By early afternoon, the little kielbasa had given up all hope of extra snackie love, and retired to his kitty perch to warm his sausagey body and his rumbly little tummy.
Seeing that this little wiener dog was sound asleep by the time I finished sewing, I figured I would quietly go upstairs with my freshly made purse to take a few simple pics to submit with an upcoming show application.
But no sooner had I gotten to our bedroom did I hear the the thunder of little paws. Baxter skidded into my feet, and a tiny trailing wind caught up shortly thereafter, stirring up dust that glinted in the afternoon sun.
u weren't gonna take pictures without me, were u, mom?? he seemed to happily inquire as he sniffed about the things I brought upstairs.
And just like that, things took an interesting turn for the both of us. :)
Oh me oh my. I MUST have that purse! (or one like it.) If you are going to be selling them, will you email me? geekgirlunveiled at gmail dot com
Love the purse! Will they be on Etsy????
Well you know I love the purse but is it bad to say I want those glasses something fierce? :)
Does Bax boyfriend know that Duk Duk is going to post this uber girly photo all over the place as revenge? :)
LOVE the purse! and leave it Hannaei to expect the Duk Duk to get revenge-ove that girl!
That's a wonderful purse and a wonderful photo. Baxter, I imagine you're a great salesman for your mom.
pawhugs, Max
DANG that's cute ... the purse, the picture ... the BAXTER!
Do you have any more of that pink flower fabric? I hope you bought a lot of that. I'd love one of your fantastic bags in that fabric... in fact, I was using one of your bags as a tote just last night! (and it brought me luck)
I must admit, the first thought that jumped into my head was the Psychedelic Furs song by the same name, and the song is now stuck in my head. Anyway, the picture...yeah, psychedelic fur. A great look Baxter, but the lovely purse may be too cumbersome for you to carry!
Love the frames.
oooh, hello world! let's see, in comment order...
hi miss stacey! my mom says sure thing. she is not quite sure when yet. she wants to make a lot more purses to make sure she has enough for shows and also needs to order shipping boxes and packaging so they can be offered on etsy/sold thru the mail. but totally!! :)
hi design girl! totally probably yes! mom wants to make a lot more purses for shows, and she needs to order boxes and stuff in order to be able to offer them on etsy. ooh, deja vu. anways yeah sometime this spring or summer it'll hopefully all have sorted out so stay tuned!
ha ha, miss hannalei, u and mom both! this pair is actually thrift store, but like made in china recently sunglasses. but she is so hoping to find like a real vintagey retro pair sometime!! you shoulda seen her drilling and hammering out the lenses! mom thinks i should also have a ton of colored pairs and i must say after having seen these pictures i would agree!
hee hee, miss annie & hannalei - duk duk knows by now that me dressin up like a girl ain't no big thang. but i can't tell u what would really get me back cuz then he would know!!
hi miss bludog! mom says sure do. any size/shape preferences? and yay, so glad u got lucky!! when is break??
oh miss alicia, mom says she is such a product of the 80s music! And that movie was on just the other day! oh, the purse? well u see, i am sure i wuold find a way to carry it if it were full of snackies, no problemo!!
happy friday everybuddy!!! :)
Adorable picture... is it going to become a card next? :)
Adorable picture... Pink is beautiful...Kisses, Fer & Pink
hee hee,u never know miss forestfaery - possibly! mom has a few other shots in mind, too! :)
hee hee - yes pink is beautiful, in dogge and color form!! :) hola!! :)
Yay! Well, I'm very patient, especially for things worth waiting for! :)
P.S., I hope you got some drive-thru lovin' today. Murphy and Sunny got some nibbles of fried rice. Yum, it was good!
boo hoo, nope. maybe 2morrow though! mom says she is thankful for having so many patient friends!! nighty nite!! :) b
Just found your blog...LOVE IT! And this purse is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too cute. I must have one. When will it be on etsy?
thank u mistermiss unknown! and as for the purse it might not be for a while (hey how come she says i keep her busy??) but if u convo my mom on etsy she can let u know when that day comes. :)
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