face and paws in a slow but steady fashion now, and though they do little to keep Baxter from rocketing off in pursuit of a kitty in his backyard, they give me pause every time I see them.  The entrance to the tunnel of his senior years is clearly on the horizon now.  His future, if we are lucky, will be gift wrapped in slow, sleepy days filled with the sound of snoring and other uncouthy but welcome digestive noises. 

As 2014 comes to a close, I am grateful for having been able to share tiny chumley's evolving but always happy go lucky life, and our sometimes rather fantastical adventures in makey and toyfriend world.  I am grateful for the love and joy we both share and receive here in our tiny, insulated microcosmic cyber home. The new year will come, as it always does, with its own unique challenges and twists, and I hope we will see it through as we always do, surrounded by family and friends, with a waggly tail and a belly rub, and maybe just a bark or two. :)

Monday, December 29, 2014

doxie see, monkey do

see, mom, i told u a giraffe would come in handy. or a monkey with really long arms. how else are me and dad gonna install our new mini blinds from way down here? :) 

Friday, December 26, 2014

christmas morning :)

"He was here, he was here!" the little dachshund chirped to his toyfriends as he peered up at the packages that Santa knew to leave way up high and out of naughty's reach.

To be extra sure that these packages were for him and not for his mom and dad, the excited puppy got on his tippy tip toes and sniffed at them, growing more and more excited with every molecule of delicious scent he inhaled.  "I smell reindeer poop, and cookies, and salmon, and liver and sugar and stawberries and glitter and..oooh yes these packages are definitely for us! Come on everybuddy, let's get our of our jammies and ask if the little misses can come over to help us open them!"

There would be no time for the happy little dachshund and his toyfriends to pose for pictures once the little misses arrived.  No time for anybuddy to look up at the camera, or wait for it to come into focus.  Oh well, the little dachshund's mom thought.  Our Christmas morning pictures might be forever a blur, but the memories of this day for all of us will be crystal clear. :)

It seems practically all the pictures I took of tiny chumley from Christmas morning are an excited fuzzy blur. And that,  I suppose, is just the way things should be.  :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

the goodlist

..hee hee yes, mom, I did everything u asked and see? I even washed between my toes! many hours til Santa finally leaves our presents and we can be ourselves again? 

happy Christmas Eve my friends :)

Monday, December 22, 2014

the owling :)

hee hee, finally mom and henry gumption are done with the owl mask they are making for auntie robin! i am sure she will not mind if i borrow it for a little while.  christmas is like, forever from now.

now, if only i can figure out how to get this orange stool out of my...

(oof! shuffle shuffle)

...way!  hee hee, wait'll duk duk comes home and gets a load of me.   

wooty hoo, wooty hoo! 

 yep, he's gonna be so scared, i bet he upchucks all his gummy worms and his monkey chow chili.  

yep, yessiree, and no complications with santa at all because this is payback for what he did to me last week. well, payback times ten because duk duk is to owls like i am to stinky big dogs.  scare-reee!

yep, yessiree, any minute now, when duk duk comes home from his fowl and feathers wait, that was yesterday. when duk duk comes home from his little, wait..duk duk..o snap, he  went to the lake today to visit his grandma, didn't he? sheesh, he will be there all day!...

hee hee, only seven more hours til duk duk comes home and he gets the bejeebies scared out of him! wooty hoo! wooty hoo!! :) :)

Friday, December 19, 2014

i doot the robot dachshund cutetastic :)

okay mom, we will, but can u please let us say goodbye to them first? i promise it will not take long.  

well tiny shiny representatives of our second litter of tiny robot dachshund christmas ornaments, me and duk duk just wanted to say even though we have burned the midnight poopie oil for many nights now making you, it has been a pleasure and an honor bringing you into this world so that you may bring happiness and joy hanging on the christmas trees of your new families.  and, seeing as how our time left together is very short since we will be putting you up for adoption at NOON EST today in our mom's etsy shop, me and duk duk wanted to invite the entire litter to our very special christmas party in our heat cave, where the super special disco robot dachshunds, who will also be up for adoption, are already decorating and preparing for the big send off event!!! :) :)

 (ps - have a great wooty weekend my friends and hope to smell u at noon today in my mom's etsy shop!! :) :) )


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

pbsj please :)

Wednesday is almost over, but I just couldn't let it pass without sharing a little chumley sized, bright eyed, shorty legged cheer. :)

Goodniteynite my friends and if I happen to be making a midnight snackie, may I please have a Pbsj sammie too? :)

Monday, December 15, 2014

little lapper boy

bye bye, henry gumption! thank u for visiting on my birthday weekend and helping dad clear the leaf piles out back so I do not accidentally get lost in them when I am chasing kitties and squirrels. and maybe we will c u again very very soon I hope because me and duk duk will totally need a makey break what with all the robot dachshund ornaments we need to finish! :) 

(ps - tiny chumley's blog posting might be a little more sporadic this week as we try to finish up robot doxie ornament orders and squeeze in some last minute posts to the etsy shop) :)

Friday, December 12, 2014

today i am eight :)

"....and the Antler King celebrated his eighth birthday surrounded by friends, feasting on delicious cake and sweet juicy berries til their tummies were round and full and tight as a drum..." :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

still coming pretty soon

Still busy getting things together for what I think will now probably be either a very late Wednesday night or possibly Thursday's night listing of ornaments (sorry so flaky but tiny chumley's birhday is also coming up and hoping to make him a little sumptin sumptin too tomorrow). So today just a teeny behind the scenes peek at part of my workspace when it was actually less messy than it is now, and a pic of one of the later stages of the ornament making process. And of course a picture of a little certain someone who is more than ready and waiting to send out the super doot doot dooty doot.  :)

Monday, December 8, 2014

now doot this! our first etsy book and a peek u know what :)

Hello my friends, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, happy to report to you today about half of our Etsy Christmas Wooty Project that me and duk duk have been working on for a very long time.  That's right, we wrote a teeny tiny Christmas story and turned it into a teeny tiny book! It's so tiny that you can pretty much read it in less than five minutes. You know, the length that all good books should be. Because, well, as u might be able to tell from our grades in reading this year, who has time to really read any more than that?

Anyhoo, are you ready for the great unveiling because drumroll please...

 Ta-daah! Just in time for the holidays and available now for a limited time only in my mom's Etsy shop, introducing me and duk duk's first ever book that is sure to become a treasured stinky holiday classic, ladies and gentlemen I give you, The Poop on the Stoop!!

Hee hee, yeah I know, it is so cool, right?  And yes, my friends, it is so tiny that you can hold and read it with just one paw.  Although since my legs are so short, I prefer using two paws, just so I do not accidentally roll myself.

Speaking of rolling, I had a wonderful time playing with my puppy Hank yesterday, which kind of explains why the second half of me and duk duk's Etsy Christmas Wooty Project is not ready today. But do not worry, if the sun comes out on Tuesday like the weather man thinks it will, then we can finish taking pictures and work on our Etsy listings so that our christmas ornaments will be in the shop on Tuesday or Wednesday night.  And as you might have already guessed, although there will be more couthy options available, me and duk duk made a very very special ornament to go with our story, which I will give you a tiny peek at here now.  I hope u saved room on your tree. :)

This is Baxter your roving rover reporter, tiny book author and ornament designer, wishing you a very merry Monday!