Monday, January 25, 2016


oooOOOooOOooooo - yessss, chocobot! the snow did not melt!
u know what that means - school is cancelled today!!

hee hee, gimme tail :)

Friday, January 22, 2016

ode to snow

i hope i will get to see,
some lovely pretty snowflakes
falling in front of me. :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

pair vs pair

what?!?!? duk duk, they totally are. o come on. u r missing a wing, not a pair of eyeballs.

nopies. nopies.  totally the same.  nopies. nopies. nope. nopies. except maybe for color, u can hardly tell them apart. they are right there, in front of us. how can u even think that they are not-

okay fine, nobuddy move. if u do not believe me, we will ask mom. but be prepared for a pounding once she tells us a wolf is right. 

moooom, can u please come here for a minute and help us settle something so duk duk can get the pounding he deserves?  oh goody, thanks for coming so soon...


hee hee, okay, be honest, mom.  they're totally the same, right? :)

Friday, January 15, 2016

a wolf must nap

Tiny chumley woke up with his usual dose of energetic sunshine, but it was quickly drained, bark after bark after bark after bark, at the HVAC maintenance man who obviously had procured no permission to trespass on a certain little wolf's sacred territory.

hee hee, i am sorry your ears are still ringing, mom, but did u see - it worked! he is gone and here we are, safe and sound. now if u will excuse me, a wolf must nap. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

last man standing

well, mom, in exchange for a ride to the candy store, me and duk duk are prepared to offer u our very last super delicious Christmas gingerbread man snackie :) 

Monday, January 11, 2016

winter is coming :)

ooooOOOooOOOOOooooOOoo! my new scandawegian super wooly viking direwolf winter dud with removable pewter ninja throwing pin turned out even better than me and duk duk's drawing, mom! :) :)

Our fall and winter has been rather mild and wet mostly, but for one lucky little wolf, hopefully there will be a few days of sunny chilly walkie weather yet to come

Friday, January 8, 2016

blah blah blah axe and light saber :)

  A nicely fitted sleeve has been my makey moby dick for ages now as far as tiny chumley's wardrobe is concerned.  Each year, I find myself pulling out the pattern I yearn to perfect, and refine it more, redrawing the shoulder line and adjusting the armscye and sleeve cap, sewing fit model after fit model to test my tweaks and futz some more.

 Late last year, the sewing gods finally saw fit to allow me achieve to my goal of sleeve nirvana.  But the irony, of course, is that I now realize that sleeves, even nicely fitted sleeves that highlight a magnificent shoulder ham, are hardly something a little wolf wants or needs when he goes on his walkies.  A little wolf needs freedom of movement when he goes out in the world, an unhindered ability to move his shorty legs upwards and downwards and every which way in between, so he can be ready at a moment's notice to chase bunnies, or run away from big noisy dogs.  Sleeves are great for jammies and dress up, but not so much for a wandering weenie wolf's walkie wear.

With old man winter finally making an appearance, this week's makey project for tiny chumley was two fold - make a simple sleek winter thermal hoodie that would allow him to walk unencumbered by bulk, and, rusty though I have been in this department, make him a new super cool winter harness that he could wear over his new cashmere duds.

 Today, a peek at part 1, Baxter's cashmere hoodie, which I made from a sleeve of a thrift store sweater for the main body, and part of the sweater's body for the hood itself, plus double fold bias binding cut from fabric I had scored long ago in the NYC garment district.  The basic concept is fairly simple and, since there are no set in sleeves, no pattern is required.  In fact, the basic concept is simply to find a cashmere sweater whose sleeve is slightly smaller in circumference than the tubular size of your pup's body.  I wanna say maybe 10-20% smaller for a nice snug fit.  Cut the sleeve off at the shoulder seam.  Then cut two slits where the arm holes should be (just cut slits, not circles else the arm holes will stretch too big).  Consider making one release cut into the cuff ribbing if the neck is tight - this will also allow for a cute turn down collar as well.  Then cut for body length as needed, and  bind all the cut edges, or leave them unfinished as I did in his first sleeve based blue sweater .
Add a hood if you'd like using a stretch stitch on your sewing machine and voila, instant winter jedi viking cashmere hoodie! :)

ps - It was cloudy all day yesterday so in the next post, a hopefully much less wordier peek at tiny chumley's awesome part 2.

hee hee, mom, speaking of jedis and vikings, next time u make me a hoodie can u please add loops so a wolf can carry a light saber and an axe? otherwise this patttern is pretty much perfect and thank u so much for making it for me:)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

tag team :)

...hee hee, oh no, a wolf is pinned down by a tiny falcon! hey, little duk duk, no fair, that tickles! here, let me get back up and i will show u -  hee hee, little duk duk, i said let me get back up and i will - 

oh hello mom. what's that? o nothing, really.  just baby sitting duk duk's cousin little duk duk and showing him a few moves while duk duk is out back preparing for tonitey nite's grand opening of our new valentine's day themed third floor north wing exhibit, "seasons of stink: a collection of accidental heart shaped poop shapes and the snake shapes that will protect u from them." u and dad got our invitation, right? it's brown tie only :)

Monday, January 4, 2016

goodbye 2015 / hello 2016 :)

Tiny dark spots on a heart shaped tummy and a snowier face and paws are how we ended this past year, the result of an aging process for nine year old, four legged little boy who, unlike his mom, knows that these are not the worrisome signs of a slower age to come, but rather a natural and welcome indication that his body has finally and seriously begun his much longed for transition to ferocious wolfhood.   I like how Baxter thinks. I like how he knows with utmost certainty that things will always work out as they need to, that love and kindness, and good friends and family are pretty much all you need in life, but that gummy worms, a magnificent poopie snake museum, serendipitous encounters with all things smelly - and sometimes a trebuchet -  make life even better.  


As our household and our family and friends both big and small continue to get older, creakier and achier, I can't begin to imagine what the coming year holds for us.  But I do know this. We will greet it with our sweet little boy-wolf and his merry band of toyfriends at our side, our pockets stuffed with gummy worms, armed with the optimisn that things will always work out as they need to.  Goodbye 2015.  Hello 2016 :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

backseat lion

well, mom, because this is the way lions do it, and next to wolves, unicorns, and sometimes falcons, lions pretty much know everything. especially about stretching out and u know, relaxing :) 

Monday, December 28, 2015

call of the wild

hee hee yeppies, mom, in addition to my super cool blue kerchief from her trip to Hawaii, miss debbi sent me this... 

it is pretty much a picture of me from the future, when my body competes its transformation into a wolf.  see? my paws are already starting to match!

but do not worry, mom, the wolf transformation process will take a while and even when I am fully transformed with a thick shaggy coat and pointy ears and even ferociouser fangs, u can still kiss me on my forehead and rub my tummy :) 

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas morning :)

well mom, because it is too warm really to wear my jammies. now may we open our presents? :) :)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

merry Christmas Eve :)

doop bee doop bee doo...doop bee doop bee doo...doop bee doop bee pooo.... doop pee poopie - mooooom, how much longer do I have to be a good boy? 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

babies in toyfriendland

yes, mom, we totally understand it is very important and promise we will not forget.  honest and for true u can count on us. sheesh, it is not like we are babies anymore...

see? we even tied an uncle billy string on my finger to help us remember, only ours is made from dried salmon skin, and smells very delicious, and.. (chomp!)


um, mom, would u mind bringing me my iphoney so i can set a reminder for that thingy u want us to do?


Monday, December 21, 2015

it came from above

whoa, duk duk, if that is what i think it is, i am glad we decided at least one of us should put on our PPE. 

legend has it that any two beings who come in even relative proximity to this object are subject its severe mind altering effects...

...ultimately causing the transmission of an epic bout of cootie contamination. :)

Friday, December 18, 2015

thank u please

 wait wait, okay I'm ready, mom...
Dear Miss Saundra, Cocoa n Emmy,
Thank you for the lovely and very funny holiday towels. Not only was it very thoughtful but I really like the detailed embroidery on it and it will be a perfect merry addition to greet our guests in the power room of me and duk duk's heat cave.  Also, I really really appreciate that u did not include any cooties on them.  I know it must be difficult, Cocoa and Emmy, on account of your naturally having lots and lots of cooties, but you did a wonderful job standing over there and me and duk duk thank u for that as well. 
Your Grateful Friend, Baxter. :)


okay, mom, i finished my thank u to miss saundra n cocoa n emmy. now can i have the treats they sent me? 

please? :) :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

the hall of spherical wonders and other three dimensional inverse conchoidal delights

hee hee yeah I know, duk duk.  we sure are lucky the little misses agreed to help us move everything otherwise it would be mushie city all over again and all our work would be ru- wait, what did u say? it's kind of hard to hear with this thing on my - oh yes, I will tell her now.  little miss Sarah! little miss Julia! me and duk duk will join u in a jiffy just as soon as I find the rest of my rain gear, but I see the rain has really picked up so if u want, just start on the hall of spherical wonders and other three dimensional inverse conchoidal delights over in the east wing because that is the lowest part of our yard and most susceptible to flooding.  :)

Monday, December 14, 2015

wolf unleashed :)

dear diary,
i am so lucky to have so many friends that wished me a wonderful ninth birthday this past weekend! in fact, as soon as my wolfiness wears off from being so excited about my super delicious meal and birthday cake and the awesome presents I got like the one below from mister Jim,  I will try and tell u more about my birthday. well, assuming my wolfiness wears off at all because I have noticed that my wolf transformation continues and white wolf hairs continue to take over my body, the longer it takes for me to revert back to my mild mannered self. duk duk thinks our special wolf and falcon powers started a result of the traumas we faced when a) jasper mistook my tushie for a sheep and bit it and b) well as for duk duk, let's just call it toyfriend club. I am not really sure of either is true but nevertheless I am simultaneously excited and curious about where this path will take us. certainly if anything, I think mom should be stocking up on more meat, because both a wolf and falcon require lots and lots of meat.

anyhoo, I hope u have a wonderful week, diary.

b :)

Saturday, December 12, 2015

today i am nine :), eight, nine!! hee hee, nine carrots. well my friends, u know what that means, today i am nine!! :) :)