Thursday, December 3, 2009

the six stages of super effective dachshunds

Well hello there. My name is Baxter Carnegie, award winning author of such best sellers as "Cuteness and Cunning: Making it Work for You" and "Mastering Your Master: Three Easy Steps to Success". I'm here to tell you about my new book, "The Six Stages of Super Effective Dachshunds". Tired of having to work for your food? Just rescued and not sure of where you stand with your humans? Is your Timmy making you do tricks for toys? Whether you're new to your family situation or just need a little help training your old humans new tricks, I want to show you how to stop the toy taunting and get what you want from your humans. Quickly. Effortlessly. All using the skills you already have.

Now, I wish I could share everything I've learned in the time we have together, but we can't. Here's a peek at the six stages we will discuss that will help you become more effective in getting your way: curiosity, attentiveness, bargaining, barking, persistence, and victory. Yes that's right, my cohesive plan always ends in victory.

So whether you're looking to play with your new Christmas toyfriend three weeks early, or just want to be fed from the dinner table, make sure to order your copy of "The Six Stages of Super Effective Dachshunds" today.

Thanks for your time. My name is Baxter Carnegie, and I want to help you become a better dog.


Sheila said...

Congrats on your book, Baxter! I'm sure Bonnie & Reno would love to read your book to sharpen their skills. Will you be doing any appearances and book signings?

Sending you a rub on the belly and a scratch behind the ears.

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Ginger and Chip are hoping that Santa Paws will bring them a signed copy for Christmas!!!!

old lady said...

Hope it's available for the Kindle! Rhett is *very* tech savy! (Then we can get it faster!)

Rowdy and Bette said...

We'll be next in line for a signed copy. And your mom keeps a nice home.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
I always get what I want without doing any tricks but sure it will be interesting to read your book so I could know if I am doing it well!
Kisses and hugs

kalyxcorn said...

oooh all good suggestions. maybe I can get duk duk to help me with all that tech stuff cuz he's got an iphone and all i got is a blackberry.

my mom says the key to looking like you keep a nice home is to keep the photo angle nice n tight and the lighting low so people don't see all the dust or the piles of laundry just out of frame!


chloejessica said...

I love this! Baxter is so cute & wise! :)

Cole said...

Oh, can I get a pawtigraphed copy?