Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Okay, let's be clear. Big Boyfriend and I are not early adopters of technology. Cell phones? We bought our first ones ever in 2002, after a car headed in the opposite direction crossed the center line and introduced me to a world in which immediate access to 911 might indeed be a good thing. Emergencies only, that's all we need these things for when we got our first pair of phones. Except maybe for also dialing long distance family and friends, since we were paying for the minutes anyway.

We soldiered on with our little black and white screened flip phones for the next seven years, ignoring the lure of colored screens, and texting, and taking tiny pictures, and playing music on our phones, and watching tiny television shows.  Cuz geez, a phone's a phone. Where exactly other than home am I going to be that I need to listen to music? And who wants to spend their time squinting at video on a tiny Barbie sized screen anyway?

We probably would have held on to our first phones even longer, but the promise of better quality calls and the practical application of hands free bluetooth technology finally won us over in 2009. Yeah baby, we were gonna be set for maybe a decade this time, what with our voice + 300 texts a month plan and me with my cool querty keypad flip phone that would let me text to the only three people I knew who actually knew how to text back.  Poo on you, Apple and all you smartphone makers out there. I don't need a drink from your hipster doogan kool-aid. App schmapp.

And yeah, as you might imagine, I should have known better, and I blame it all on the little kielbasa. Because now here I sit, enthralled with the thought of being able to peek in on tiny chumley when I am away from the house, just like Kona's mom does to her little one. I am excited about the thought of unchaining Big Boyfriend from his laptop so that he can enjoy some time out in the fresh air as part of our pack, yet still be the responsible bacon bringer that he is whenever he is called upon to be so. And I like that I can stay connected with Baxter's little world and even update it if necessary, all from the palm of my 4G fueled hand, wherever I am, without worry of lugging around a laptop in places I'd rather not take it.  Today, I am proud to say that I am willing to be dragged into the 21st century, and I blame it all on my tiny furry beast, my four year old dachshund who spends most of his days sleeping and digging and playing with duks. My little boy Baxter, the light of our lives, and now, bringer of technology.

Home alone? Never fear, baby dog. Mom & Dad will always be watching over you. :)


Jiorji said...

i love your new banner photo! so cute with his little coat!

and i hope that's not your # there :\

phones are silly these days. it's like you won't watch tv on a medium sized screen....nothing less of 42" but they LOVE watching videos on tiny 5 INCH screens. makes sense.!?!? i don't know. not to me. only thing that i get sold on is unlimited texting. SIGN ME UP!!!! :D

and i find it so funny to see people holding up their phones to take pictures HAHAH

M.A said...

Squeee! Welcome to the 21st century! I am so glad I had to twist your arm to get you into the 21st century! :-)

I am telling you, you will not regret it. I love being able to check on the little one while we're away from home. It is totally worth it!

Plus, plus, plus, you can post stuff on your blog with the pics you take of Bax on your phone! No more messing around with dowloading pics on the computer and such! You will looove it!

I frequently check on my fave blogs like yours on my iphone too!

Can you tell I'm excited?!?! :-)

HH and The Boys said...

woo hooo... technology. Blogging from afar! HH resists and now can't imagine life without her Droid... Me, I still write by paw.

pawhugs, Max

The Red Dachshund said...

Haha! Just wait, soon you will be wanting to upgrade to a new phone every six months!

wanlai2001 said...

Oh indeed they are bringer of technology. I bought my iPhone so that I could take thousands of photos and videos of Odie, upload to youtube, email, facebook, or simply adore his cute face while travelling to & fro work :)

kalyxcorn said...

hee, hee, no thankfully that is not my mom's number, miss jiorji. i guess my mom is showing her age cuz that's a song! watch it here but be warned, it could burn into your brain for days! (okay, the song is a lot better if you're a goofy teen blasting it in your car)

oh yes miss maryanne, i'm so excited too! but boo hoo, mom says we have to wait at least a month to get the new phones cuz of some upgrade thingy, and of course we gots to make sure we can fit the extra monthly charge for the upgraded plan into our budget! maybe i should start up a part time doxie delivery & messenger service to help out! or work at starbucks!

hey max, did u see THIS? Hee hee, if they make that, I so want a kitty shaped bed!

uh oh red dachhund, really? cuz mom is only now starting to "get" this whole upgrade thing. but somehow like they weren't eligible til now, two years after they got their last phones!

hee, hee, I love Odie! I didn't realize he had a you tube! Me so wanna watch! :)

Alicia said...

"Jenny, Jenny who can I turn too?!"

I still have a very old flip top cell phone, and I couldn't text if you held a fudgy brownie out as a reward. I often forget to charge it, and never answer while driving because nothing has proven to be so important at that moment. In my world, nobody phones until I'm in the bathroom and the phone isn't going there!
I see so many folks staring at little screens while the world goes by. Kids don't interact much in reality, but "chat" using misspelled shortcuts. Yikes!

Yeah, I'm old fashioned. Hand written notes, eye contact, digging in the yard while Oskar suns his tummy. Listening to XM channel 44...really loud.

Does anyone know Jenny's area code? We got some catchin' up to do...

firstyouleap said...

867530nieeeine "can't you hear it"
yes, it's stuck in my head. I love checking in on my android, had to go with that cause my old fingers just can't get along with the screen's keyboard. The slide works great for me.
I got mine in July before my provider had 4G and now I'm already having 4Genvy--I'm going nuts.

Kyley and Ammo the Dachshund said...

wahoo....you and me both! haha. I was super excited about the fact that I could update Ammo's facebook page with the click of a button while I'm at the farm. :) gotta love technology!

kalyxcorn said...

Funny, Alicia, I prefer emails to phone convos and I have fallen to many a poorly structured sentence and awful shorthand grammar since blogging, yet I totally agree that kids need a firm foundation of real world experience before messin with all this junk. It's funny when you know the difference, sad if you don't! And even worse if one's social education is built purely off of what u find on a tiny 3 inch postage stamp sized screen.

Oh yes, Jeeves. 4G me! I sure hope Jenny doesn't change her number before we get our phones..

Hee, Ammo, I hear ya! Now if only that thing could make the snow go away...!

Sandra said...

It was the ability to take better pictures of the pups, blog about them, and share those pictures, that finally convinced me to get a smart phone too. Oh the power these pups have over us!


Lorenza said...

Hmmm.... My mom does not want to change her cellphone... She even had a very fancy one and she gave it to my auntie then she bought a very simple one!
Kisses and hugs

Rowdy and Bette said...

You're a lucky dog Baxter. Sigh. Our dad is still living in the 1930's.