Monday, November 4, 2019

basically, technically, ipso facto

...two, three, four, five. five snackies! .... wait, five snackies??

mom, although heavily discounted, technically, the wolf surveillance package u r paying for is based on a twenty four hour daily rate. yesterday, with the fall back to eastern standard time, an extra hour of wolf overtime surveillance was incurred. 

so, as per paragraph eleventy, section pee o nine point number one of our standard wolfing contract states , triple zillion time and a half will be applied to a wolf’s entire day of  work on days where overtime is incurred, with payment in full due promptly at the end of each daily protection cycle.  so, basically, technically, ipso facto, u can have the dump truck deliver the rest of my snackie payment any time now, or we can work out a payment plan :)

Thursday, October 31, 2019

tales from the smelly side

“and finally, on hallow’s eve night, the little pumpkin man’s ferocious face magically appeared, his eyes glistening with gore and his mouth ready to fill his empty tummy.

 ‘feed me candy! feed me candy!’ he raspily croaked with his new found voice.

‘i said, feed me candy! feed me candy!!!”

‘hello? anyone? hangry pumpkin head here. feed me candy!!

seriously, i’ve been standing here for days without a face. now i finally get a mouth and where is everybuddy?” 

hee hee, um, mom, can we please skip this and tell another halloween story? u know, one with like, real blood and guts and stuff? here, i will start it for u...

the vampire tushie man took blood from the ferocious wolf not one but two times, practically guaranteeing that halloween’s eve would be the last night the ferocious wolf would ever be himself again.

well, the wolf thought, on the plus side, he always wondered how he could be any more ferocious than he already was, and now he knew. he would not need a halloween costume this year, or any year from now on. soon, very soon, he would become a full fledged vampire wolf, an immortal defender of darkness and denizen of all that is dank and dreary. 

but o snap, he realized after the vampire tushie man left. forever is a very long time. he walked  over to his mother. 

mom, after i chomp duk duk and dad, would u mind showing me your ankle so that i may for no particular reason chomp u twice ? :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

coming cyber brown wednesday

hee hee, hurry mom and dad! we need to get back so i can show mom me and duk duk’s genius idea for next year’s calendar !! :) 

Monday, October 28, 2019

baker’s dozen :)


mom, r u sure i can only pick one ? they all look so delicious! :)

Friday, October 25, 2019

(resuscitation by licking) :)

mom, clearly this is not one of those times, but, if u ever fall and cannot get up, or, maybe say if, well u know, u stopped breathing and needed RBL, u should know that would totally be there for u. :) 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

a mighty pounding

omg, what the heck? look at all these delicious snackies all neatly laid out for a wolf to chomp on. why there are so many, it would take me forever to eat them, but here they are, just waiting to be chomped. well, i guess there’s no time like the present to start  - hang on - this is just way to convenient. nobuddy 
just finds snackies on the floor like this, all neatly laid out and everything. it is almost like it was meant to be a trap or something . but every buddy here knows a wolf is too ferocious to be trapped...but..i guess he could be delayed...

duk duk, u better not be eating my gummy worms or some falcon is going to get a mighty pounding by the time i get over there! 

Monday, October 21, 2019

backseat rider :)

mom, i am glad it is finally rideys weather again, dontchoo? i mean, it is the best of both worlds really. u get ferocious protection while we run errands, and i get a delicious snackie every time u come back to the car.  :)

Friday, October 18, 2019

riding in cars with adorable dinosaurs

all i am saying, mom, is that i am older now and way more ferociouser...

i mean, i get that this is a perfectly good shirt that i wore when i was little, but maybe, well, at least can u add some flames or fangs or something ? :) 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

october sky

the happy little dachshund rocketed toward his mom, purposefully slowing down for the briefest of moments near the end, so that his mother could see that the ferocious thing approaching her was indeed him, and not a guided missile. :) 

Monday, October 14, 2019

folding space

no really,  mom, it is okay. i mean, what can a wolf do in here, really.  i promise,  i will wait right here in our beautiful new reorganized closet until u come back with the new light bulb and my snackie.  okay? okay smell u soon .. 

hee hee omg, our closet looks so much better with the new cubby shelf and - what the heck?  that’s new.  it looks like the board mom got from the habitat restore forever ago for only two bags of gummy worms. only now it looks like a zillion bags. i wonder why it is on the wall like that. o wait, mom had me buy those bracket thingies on amazon for her ..i bet it...lemme just see if i can... ooooOoooOoo...


now lemme just climb up here and voila, access to a plethora of new gummy worm hiding spots! duk duk will never - 

hee hee, o, um, smello, mom. promised? um, well, technically i am still staying right here. it is just taller here really..

may i please have my snackie now? 

Friday, October 11, 2019

lesson for a baby bunny

the little dachshund peered ferociously through the fence. “do not come any closer, baby bunny, or i will be forced to chomp u,” the little dachshund warned. “and please understand, baby bunny, it is nothing personal. it is just what ferocious wolves do.”

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

first in flight :)

see, mom? i toldjoo we should have brought duk duk. and some kite string :)

Monday, October 7, 2019

technically speaking :)

hee hee hee, and to think mom said i am not allowed to do it...

hurry, dad - i cannot wait to tell mom i pooped on the beach!! 

Friday, October 4, 2019

eye to eye :)

hee hee, see mom? this is how we can see eye to eye on pretty much everything. :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

short stack

The little dachshund sighed as he looked down at the empty spot before him. Not only had he tidied his bed and brushed his teeth and licked his tushie clean as a whistle (an act of questionable merit, he knew, but one that he felt should still technically count as personal hygiene) , but he had also tucked in his best lacy napkin, hoping to get at least even a tiny taste of whatever it was his nose was smelling from the stove he knew he had to stay away from lest he be caught in the kerfuffle of such a busy and dangerous area.  

nobuddy will forget me. it is only a matter of time before a delicious morsel appears right in this spot. do not worry, rumbly tummy, we just need to be patient, thought the little dachshund. 

 Minutes passed as his family feasted,  forks clicking on plates and delicious smells of blueberries and blackberries and vanilla and - is it maple? yes, definitely maple syrup. and, maybe - hmm, he wondered. could it be? yeppies, definitely butter, too! The only sound louder than the sounds of eating was his tummy’s rumbly roar,  growing with ever more ferocious intensity as it made its case to the little dachshund that patience was getting them nowhere. 

i said do not worry, tummy. whatever it is, i am sure we will get a taste just u wait and see. i have my best napkin on and everything. my family will not forget me, just u wait and see. 

Finally, he could tell that the dishes were being cleared, and yet nothing filled the space before him except the very concerning thought that maybe, just maybe his tummy was right. 

Tiny gray scribble clouds began to gather in his mind. The little dachshund’s ears began to fold back in disappointment and dismay. 

nothing.  not even a crumb for me.

The little dachshund was so sad he did not even notice his mother walking toward him, nor did he notice the tiny plate she was carrying. And he certainly did not even notice what was on the tiny plate she was carrying. That was, until the plate was put before him. 

 Instantly, the clouds parted. 

all for me?!? he chortled with glee.  And that is the end of our happy story . :)

Monday, September 30, 2019


hee hee,  it's ezpz, mom. just put one foot in front of the other, and then soon we'll be at the candy store. :)

Friday, September 27, 2019

krunchy roll

This time of year the grass in most of our yard  is always in bad shape, dried out to a crisp if it exists at all, except for the parts that receive just enough sun and shade to eke out an existence. This time of year, tiny chumley usually shows no interest in eating grass. But there he was, standing by the door after eating his lunch, swallowing and hiccing with enough frequency to suggest that our time outside was not going to be for making a new donation to his poopie snake museum.

I carried him to the front yard, reluctant to let him eat our recently pellet fertilized lawn but hopeful that if he ate enough, he would hack it back up while we were still outside and all would be well again. That was the deal I made in my head as I put him on the ground, where he immediately started grazing.  Minutes passed as we moved from one sparse grassy patch to another, with tiny chumley chomp chomp chomping at the grass, and me, swat swat swatting at the mosquitoes. “Okay, baby dog, you really need to throw up now,” I’d remind him.

The swallowing and hiccing had finally stopped, but his interest in chomping grass persisted.  I picked him up and accepted,  welcomed really, the likelihood of having to clean up a messy grassy kibble puddly yack ball. Probably on the carpet, of course, I thought to myself.  I pictured the mess in my head as I opened the door to go back inside.  Definitely oxy clean, maybe some enzyme stuff.  Ugh the smell! And he might just eat it again. 

Tiny chumley happily trundled about as the back door closed behind him. I gave him some leftover plain white rice, which he gleefully accepted as the even more delicious cherry on top of his already delicious crunchy grass sundae. I finished my lunch. We resumed working on doot listings. More time passed. Dinner, television, after dinner poopies, bedtime poopies, and still...nothing. 

I guess that’s it, then.  Another of life’s unsolved mysteries, punctuated by an intense contemplation of a little wolf’s digestive system.  And I wouldn’t have it any other way. :)

well, mom, i guess i ate all that grass because a wolf knows when his tummy is not feeling well and i just - uh-oh, hang on, i think i finally have to hurl ...

(hwarrrk... hwarrrk...kaaack!)

hee hee, okay i was just kidding.  i do not plan to throw up the grass at all really.  it was delicious. and, i cannot wait to see today’s poopie snakes, can u? :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

ain’t no shrubbery low enough :)

Our walkies as of late have become more slow moseys,  with tiny chumley smelling out every nook and cranny that other taller four legged boys and girls might otherwise ignore.  He knows what I know he knows, that often times, the best things found on walkies are the things found deep in shrubs. 

o baby buunnnnnies -

come out come wherever u r .. :)

Monday, September 23, 2019

wolf and falcon games

hee hee, um, u might want to go upstairs, mom, because me and duk duk’s poopball game is about to start any minute now :) 

Friday, September 20, 2019

skeleweenies and ghostweenies and dragonweenies, oh my! (dooting soon)

hee hee hee i cannot believe how genius we are sometimes, can u , duk duk? i mean, first of all, halloween is all pumpkins and candy and stuff so how do u even try to bring our special brand of ferocious to it? and then, when the first creative lightbulb went off, well, it took forever to figure out how to draw the skeleton and then figure out how to paint it on there. and then, to have mom go back and paint on the glow in the dark stuff we made? well, it just adds that special layer of kalyxcraftopia design kapow, really. 

and then, when we realized our skeleweenies needed company, we were like, hmm, hmmm, o i know! why not make g-   hey, where did the others go? hee hee, o that’s right. let’s take the skeleweenie and move this party over there. 

so, like i was saying, remember how u said dragons and i said ghosts and then we said well, why not both? and while mom’s at it, let’s make the ghost all goopy, glow in the darky radioactive, because, well, who wouldn’t want that? and then we were like, well, they just can’t stand there, can they? ghosts have to float.  

so we had mom make a floating crank system and voila, mechanical radioactive ghost weenies that are hovering over their very own tiny mossy cemetery! hee hee, rest in poop... 

and then we were like, wait, this worked so well, we have got to have flying dragons too! like, really flying dragons. cuz dragons just don’t sit in a pumpkin patch like linus and his blankie, they fly over them with big long lumbering swoops. 

and, tons of thinking and wire later,  our mechanical dragonweenies were born

hee hee, i know, they are all so ferocious and adorable all at the same time.yeppies, pure genius! and now the only question is

 mom, do u think for our doot that maybe u can also make a haunted teeny weenie playhouse for them? u know, just somewhere where they can all party and eat candy and disco dance and stuff ?  :)