Tuesday, July 13, 2010

mayhem and modeling

Monday morning mayhem at our household, thanks to amorous bunnies that chose to court each other in the yard across from us, in plain sight from every front window in the house, visible by a certain little doxie who likes to peer out all these windows in search of exactly such serendipitous moments. A moment too good to let go, we figured, and Big Boyfriend quickly got his shoes on and suited up Baxter with harness and leash.

Seconds later, the scene in our driveway was filled with a blur of orange and the sound of high pitched yippy yips as Baxter and his dad did their best to try and catch up with their prey, to no avail.

Two more times did the bunny merry-go-hunt go round before life called us back to our chores for the day. A fine, exhilarating morning for our little boy, who still peered ever so hopefully out the front door while he patiently posed in Sabrina's new fleecy flannely hand dyed orange and navy winter duds.

Just you wait til I'm done helping my mom and I'm back in my own duds, you mean ol bunnies. Just you wait.


Lorenza said...

Sure you had a busy day!
Those bunnies!
Sabrina's dud is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

Sandra said...

Haha! Those scandalous little bunnies. Courting right in front of your face! The nerve I tell ya! You show them what's what Baxter.

Flash, Alven and Dottie

Taffy said...

You show those bunnies who is boss! Wouldn't it be great if you could catch em just once? I don't know if I told you this before or not (probably not) but when my mom had Max she said he would catch all kinds of things. Birds, squirrels, and jack rabbits....not bunnies....big white jack rabbits. Mom says she will never forget looking out the back door and seeing Max running triumphantly through the yard with half the jack rabbit in his mouth. (You don't want to know where the other half was). Hope that wasn't TMI!

DoMoFi said...

Bunnies hunting! Must be fun!! ^^

Anonymous said...

Hey--you need some Syracuse Orangemen duds, too! Keep the bunnies in sight--you will get them Bax! Kate & Allie

kalyxcorn said...

hi lorenza! hee - morning walkies, no amorous bunnies today! i am not sure whether i should be happy i chased them off cuz there was nuttin to chase today. boo hoo. maybe 2night!

holey moley twix! i have held baby bunnies in my mouth before but still don't quite know what do with them. but now maybe...ooo...now i have to decide if i would do that or would rather kiss my mom, cuz mom says i can't do both!

hi dodo n momo n kate n allie n flash n alven n dottie!!

toodles, b

Alli and Frankie said...

Get em, Baxter! :)