Monday, June 4, 2012

weekend brunch

Tiny chumley's eyes grew ten times their size when the waiter brought my apparently oversized order of focaccia french toast to our table yesterday, and I wondered for a brief second if our little lunchtime outings were turning our tiny hound into a giant sized mooch.

But then I realized that his eyes were fixed not on my entire dish, but the delicious and very humble tiny tummy sized strawberry prize.

ooooo, mom! may i pleeze have your strawberry??

Why yes, baby dog, you most certainly can. :)


Lovable Lily said...

I'm more looking and checking out that french toast! That sure does look yummy and delicious and would feel really good in MY belly right about now! I don't do strawberries...

Lily Bele

Bludog said...

We got lovely fresh strawberries at the farmer's market - though of you Baxter!

ShellePenn said...

I'm making the same look, but for the french toast!!

(Milo and Dixie are taking their noon naps and couldn't be bothered to post a comment)

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee u know what everybuddy, i think i tasted some powered sugar on that strawberry and would b happy to try the french toast too!! :) :)

Anonymous said...

What a sweet picture. Was it good?


Elizabeth said...

That looks delicious! I'm so hungry. Where did you get that?