Showing posts with label toyfriends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toyfriends. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

mega blueberry :)

hee hee, yeppies, duk duk. i am pretty sure it is like, the biggest blueberry in all the world. in all of history really...

 i mean, look at it. it is almost the size of my ferocious paw!  i guess mom was right. i mean, because we could be in the kitchen now, bugging her while she makes my birthday cake because every wolf and falcon knows if u make enough noise to give your mom a headache, u get to lick the spoon. but nopies, she gave us this megablueberry and here we are, admiring its majestic beauty and thinking about how best we can share eating this -   

hey! what the? hey hey , no chompsies!! duk  duk! duk duk we agreed..fine! u r leaving me no choice..

moooom! i know we agreed not to bother u while u r making my birthday cake for tomorrow but can u please cut our mega blueberry exactly in half ? and may we please lick the spoon from my birthday cake already ?? 

Monday, November 25, 2019

then one smelly christmas eve:)

hee hee, see? i can too hold it between my toes, duk duk. seriously that was like way too ez. now pay up. wait, hang on let me hold my breath first. (hwoooooop! hwoooo-)

(phooooooooo) why smello, mom.  what’s that? breathing funny? hmm, i am not sure why u would be stinking i mean thinking that. 

this? o yeah, this. well, u remember the christmas story we are working on for cyber brown wednesday right?  u know, the one that makes sense of everything but only if the reader knows what we know they know we have known, like, forever now? well, seeing as how u are busy with the sleigh mecharamas, me and duk duk decided we could print turn it into an adorable tiny book ourselves, with a nice poopie brown paper cover and everything. 

um, and we might have used your shiny machine to shiny it.

but um, well,  we were not really sure how 2 use the shiny machine so some of the shiny is  kind of speckledy patchy but then we thought, omg that is just like how an old leather book looks, which is great on account of how u said i am not allowed to use real leather by myself yet until i can stomp chomp chomp chomping it. which is probably like never on account of how delicious that old book was that i ate over summer.  hee hee, mmm old leather books. 

hee hee, anyhoo, do u mind if me and duk duk help ourselves to some monkey chow before we make the rest of our tiny books bc i really think it will enhance our productivity. :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

editorial deadline :)

what do u mean i am crunching too loud? i cannot help it if i like 2 eat when i have 2 think.  and u know and i know we both know that we need to be thinking really hard because mom says we have have to hurry up and finish editing our christmas story this week if we are going to have any chance at all of factoring them in along with all our calendar and other supercool goodies for cyber brown wednesday on december 4th.  

okay okay. fine, let me just chomp gulp this chicken chippy and we both can get back to focusing on editing our story. hee hee, which is pretty peelarious and smelly genius if i do say so myself! 


... hmmmmmmm .... hmmmmmmm.....okay fine i will ask her. 

mom, well, because we are on a deadline and everything, and, well because we need to think, do u have any quiet snackies that me and duk duk can share? 

Monday, November 11, 2019

a sip full of boba :)

hee hee, omg, duk duk, this is so pee-licious! and the boba balls are like a bonus prize in every sip! no wonder mom and dad get these things!

uh-oh. this thing was full when mom asked us to watch it for her.  

hmmmmm. i like how u r stinking but nopies, i think mom would notice if we threw it back up into her cup.  o i know! duk duk - u go get some acorns from outside and i will get some water and we can mix it all in and no one will ever notice the diff  -  eeks! no time i hear mom coming! 

why smello, mom. we watched your drink just like u asked us to, but...u were gone for so long, i am sorry 2 say that most of it evaporated. if u would like 2 give us your credit card, me and duk duk would n happy 2 pedal 2 the store and get u another one   :) 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

quality is job fun (coming soon 2 etsy)

 hee hee hee, phoo-wee!! okay, duk duk,  pretty sure we both can agree that one that means i won fair and square.  so u go do it first for a few times and then we will swap so u can see too. okay? okay. 

okay, ready?  now u see it... u still see it!

now u see it..

now u still see it!

now u see it..

now u still see it!

hee hee omg duk duk u have got 2 come and see this bc our idea totally worked! just leave the shades up and i will-

o smello, mom. did u have a nice time outside cleaning the hummingbird feeders? what’s that? why were the blinds going upsy downsy like a zillion times? o, well, u see, me and duk duk were just making sure the work u did was up to our standards and all and well, here at kalyxcraftopia, quality is job fun, dontchoo agree? :)

(psst - we are holding a poll now thru saturday 9/21 on our kalyxcornucopia facebook page to set the halloweenie doot date so please feel free to vote and we will announce our doot date after that and also show u more super cool things we will be offering soony soon!) 

Monday, September 9, 2019

sunday brunch

hee hee, omg, duk duk, mom surely cannot complain if we make this for ourselves for brunchy brunch - it is chock full of protein! perfect for growing wolves and falcons. o yeppies, i wonder which meat flavor it is, too. oo, maybe it’s du- i mean, maybe it’s chicken.  or like, chicken and bananas. or is that butter? no i think it’s bananas. i mean, the package does not say chicken and bananas but clearly there are bananas in the picture and there are only so many quality sources of protein, right?  so, i bet it is chicken and bananas. ooo chicken and banana flavored waffles! hee hee okay okay i am drooling too. let’s see what u need to do to make it...

“just...add...water”. wait, just add water?? that is genius! we can make like a zillion of these in no time at all!  

o wait, duh i bet u r right. i guess we would still need to use the wafffle maker if we want them xtra krispy krunchy.  

hmmmmmm. hmmmm. well, i guess it would still be worth it.  what’s that, duk duk?  o u know what, u r righty-o again my friend.  if we r gonna go thru all that trouble, we may as well make them extra delicious and that substitution might be a perfect solution! and we only need 2/3 a cup so that is not a lot. hee hee, just add water. who are they kidding? okay okay, let me ask her..

mom, do u think me and duk duk can have 2/3 a cup of strawberry kool aid? for um, no unusually delicious reasons really .. :)

Monday, August 12, 2019

boys in a rental car on a sunday afternoon

 kaaaack! phew, duk duk - kaaaaack  kaaaack - that was a good one!! i give it 4 out of 5 smellies! now my tur-

uh-oh, do u spy what i spy? it starts with a c and ends with utter disappointment. 

uh, sorry cassie, u cannot come over because me and duk duk are going on an adventure today. ferocious wolves and falcons only. 

so,  hee hee, maybe, like, u can come over on neverday instead. okay? o, like half past eleventy minus ocho. okay. c u then. 

hee hee, neverday.  phew that was close! now how long again do we have before dad said has to return the rental? three hours? o goody, i feel like i have at least six hours stored up.  (pfweeeeet!) wait make that five hours, fifty nine minutes and fifty seven seconds. yeah i sure hope he got an odor waiver too. :) 

Friday, July 19, 2019

while u were reading :)

hee hee hee! okay okay, lemme try... 

moooom! may be and duk duk be excused from today’s summer reading? my eyeballs are feeling a little funny. :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

a wolf walks along minding his own business sniffing around for crumbs when all of a sudden..

eeeeeeeeeeek!! what the heck?? (sniff snifff) (sniff sniff)
o. m. g. - a ferocious chompy landshark!!  bwoop bwoop!!  mooooooom! moooooooooooooom! hurry!! 

hee hee, um, mom, can we please please keep him? :) 

Friday, June 28, 2019

one tomato two tomatoes three tomatoes four

the little dachshund was beginning to wonder if their genius idea was a genius as they thought it was. they had, just moments ago, watched as mister cardinal happily obliged his and his best toyfriend’s request to pick some cherry tomatoes for their rumbly tummies. “one tomato. two tomatoes. three tomatoes. four! omg, duk duk, what a feast we will have!,” cried the little dachshund gleefully. “okay, mister cardinal, if u could just leave them here by the doorstep we will -“

but then they watched mister cardinal take the tomatoes, one by one, high up into the tallest tree it could find. “one tomato...two tomatoes...three tomatoes..four! o snap, duk duk, mister cardinal took all the tomatoes. how will we ever get our share now??” 

the little dachshund furrowed his eyebrows. if he did not think of something quickly, soon all the delicious cherry tomatoes would be gone.  “o i know! hop on my back, duk duk, and strap yourself in because it is gonna be a bumpy ride!”

up the stairs they trundled, as fast as four little shorty legs could take them. the little dachshund knew he should not be going up the stairs by himself, but technically, with duk duk on his back, he was not by himself. and then he made a giant leap and bounced his way to the window. 

“hee hee hee. o mister cardinal,” sang out the little dachshund gleefully, “we are here for our share of the cherry tomatoes u promised us!”

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

box lunch :)

hee hee, well, mom said we have 2 be quiet today on account of her not feeling well from her cootie shot, duk duk. but she did not say anything about packing ourselves a snackie box full of cherry tomatoes we picked from the garden and taking it to the creek for our lunch lunch while we look for gummy worms :)

Monday, June 24, 2019

heat wave

mom, do u think maybe u can get me and duk duk a new wolf and falcon and walrus sized swimmy pool this year? 

Friday, June 14, 2019

projected personal usage rate

hee hee hee, omg yeppies these stickers are totally perfect for our new water bottles! 

thank goodness mom ordered them in weatherproof vinyl so that way they can be put on pretty much anything we want to really. 

hmmm, that is a very good question. we have two but they are both so different. i guess maybe u could the yeti on monday wednesday and friday, and i could take the hydro flask on tuesday thursday and saturday. 

then on sunday, we switch so that i would take the hydroflask on monday wednesday friday and u take the yeti on tuesday thursday and saturday!

wait...what? o.  i see your point. i guess we really need more bottles.  plus, shouldn’t mom have ordered like a zillion stickers bc seriously, by the time we will doot them along with our temporary tattoos this monday the 17th, we probably will only have like two left!  i mean, think about all the places that need a ferocious sticker like one of these - our pedal car, our laptop, our trebuchet...not to mention cassie’s furry butt.. hee hee well okay not really but u know what i mean.. okay let me tell her..

um, mom, two things. one, in order to properly share, may we please have another yeti and another hydroflask, preferably in racecar red and falcon beak yellow, respectively? 

and second, our projected personal usage rates indicate there might be a slight inventory problem for this monday’s semi serendipitous stickers n tattoos summer fun doot. so, maybe could u order like eleventy zillion more already? :)

Friday, May 3, 2019

planning for spring dootsday :)

hee hee,  okay okay, duk duk. i know u only have one wing and we both know how it got that way already so like i was trying 2 say before i was so ferociously interrupted, a wolf will count our spring doot inventory , while a falcon records said data so that way we can finally plan our work for the next two weeks. okay? okay. sheesh some dukkie totally  got up on the wrong side of his nest today.  alright, let’s get started. 

ooo! looky, first up, our super adorable magic double sided teeny weeny town and country play homes! put down three. okay i know u only see only one here,  but i remember we helped mom make these forever ago and you and i were supposed to make listings and get them in the shop before easter on account of how easter colory and fun they are but then we got distracted by - well, i do not even remember, but we but here we are and it still seems to fit nicely with the  spring doot, dontchoo think? and lucky for us, we already started making and posting the promo stop motion videos for them so - check! marketing plan donezo. well donezo enough - remind me to post out brownstone 5pm video this afternoon . hee hee, yeah, eeew. all that kissing.  but, i guess some people like those kind of endings and besides maybe at least this way they can get it all out of their system in present teeny weenie world and not in real life. oh yeah - make sure to write down optional play accessories. we will need to ask mom to hopefully make some so that way people can have as much fun as we did when we made those videos. o and we need to schedule a listing photo shoot.  okay, what’s next? 

ooo yes! made-to-order personalized holding hearts! put down 12 total, 6 large and 6 small 
split evenly across the noon and nine pm edt doot, with order completion estimated in 5-6 weeks. yeppies there is a lot of drying and waiting time.  o and we still need to figure out how many letters we can really fit on each heart but maybe for now, the best thing to do is let people tell us what words they want at checkout and we will see how to best fit it on there. and if we cannot fit it, well, hopefully they will read their convos so we can ask for alternate wording. i posted a pic on instygram and facebooky yesterday so check - first pass marketing donezo!  but maybe we should make a note to post about it again next week sometime because it is getting really hard to tell if we are getting enough eyes on our posts. o, and let’s see, as for photo shoot - luckily, i think we have pictures of the style differences already but we still need to make a new listing. okay, what’s next now? 

hee hee hee, why smello, my pee-utiful yellow key tidy friend! yeppies, this time it is all about color.  hmmm, quantity...i think we have two rainbows worth. but we should think on it more because i think mom said she can make more of the leather part and that means hardware on hand is really the supply constraint. okay, make a note to count how many posts and screws we have. o and also make sure we work up the instruction kit so it includes all the extra stuff we talked about to make sure things are easy to put together and stay together.  hee hee, i like the video we made for that, too. maybe early next week we can post it. and hopefully people will click for sound because it all really works well together.   okay, what’s next? 

ooo, our latest addition to the teeny weenie functional f(art)ware lineup! these turned out so cool!! i cannot wait for the world to find out what its top secret function is. mom made a video today that we need to edit so maybe we can release that midweek...oh, how many? seis for spring doot. but, we do have more on the workbench including a 2.0 mod that i think will be very nice for a later summer doot. yeppies, i like how clean lined they are, too. and they are so cheerful and useful! okay i think that’s it for the type of things we will have on may 19th, so how does the work tally up for everything? hmmmm...hmmmmmm...carry the one...minus the exponent... flip the sign and add infinity...times fourventytwelveteen. omg. that much work??  yeppies, duk duk, u r right. especially with our experience level and  quality of work. well, anticipated quality of work. okay, lemme tell her..

mom, based on our highly accurate and very scientific calculations, me and duk duk are fairly certain that the quality work contribution required to support spring doot requires an hourly raise of two bags of gummy worms per hour per falcon and per wolf, and a special one time bonus, payable either as one week access to your amazon prime account, or a three day all expense paid trip to the candy store. :)