Friday, February 20, 2015

thursday was another snow day :)

hee hee now remember, mom, our foothold in the north is severely threatened by the early onset of winter. our men have only three weeks rations and a raven from castle black has indicated trouble is coming from beyond the wall.  our negotiations with little miss julia targaryen are critical and the utmost of secrecy and privacy must be upheld here in our camp. no one must know she is talking with us.

 oo, i think she is here.  will you please show her to the lovely heat cave we just finished for her,  whilst duk duk and i finish our nice cup of hot monkey chow cider? i will be along in just a minute...

mmm that's good chow...



remember, mom, do not under any circumstances listen in on our conversation.  the fate of two houses depends on the success of our negotiations.

...hee hee hee! no hit the right button and then hit the left button and..jump! juuuuump! ooo now dash..nice! oh u missed the golden ring but that's okay the giant should be along any minute and if u dash him u get like way more tear drops than...eeek - no, u fly by holding down on the jump button until u -

ummm, well mom, we plan 2 start our negotiations like, after we earn enough teardrops to buy the pink robot unicon attack armor.   does she really have to go home now?  :) 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

baxter and duk duk's super short stories: The Winter Wolf

The ferocious wolf sauntered across the icy plain, oblivious to the chill and crunch of the snow that had fallen the night before. Not much snow had really fallen, he realized, but he knew it was enough.  The yellow snow he made earlier that morning assured him of that.  He quietly chuckled as he delighted in the memory what he and his duk friend were able to write in the snow, all while keeping his wolfy nose and super spidey senses focused on the task at hand.  Rabbits were always easier to track after snowfall.  Tonight,  there would be rabbit stew. :)

Monday, February 16, 2015

cloudy with a chance of snow

nope...nope... o there i see one! aw nopies just a feather...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope
...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...o maybe!. rats nope just some dryer lint..nope...nope...nope...nope..nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope....nope...nope...

Friday, February 13, 2015

a dog and a duk walk into their school to hand out their homemade valentines...


hee hee, it sure was a good idea to make our own valentines this year, dontchoo think, duk duk?


i mean, sure it took us a lot of time to  think of what to say,  and then it took us forever to design them on the computer...

and here it is early friday morning and we are still trying to finish them up. but  a) everybuddy's who's anybuddy's bound to agree they're comedy gold, b) this year at school, we can finally give something back to all the mushy cootie contaminated girls at school, and c) we can also remind said girls about what is most important about valentine's day too.  espcially since mom will not let us bring our cootie fallout shelter 2 school. it's a win win win really, dontchoo think, duk duk?

 and,  what with us using all the right pleases and thank yous and all, well, surely we will not get in trouble with teacher for handing them out. if there is anything at all i have learned from watching house of cards, it's that manners are everything when u have something important 2 say.  anyhow, i think this was the last valentiney to cut so..

duk duk, u finish punching all the lacy stuff around the edges...

and i will start coloring all the... oh snap, is that the time i think it is? quick u get everything together and tell chocobot n lulu the tiger n lil pink puppy to be ready in three and i will....moooooooooom!

mom, sorry 2 use my outside voice but may we please have a ride to school today so we can finish our valentineys in the car?  :) :)


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

scenes from a sunday brunch with mister comedy himself :)

...forever let us hold his banner high, high, high! come along and sing along and join the jamboree, p-o-o, p-i-e, s-n-a-k-e. Poopie snaaake, Poopie snaaake!..Poopie snaaake, poopie snaaake...boy, I am glad grandypops gave me the comics to read but it sure seems like brunchy brunch is taking forever to get ready..doopie doo, doopie, I know!

hey, gramma and unkie - would u like to know what mom is making us for brunchy brunch today? 

garrrrrgh - see food!!  :) :)

hyuk hyuk hyuk! 

um, yes mom I just made an uncouthy see food joke even though I promised not to anymore, but in my defense, the opportunity was too good to pass up. :) :) 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

soupe pour un tout petit loup :)

oooOOOOooOOOOoooOOOOOooOOOoooooo! chunky chicken water!! merci, maman :) :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

service please!

hey, service please, snackie mom lady! is this thing even working? sheesh, i know we are getting ready for grandma, grandpa, and uncle's visit this weekend, but what's a pup gotta do to get a snackie around here? :) 

- baxter, 8.2 years old, on making sure his tummy's needs are known, and why he will not be able to post as much in his bloggy world until next Wednesday.

Monday, February 2, 2015

scene from a winter walkie

hee hee, no dad, it is totally real. come walkie with me over here and I will show u. :) 

Friday, January 30, 2015

doot doot doot means: boxes tonight :)

dear diary,
yippee! although I will be sad to see them go,  I am very happy that me and duk duk will finally be posting mom's Valentine's day litter of teeny tiny treasure boxes tonight because a) hopefully they will all be adopted into wonderful homes, and b) our science project is due Monday and once again we will have nothing 2 show unless mom lets us go to the aquarium to borrow the baby whale we need to film making a poopnado in our bathtub. which she said she would let us do - well, the go to the aquarium part at least - if we posted all the boxes today. which we are on schedule to do at 9:00 pm est tonight.

anyhoo, I should get going but before I do, I just wanted to tell u that I am pretty sure I now know why little miss Julia had a tiny pink cupcake in each of her hands when she visited last weekend because with a certain degree of authority I can now tell u that those cupcakes were probably quite delicious. and I can definitely tell u that mom's hands are still slightly faster than my tongue. oh well, maybe one day little miss Julia will drop one. well I hope to see u at 9pm tonight!

b. :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

doxie hear, doxie do :)

well, mom, if me and duk duk promise 2 try and get all our new teeny tiny doxie treasure boxes loaded on friday to etsy...well,  if we get all that done, do u think maybe then after that we could go to the aquarium and ask if we could borrow a baby whale? we would not have 2 keep him for very long - all we want 2 do is film him making a poopnado in the bathtub. :) :)

Monday, January 26, 2015

nosey rosie

gee, well mom, it smells okay and all but maybe next time u make coconut oil body butter, well, maybe u can leave out the rose stink all together and oh, I dunno, add some salmon, or stinky cheddar, or maybe even just a touch of bacon.  definitely bacon, and definitely no more stinky rose. :)

Friday, January 23, 2015

plumpy in pink

With each passing day, the little pink bud grew plumper and plumper, ignoring the rain and cold and frost that shriveled less committed buds.   Patience was key, the plump little pink bud knew.  One day, spring would arrive, and the little pink bud would be there to greet it.  Exploding, as he planned to do, into a giant pink and smelly blossom. :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

picture poopfect :)

hee hee, okay mom, all u have to do is hit this purple button.

but wait until duk duk hits his mark and i jump out and scare him, okay?

oh, and u might want 2 wear a gas mask, because i am pretty sure things will get pretty smelly after that :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

ode to my blue ballie number two

o my beloved blue ballie number two,
it is not often we see each other, me and you,

u smell so lovely, and u are so smooth and blue.
let's play together and have some fun,

at least til i remember, where i left number one. :)

Friday, January 16, 2015

haiku friday: o glorious sun

o glorious sun,
how i have missed u this week,
my moon says hello.

- baxter, 8.1 years old :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

scenes from the playground :)

oooh, dad!  while we are waiting for duk duk to finish catching up with his cousins at the lake, may we please stop by the playground and see if the dinosaur is free??

yess! i cannot believe how luckee we are - finally nobuddy is hogging him! 

what was that, dad? oh, yes, that is probably a good idea.  when u text him, just tell him to meet us on the playground and say it is really busy. do not say anything about the dinosaur, it will be a surprise!



hee hee - choo choo! rawwwr! choo choo!...choo choo! choo choo!...

sheesh! duk duk should be here by now.  i bet that stinky rat stopped by the boathouse and got some gummy worms without me.  he better save me some cuz once he sees what i've reserved fot us, he's gonna owe me that plus..uh oh, big dog at ten o'clock headed right this..


uh, nope, sorry this dinosaur is taken.  besides, there is only enough room left for a duk and u r like, eleventy times bigger than me. the big dog playground is over there by the lake. yeah, yeah no worries...

..poopie breath.  

oh hey, if u see a one winged duk eating gummy worms, can u please tell him to hurry up???

Monday, January 12, 2015

etsy fresh: valentines for the rest of us :)

dear diary,
Yippee! I am really glad mom has given me and duk duk more design responsibilities this year because not only did our two new Valentine's Day cards turn out supercool with pictures on the outside and the inside, but they are also the kind of Valentines we personally would be very happy to give and receive to just about everybuddy.  especially the bottom one for obvious reasons, and probably we would give mom the top one for equally obvious reasons. 

anyhoo, u can read more about these cards and pick and choose from our entire collection of Valentine's Day cards - including the i heart u, kaack,  the return of our teeny tiny pocket sized valentiney sets and more - by clicky clicking on this WORD

 or clicking here

 I hope u will consider sending some bc me and duk duk are hoping to earn enough gummy worms so we can take an evening robot electronics class. 

b. :)

Friday, January 9, 2015

winter has come

dear diary,
sometimes I think it would be nice if me and duk duk were bears so we could hibernate all winter. and that is pretty much all I have to say about yesterday, because it was very very cold. and all we did was pretend to be hibernating bears.

b. :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

safe travels :)

safe travels, madwilly, my friend! i had a wonderful time and hope u did too! oh, and next time u visit, maybe we can play another duet and u can see me and duk duk's finished project at the library! :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

shampoo :)

mom, next time I have to take a bath, instead of the stinky purple flower stuff like we used this time,  do u think maybe we can try using the shampoo me and duk duk are working on? the firsthand batch should b done fermenting any day now. :)