Friday, June 3, 2016

popsicle season

Even though school isn't over yet, homemade popsicle season has officially begun here in our magical little household. And even though a certain tiny wolf and his best friend falcon are not always able to participate, they have, as always, found a way to make the most of things by making do. :)

hee hee, little miss Julia and dad, although I have never tasted one, I bet u r  enjoying the red popsicles I see u r eating and if so, may I highly recommend that u both come inside after and try our yellow ones next bc me and duk duk made them from the finest of all natural ingredients, if u know what I mean? oh, and try our pudding pops, too.  they are velvety delicious and this week only, filled with corn :) 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

lump sum

hee hee, sure, duk duk, no really, keep going and get all the stuff we talked about. I can wait. just do not take too long because I think pretty soon, this winning ticket is gonna pay out in one lump sum if u know what u mean. 

(pfweeeeoooOOOoot!) whoops, make that one lump sum less interest and handling fees :) 

(ps hello friends! if u r reading this and u r mister mike E, please check your etsy convo for follow up on winning the bid from our tiny auction :) ) 

Monday, May 30, 2016

unbowed, unbent, unbroken

I well, I dunno, mister carpet man. even though it fits me perfectly under foot and would be a nice addition here to my eating area, twenty five bags of gummy worms is an awful lot for this tiny piece of carpet. even if it is hand knotted and made from wool.  and besides, me and duk duk are saving up for a four hundred and fifty horsepower megacycle with spherical torque suspension, custom integrated anti gravitational hoversonic sidecar, and dual independent remote omnidirectional versa drones equipped with lab created ruby laser tech and armor piercing amberillium grappling hooks. painted in color shift micro metallic swirly brown and yellow, for obvious reasons of course.  so I am afraid I am going to have to say nopies and just get on my way because duk duk has been waiting for me forever down by the creek now and he would never forgive me if I spent any of our hard earned...wait, what??

it's a FLYING carpet?? 

mister, i will give u thirty bags of gummy worms. :) :) 

Friday, May 27, 2016

dunt dunt. dunt dunt dunt dunt.

A sleepy little wolf can hardly be bothered when I am calling him and he is roasting like a little pig in the late afternoon sun.  But bring out the first ear of his summer corn, and suddenly, I swim in shark infested waters. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

we must be gigabillionaires

the hee hee yeah duk duk, it is really small, isn't it? like, super duper tiny small. I thought it would be eleventy hundred times bigger based on the photos mom took, dontchoo duk duk?  oh hang on a sec, I think mom is saying something 2 us...

okey dokey mom, I promise me and duk duk will return it to madwilly as soon as we are finished looking at it...

boy, if this is the size mansion that millionaires built, then we must be gigabillionaires :)

Monday, May 23, 2016

rideys in cars for ice cream in the laps of little friends :)

hee hee hee, punch poopie brown no stink back, eleven o'clock by the fire hydrant!! :) 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

little wolfberry

hee hee, sorry but nopies - there is nobuddy here but us strawberries really. maybe the ferocious wolf u r looking for is off hunting rabbits :) 

Monday, May 16, 2016

a tiny auction for lily belle :)

Ladeeez and gentlewolves! Step right up and do not be shy, today u r invited to a most spectacular 3-items-in-1-lot auction being held to benefit our faithful friend who does not mind standing over there but keeps following and commenting on our blog anyway, the lovely black and tan Lily Belle from!

Me and duk duk of course do not know all the details because it requires a lot of reading,  but suffice it to say our dad helps keep us up to speed and we know that Lily Belle and her family have gone thru a lot in recent years, like losing her grandypops, her dad having very serious health problems, and the most recent thing being Lily Belle's bout with cancer, which yay she beat! But which u and me both know means there are lots of bills 2 pay.  Lots of bills 2 pay.  

So miss Agnes, another longtime blogfriend from decided to help by setting up a fundraising auction on facebook with items donated by friends.  But with me being in jail,  me and duk duk could not do anything til now.  And since we are late, we thought we would post our own tiny auction here in our blog world, where it all started, before all the newfangled facebooky and instygram and twitter and all that sort of stuff.   And where u can bid without having a required ID of any sort, so long as u identify yourself in your anonymous post so we can name a winner and contact u via email at the close of the auction, and u have a PayPal,  so u can pay and we can print the shipping label and make sure the funds to to her family. Okay, so where was I?  Okay..

Ladeez and gentlewolves! Up for your consideration and to benefit the lovely Lily Belle, this spectacular lot of three highly desirable weenie wolf themed items is yours if you are the highest bidder in the comments section of this blog post at end of day 5.30.2016! The winner of this lot will receive...

..this amazing and rare wolf plushie originally handed out at some convention that my neighbor went to but name of which escapes me because i was too busy barking at him to hear what he was saying...

...these super cute and lovely weenie bunny themed 100% cotton dish towels by cynthia rowley,  which I can personally attest to being super absorbent because our own set has cleaned up many a spill that me and duk duk would prefer mom not know about...

...and these awesome and incredibly cool boxed set of weenie wolf sticky notes, enough for 600 ideas, messages, place holders, and or general sticky note fun! (just do not expect to click a button 2 share what u write on them to something like facebook or instygram unless u take a photo of it first, bc these are pretty old school.  like, u literally just stick them on something. like maybe your jail wall or to keep your place in a paper book, or on a bag of gummy worms u do not want your best friend 2 eat because they are yours and not his and he won them fair and square, which now makes me glad mom gave us our very own set too come to think of it)...

Anyhoo, the simple terms...

1) Bidder must have a valid Paypal account to facilitate payment and shipping.

2) Your bid will cover these three items offered all together as a single lot.  The opening bid starts at $8.00

3) Please make your bid via comments made to this blog post on (ie, not facebook or twitter or IG). 

4) To keep anonymous comment bids distinct, be sure to leave a unique way to identify yourself  (for instance, we have like, a lot of friends named sarah so u could be Sarah I like Poopies, or Sarah D Poopies, or  Sarah & whatever your wolves' names are)

5) Me and duk duk will cover shipping for US destinations.  International shipping will be charged at actual shipping cost which I can figure out beforehand if anyone would like to know for their country.
6) This auction runs from now to the end of day 5/30/2016, with highest bid winner identified by comment time stamp. Me and duk duk will name the winner, and unless we already know your contact info because say u ordered something from our etsy shop, the winner should please email us at dukdukdoxie at gmail dot com so we can exchange details and such :)

Happy bidding my friends!:) :)

UPDATE 5/17/2016: thank u so much for bidding and if u would alternative like to donate funds directly please email me at dukdukdoxie at gmail dot com and k can send you the direct donation info once I have it :) 

Friday, May 13, 2016

etsy fresh: Flower Power Happy Hound Doxie Birthday Hats are back!!

Woohoo! This year's girly floral batch of happy hound doxie birthday hats are finally in the Etsy shop, with more wolfy boy and tomboy ones to follow hopefully in a few weeks. The format for the listings are slightly different this year.  There are three different U Pick listings - 12 floral hats in total (flowerbatch 1, flowerbatch 2, and flowerbatch 3) which seem only fitting since they are flower hats and flowers of course were meant to be picked! 

As supplies last and time permits, I hope I can update the listings with tiny chumley modeling them, but for the near future at least, the little kielbasa will continue serving in a supervisory role here in makey world, baking in the sun and emitting the fragrance of fresh baked foofies and frito pie.  :)

hee hee, mom, that's right, u just keep making things and i will just fall a..i will just fall...i..will...zzzzzzzzz :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

rampy time

A pair of ramps for the little kielbasa have been the priority in makey world, a project that I hope will ease the stress on a tiny ferocious little wolf's body and expand his world while keeping us safe from trips over the gates we would otherwise use to restrict encounters with steps and stairs. The rundown on the pair of ramps goes something like this - 
2 - 3 ft-ish x 11" wood boards from Habitat Restore ($1.50)
3 - 2x2 carpet squares from Ollies ($6.00)
Double sided carpet tape from Lowes ($6.00)

Stuff I already had on hand (misc wood for rails and support joists, primer paint, sanding stuff, random screws)

Stuff I thought I had on hand but had to buy (wood putty $3, finish coat paint which was sadly $17 bc I couldn't find white high gloss at the Restore and store samples are only offered it seems in satin finish)

Cutting and building Labor from tiny chumley's Unkie D who happens to be visiting us (priceless)

With any luck, these ramps will be of good use for many years to come, once tiny chumley is completely healed from his most recent bout with pain and other things that keep a wolf from feeling completely like himself. :) 

ooo mom, I know I am still healing but maybe this weekend me and duk duk can still use my new ramps and we can play poopsie daisy on them? :) :)

Monday, May 9, 2016


Here's a peek today at a special little project tiny chumley helped me with, some time before he was sentenced to county jail and subsequently sprung free on Friday.  They're peonies for a friend, made from coffee filters, and a generous helping of makey luck.

wait, mom, r u sure they are pee-O-knees? because, well, maybe miss marene better not smell the one we sent her, if u know what i mean :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


whoa, duk duk, déjá vu . :) #jedilaserlightsabertherapyagaintoday

Monday, May 2, 2016

laser light saber therapy: return of the stink eye

dear diary, 
my laser light saber training has gone very well and quite frankly i am not certain why it took luke skywalker like forever plus the loss of his hand before he became a Jedi. I just finished my third laser treatment this past Sunday and already I feel the force coursing through my body in such an abundance that I can hardly contain myself. which maybe explains why mom opened the window, come to think of it. and why it is still open. becaus, well sometimes when u r supercharged with the force, the force just squeaks out of u even when u r sleeping, if u know what I mean.  

anyhoo, after my Jedi session, it was time to go back to jail and so me and duk duk spent the afternoon playing with graphics on one of the pictures mom took so we could send it to Doctor miss Erin after we finished. today I thought I would show u a progression of the design work we did and if u squint at the tiny pictures u can see how we added and tweaked certain very simple elements to create an asymmetric image that still feels very balanced, fresh, and appropriate for the subject matter at hand. u know, in a red lines are lasers kapow pow ping ping pew pew sort of way. well within reason bc when we added even more lines it just started 2 look like string art so we scaled it back a little. . 

okay so right now my tummy says I have to work on my mind manipulation skills so for now I bid u a fond..

b :)

ps - in case u did not know what I mean, laser therapy does not give u gas. but the incredibly tiny and delicious salmon flavored snackie bits your mom gives u to stay still while u r getting Jedi laser light saber therapy in your yellow duckie bun crate bed just might :)

Friday, April 29, 2016

light saber therapy

dear diary,
even though things have been pretty boring in jail, things sometimes can get interesting.  like when I heard mom and dad signed me up for laser therapy.  at first i thought it would be all light sabers and jedi fighting, but nopies.  and then i thought it would be like, all laser guns and han solo running and stuff, but nopies.  mostly, i just have to sit still while doctor miss Erin waves her magic red eyeball wand all over my spine.  well, i think it is red but i cannot tell u for sure since i am not supposed to really look at it which is why i am wearing doggles.  all in all, it is not nearly as scary as i thought it would be, which is why me and duk duk decided to add our own super cool sound effects to the video we made of me getting my second treatment.    i hope u like it.

b. )

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

post twits :)

wow, duk duk, u r right. this is really archaic. they call these post its but u cannot even link these to an alarmed calendar event much less set a hyperlink to your Instagram or Twitter feed. 

it's like, yeah they are post-its, but post it where? post it on your blog? nopies. post it on your Pinterest? nopies. post it to your etsy shop? nopies. post it on your linked in? nopies.

I guess once u r done say like writing a reminder or drawing an awesome poopie snake, then u can post them on your wall but not even like, your Facebook wall. so like, u literally just post them to your wall. literally. with no likes or anything later.  it's crazy, right?

yeppies, duk duk, I think u r right. it is a sacrifice we will have to make. let me ask her...

mom, a) thank u very much for these lovely post its u found at homegoods, b) we are sorry we used your credit card without asking and c) well, for as long as I am in jail, if me and duk duk promise never to do it again and promise to stay off amazon and stop setting up Amazon Subscribe and Save orders for gummy worms and possibly other items u may or may not have realized we have already set to convenient auto delivery every two weeks, well, if we promise all that, do u think we maybe might can have my iPad mini back? :)

Monday, April 25, 2016

ob-la-di, ob-la-da

Despite his time in jail, life goes on for a little kielbasa and his toyfriend, especially with help from the springtime scents wafting in from an open window :)

hee hee, duk duk did u smell that? i think the stinky bassets ate turkey and cheese yesterday. no wait (sniff sniff). hee hee sorry, the turkey was me.  (pffewweeooooop! sniff sniff) hee hee, yep, definitely me. :)

Friday, April 22, 2016

everything is orange

hee hee, whoa, duk duk, r u sure we are not on a merry go round because everything looks so orange and swirly now. :) #byebyegabapentin #hellovalium #jaildaynumero5 #donotworryitisreallynotsoorangeorswirly 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

jail break

Yesterday a certain little wolf received a scolding. If I could turn back time, I would know now to react differently, but when I heard his little whimper yelps from a room away, my heart sank. The little kielbasa had been doing fine all morning.  Now off the Gabapentin he was prescribed for pain at the emergency hospital, he was happier,  skippier,  and his tail much more waggy.  And he was surprisingly content to lie in the cradle of his little red bun crate, sunning by an open window in an xpen contained space that allowed me to work nearby, yet also sit with him on occasion to enjoy each other's company.  Orders were filled, emails answered. Noon arrived quickly.

"Stay here, my little friend," I told him as I caressed the warm soft fur of his sun warmed face. "It's time for lunchy lunch. I will be right back with both our lunches and they will be very delicious and we can eat them together right here!   Do not go anywhere.  Stay right here and I will be back very shortly." A kiss on his forehead sealed our deal, and I climbed out of tiny chumley's little jail.  

I had been gone for two and a half  minutes when I heard his painful squeaks over the hum of our microwave. Feelings of dread and worry and wonder fueled my fears as I made my way back to the living room.   Did he turn too fast in bed? Did something fall? How bad will it - 

The distance I had expected to dash was halved when I found the little kielbasa on the opposite side of his golden prison, shaken and still on the rebound from his painful event,  with sad little droopy ears and a furrowed forehead and tail now no longer happy as it had been only moments ago. My little wolf had found a weakness in his makeshift prison cell, and successfully shimmied his way to freedom by way of a low lying pathway under my cutting table.  
The giant gasp I let out foreshadowed for tiny chumley an imminent shower of disapproval.  "Naughty!" I scolded him, "So naughty!" tiny chumley's body shrank under the weight of the words that flowed, his brown eyes seemingly getting moister and sorrier, and little head melting into floor with each word I uttered.   After my brief scolding, I swiftly but carefully returned him to the safety of his improved gilded cage. 

Thankfully, tiny chumley seems physically and emotionally no worse for wear.  But I remain scarred by the experience, feeling careless and stupid for not having checked for the weakness in his cell, feeling frustrated for being able to comfort tiny chumley in familiar ways, and most of all, feeling awful for having scolded a sweet little wolf who was only trying to make way to his mom. 

Scars of this nature are an unusual thing. They can forever burden us and lock us in a world of insecurity and isolation. Or we can become stronger for having earned them, and use them as lessons to guide us into becoming better, more compassionate soulsI have learned a lot from having a sweet little wolf in the house.  And I promise I will learn some more. :)

Monday, April 18, 2016

the balloon in the room

Here's a not so well kept secret. I don't like balloons.  It doesn't matter if they are made from rubber or mylar, long or short, tied up into some supercool shape, or so round and over inflated that they are as transparent as my displeasure with them.  No matter how vibrantly colored or happy the message printed on them, balloons for me are the bringer of cartoon scribble cloud storms on an otherwise happy go lucky day. 

It's the anticipation and the unpleasantries of the pop that make me cringe enough to say or do something outside my normal laissez faire existence.   I am that person who is lucky enough to be married to that big boyfriend who will fetch earplugs from the car so we can eat in peace amidst the minefield mix of  Red Robin burgers, balloons, careless children, and hot overhead lights.  I am that person who made Little Madwilly and her brother Takato leave their free helium filled balloon scores behind at the grocery store, lest they become the featured story on the six o'clock news, abandoned as they would have been right there in the parking lot.  When balloons are in the room, I like to do something about it.  I must do something about it.

When tiny chumley first exhibited signs of IVDD, I approached his condition pretty much the same as I do with balloons in the room, only perhaps with an understandably larger dose of worry and urgency. No, I did not put him in the trunk like I did with my nephew's clown-tied balloon sword, nor would I ever even consider threatening him with abandonment in a parking lot.  But much like the problem of having a balloon in the room, I wanted the problem resolved. I wanted him better, fixed forever.   But alas it's not like that for little wolves born with unusually long spines and gnarled short legs. Despite the measures we take to minimize risk, flare ups can and will occasionally happen.

Careful everyday handling, conservative medical management, and quiet time to heal have thus far kept Baxter's balloon from popping, but when the yelps came back on Sunday with mild symptoms slightly different than those we usually see with neck flare ups, it was time to push the reset button and understand if a new balloon had entered the room.

Long story short, there isn't an clear answer yet, which in many ways is a better sign than if it were. After a visit to the emergency vet on Sunday where tiny chumley sat quietly for hours in his little red bun crate and never once yelped under examination, and a barkier visit today with Baxter's regular mobile vet, still with no yelping but with noted concern at how his hind legs were positioning themselves when he walked and turned, we are waiting to see what more there is to see.  Unless things take a severe turn, surgery is not imminent or overtly indicated. A day must pass to let the woozy side effects of gabapentin run through his system.  Another video must be made of him doing the hind leg knuckle test, and walking, turning to the left and right to see what his little hiney legs are up to. And then we go from there.

Aside from their actual passing, I can think of nothing more troubling to little wolf ownership than when our little ones are medically compromised.   But it's a balloon in the room that I will gladly endure, time and time again.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mother's Day is May 8th :)

tiny chumley's voice in the cyber world will be in whispers for the next few days, due mostly to the social demands of the real world and random walls in our house that desperately need painting. hopefully, things will come together quickly, and we will be back on schedule next week.  

in the meanwhile, with Mother's Day now less than a month away, please feel free to visit our little etsy shop to spy and score tiny chumley's latest and very royally cute Mother's Day card :) 

hee hee, mom, well, I know I just had one but when we are done with all our work this week, well do u think maybe we can celebrate with more frenchy fries?