smile, my mom asked me.
but instead i made a yawn
that scared even me.
- baxter, 3.1 years old, reconsidering his notion to pursue a career as lion under the big top.
Class is fun despite being a fish out of water. Funny how the ideas start to flow. I may not be enamelling flowers yet, but I can't wait to enamel some funky dog tags if I can convince somebody to punch some holes for me! :) No burns or nicks yet, but a few close calls yesterday. Cell phone reception is horrible, making for awful conversations with Big Boyfriend, so here I say, all my love and I miss you! (I would tell that to tiny boyfriend, too, but even though he can write, he can't read yet! :0 )
Glad class is coming along. Can't wait for pictures.
Dog tags? When will we see them on etsy?
career lion guaranteed! Applause ...
Ferocious, Baxter, you are Ferocious! Kate & Allie
You scared me too, Baxter!
Glad your mom is enjoying the class!
Kisses and hugs
dog tags? today! don't judge too harshly. my ideas are way more expansive than the colors of enamel and the tools and time and my skill set allows for at the moment! i really wish I brought my alphabet metal stamp set!! letters under transparent enamel? coolness, I just know it!!
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