Thursday, November 10, 2011

while u were raking

why, no, mom, i was not digging while u were raking and i certainly do not need a bath. why do u ask?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Faces have been cropped to protect the guilty, but somelittlebuddy decided to sneak out the door and follow a certain somebigunclebuddy outside while the car was being packed yesterday and had to be brought back inside.

what, u mean we are all not going for rideys?? oh. well, bye bye grandma and grandpa and unclebuddy! please come again soon!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

come fly with me

hold on tight mister hippo! if a baby circus elephant can fly, surely we can, too, dontchoo think? :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

weekend update

dear diary,
yippee! my grandpa and grandma and uncle came into town this past weekend and we have been doing all sorts of fun stuff - except going 2 the flea market bcuz for some reason i could not go along with them yesterday which was a big boo hoo for me but then when mom came home she showed me what she scored and i was so happy to know that at least she was thinking of me and then everything got better bcuz then we all went to the park for a very nice walkie and i even shook hands with like a gabillion kids and showed them a few of my tricks and of course u know that meant i had lots of snackies.  so all in all it was a very very nice weekend.  how was yours, diary?

b. :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

happy meal

Hee hee hee, some days it's all about the accidental ronald macdonald look,  and the little happy meal that loves me no matter what fashion mistakes I make. :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

bowwow to your sensei

Hello! It's me, Baxter, your not so roving rover reporter. Not reporting to you today because I am training to become a luchador.  And even though it is raining out, a good luchador must train everyday. Rain or shine.  Would u like to come inside and join me?

To fight his enemy, a good luchador must be very patient and focused.

He must not let temptation distract him from his very important goals.  To defend his honor and fight for his country.  To live another day so that he may lucha again.

(blink)  (blink)...



But an even better luchador knows how to recover after he has fallen to temptation, dontchoo think?  :)

Hey mom, how do u turn the camera off?

(hee hee hee, thank u ramsay for the super delicious giant snackie and fun fun hippo toy!!!!!)

Friday, November 4, 2011

u say tomato, i say tomahhhto

ummmmmmmmmm.. the one on my right??
- baxter, 4.9 years old, during his lesson in picking tomatoes

Even though the nights here have been cool, they still haven't been cool enough to tell the little kielbasa's cherry tomato plant on the deck that it is time to say goodbye.  And so there are tiny tomatoes in various shades of green and stripey orange, all struggling to turn ripe despite the cold weather and shorter days. Struggling so hard that they sometimes exhaust themselves, and simply fall off the vine and onto the deck.

The little kielbasa has figured this out in the past week or so, and has made it his daily mission after poopies to run hurriedly back up the deck to snitch one of these fallen unripened fruits of summer, cradling it carefully inside his mouth like a little green treasure and hoping that nobody will notice his bounty as he brings it back inside to enjoy in the quiet darkness of under the kitchen table.  Only to be disappointed that his tomato was much ickier than the ones he remembered tasting only a few weeks ago.

Cute, I know.  But this is my little poppin fresh funnabun we're talkin about here.  Whose forefathers before him without any training at all knew exactly when to snitch a tomato off their plant, even after they went blind.   They would be appalled that tiny chumley didn't apply more discretion to his deck farm to under table endeavors. 

So yesterday afternoon when tiny chumley raced in front of me and darted up the stairs to snitch yet another fallen unripe tomato, I figured it was time to make things right.  Time to teach my boy.  I went back inside and brought out a grape tomato from a box I just purchased from Aldi.  Not exactly summer sweet, but better than an orange tiny ball.   I sat him down and let him carefully sniff each one from my hand. 

"See baby dog?  This is the one u want.  Okay now you do it.  Ready? Now which one?", I asked Baxter as I put both tomatoes down for him to choose.  Baxter looked down, and then looked up.  Waiting.  "It's okay, you can do it." 

Baxter briefly paused before coming up with his own very special answer.  

which one? how bout BOTH??, his tummy proclaimed before his mouth took care of the rest.

And thus ended my lesson for the day.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

gimme gimmme gimme gimme

ooo mom, what's dat?

well baby dog, it's a package for you from oski and miss elissa.


a package? for ME?
 oooo gimme gimme gimme gimme!

 baby dog, there is a card. i think you should read it first, don't you?

oh okay.  very pretty! (sniff sniff)  for baxter. 


yep, it's mine!! let's open the present now, yes??

okay okay okay.  you can read it later. keep your fur on, little friend.

oooOOOOoooOOoooOOOOOooooooo! nobuddy has ever knitted me anything before!  me loves the color and texture and looky looKYYY - cowboy hat and boot buttons and my very own initial b!!! everything i could ever want! do u think miss elissa and oskie live inside my head, cuz how would they know how much i would love this?  mom, can u please hurry up and sew on the velcro like miss elissa said u could so i can wear it to school 2morrow? i know the safety pins are only temporary and i promise i will not wiggle so much so that way u can fit me properly. 

yes baby dog, but first what do u say?

thank u very much miss elissa and oski!  and even though i would be afraid of your brother and sister bcuz they are pugs and pugs make scary noises, thank u too joey n sissy!!! :) :) :) hey mom do u know where duk duk is? he so has gotta see me in this!! bye bye!! :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


dear diary,
well diary, as i mentioned on facebook, halloween was a bust bcuz it rained and did not stop til 6:50 in the evening and mom said we could only be out til 7:00 and that would only give us like, 10 minutes to trick or treat, and bcuz it was cold out mom decided we should not go at all even though we found baggies for our heads n everything. and then to add insult 2 injury i tried 2 bring my costume 2 school 2day but as i did not want 2 get it wet i put it in my backpack which meant of course i had to goto school nakey nakey which teacher did not appreciate at all and that got me an early ride home where i thought i was gonna be bummed n bored all day.

but then no sooner did i get home than mom gave me this super cool present from stitch (do not tell mom but i am actually looking forward 2 my next bath so i can use it!) and i got to help her make stitch's new yummy yummy sushi duds !

and mom said since we still had halloween candy left that dad did not pass out,  that me n duk duk could have it and even though it is not the candy we like it tastes much better in monkey chow milkshakes and in fact it makes our breath stink too so double bonus! and when i texted chocobot he said he thinks there might be a way to turn it into cotton candy and if so triple bonus cuz then we can ask mom to stuff the turkey with it for thanksgiving the way chocobot says his grandma does it at her house!  so all in all even though me n duk duk did not get to go trick or treating, do not feel sorry for us diary bcuz in the end it all worked out, even if we cannot trade candy for poopie snakes with the kids at school.

well diary i must go now and take the pedal car to pick up chocobot and lil pink puppy from princess fairy camp so i will talk to 2 later! :)

b. :)


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


dear diary,
i am writing u early today because tonight is halloween and of course u already know that me n duk duk are going trick or treating. but what u do not know diary is that it might rain and so me n duk duk have been watching the weather very carefully and hope very much that our halloween is not rained out, especially because mom n dad got candy that we do not like and we were really hoping to get gummy worms and super sour spray and war heads so we can trade with the other kids at school for cool stuff like poopie snakes. (hee hee, yeah, i know. poopie snakes for candy? the kids at school are such suckers! but i will save that story for another day.)

anyhoo diary, sometime later tomorrow maybe i will tell u how our halloween really went. right now i must help duk duk find a bag big enough for our sign so we can keep it dry because the baggies we found 4 our heads are way too small.

b. :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

happy halloween: the little luchador

hee hee hee, i know everything is really cool, right chocobot? me n duk duk googled the translation and made our sign and mom fit me and found some leather and suede to make my luchador mask and gauntlets n everything!  i am so excited - we are totally ready for halloween!

too bad u and lil pink puppy cannot join us 2nite to go trick or treating but i know u have been looking forward to princess fairy camp for like, forever!  and if it is going 2 be cold out and mom makes me wear my hoodie at least i can stuff more candy in my pockets since u will not be there to help pull the wagon bcuz me n duk duk are totally going to ask for more treats so we can all share when u get back. 

ooh hey b4 u leave can u take a picture of us? wait wait...okay, we're ready.

truco o dulce! :)

hee hee hee, that was hard trying not to smile. butchoo know a good luchador has to be serious n scary n stuff, right?   happy halloweenie trick or treating everybuddy! b : )

Sunday, October 30, 2011

the butt mohawk

A four legged passerby that lingered too long in the United States of Baxter proved too much for the little kielbasa to handle without sounding his alarm and raising his defenses yesterday morning.  Frenzied barking which from the outside I am sure just sounded like heckling.  The kind of heckling that probably says more about Baxter than it does anything else...

hey, who showed u how to pee like that with your leg all up in the air sprinklin my mailbox post? nobuddy pees up there! don'tchoo know how to squat like the rest of us civilized dogs?  and how come your mom didn't dress u up in a hoodie cuz i know it's cold out there.  yeah u better move on before i go out there and show u how to do your business right...

I looked at the pictures I took of Baxter's morning heckle and realized Baxter's hackles have come a long way in the 2.5 years since we started this blog.  Tiny chumley may still not be a menace 2 society, but it seems he has made significant progress in perfecting his butt mohawk. 

Watch out world, if u pass by his house, know that this dog and his butt mohawk are hecklin u. :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

curious b

Cold gray weather yesterday meant I hardly saw hide nor hair of the little kielbasa.  Tiny chumley burrowed deep under his blankies in my sewing room and spent most of his day by george, gently roasting as all little dachshunds like to do.

It hardly seemed right to disturb his little tropical oasis on his first true chilly day of the fall season, and so today, a post from warmer times -  just a few weeks ago, when the little kielbasa and his curiosity crashed my message in a doxie photo shoot.

mom, instead of a message could u maybe put some snackies in there and then if u do may i please have one?  or just the snackies would be fine too. :) :)

Friday, October 28, 2011


Baxter's first ever antler: $8

Plastic packaging thingy from something I got in the mail: free

Yeah, u know how story ends. :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

busy paws

Just a little happy tiny chumley video today cuz yippee, it's Thursday!! :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

special request

mom, so long as we are going rideys may we go back to the pet store and see if they have any bacon flavored bubbles my friend poe has them and he says they are delicious!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

nana nana boo boo

Always a little gent when we take the tiny chumley to lunch with us at the hot dog place, it still doesn't stop him from doing a little wishful thinking, or air licking.

mom, if u take the onions off, i can so help u eat that !!

And that was the start to our happy little Sunday afternoon.  :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

a ball full of rawhide helps the medicine go down

With the weather cool enough so that he go rideys with us on errands, tiny chumley floated high on cloud nine yesterday,  watching from us his car snoozer while we ate lunch seated by the restaurant window so we could watch him, then going to the park for his lunch,  and walkies afterward where we serendipitiously met up with friends we haven't seen in forever.

ooo mom n dad, dat was fun.  where to next??, mister happy go lucky queried when we got back to the car.   Why the fabric store of course, so you and your dad can bake in the sun while I look for some things I need to make duds and elmer fudds. oooh yippee skippee - bakey bakey time with dad!

Shopping mission accomplished, poppin fresh came home still afloat on on his happy cloud, radiating heat from his sausagey body like a meatloaf fresh from the oven.

and what r we doing now mom? he asked with his tail held proud and high.  Well baby dog, I'm sorry but....

I pulled out my dust mask and dremel.   Which for those who do not speak little kielbasa,  readily translates into,  it is time to do your nails. 

nooooOOOooooOoooooOOooooooooooo....  The happy air that had kept Baxter aloft all day whooshed out from beneath him as his dad picked him up and and we all assumed our pawdicure positions.

But don't worry baby dog. Remember you haven't had your nails done in three weeks and that means you haven't had rawhide for three weeks either and that means u get rawhide today!

oh right...woooty pa-tooty! let's get this done, shall we? :) :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

dapper doxie duds: kirby hepburn sedgwick

dear diary,
yippee! didjoo ever have one of those days where u wake up and wonder if u r ever going to get a chance to wear your wig again because teacher told u not to bring it to school anymore even though u were very good and did everything she said and even cleaned her erasers for her? well lucky for me, mom finished kirby's dud yesterday and since her mom described kirby as one part edie sedgwick and one part audrey hepburn, well u know what i just had to do when it came time to model  kirby's hepburn-sedgwick inspired dud.  although boo hoo mom would not let me borrow a sharpie like i wanted to so i could have duk duk draw a beauty mark on me.

anyhoo here is a peekypoo at kirby's dud.  it has cross woven two toned silk pleated trim and freshwater pearls n everything! mehopes kirby likes it!!

well i must go and draw the costume i want mom to make me for halloween so i must say bye bye for now and talk to u tomorrow! :)

b. :) :)