Friday, November 6, 2015

here comes the sun

The sun finally came out yesterday afternoon after several days of rain, and somebuddy was determined not to miss out. :)

mom, I know u must be tired from sawing all those little copper doxies but dontchoo think u could stretch and rest outside while u watch me dig holes? :) 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

etsy fresh: super adorable frosty faced elf christmas cards and teeny tiny cards :)


Hello Friends - it's me, Baxter your roving rover reporter and little entrepeneur, here today to introduce the super cute and incredibly adorable holiday paper goods me, duk duk, and my mom created just for you to send and give this holiday season. 

Now, first off, u may notice that duk duk is not with me today, and that's because he is busy putting ornament hanging strings on all the robot dachshund christmas ornaments we also just put up for adoption in our etsy shop today.  Second,  I think I better make this quick because I hear somedukkie taking a halloween candy break without me.  So, without further ado, please allow me to introduce our newest christmas cards available as singles and in set packs including a tiny card in the cutest size u will ever see...

and only available at our mom's kalyxcraftopia etsy shop, which u can find by clicking ony our Christmas and Handmade Holiday gift section here .

This is Baxter your roving rover reporter and little entrepeneur, wishing you a most wonderful rest of your Wednesday :)

Monday, November 2, 2015

when u think u smell a kitty outside on a quiet sunday morning

dear diary,
this is what happens when u think u smell a kitty on quiet sunday morning and the only window your mom has open in house happens to also be the only one that u can hardly see out of. i sure hope me and duk duk get the hovercraft that we plan to ask from santa this christmas:)


ps - project OWW was a success but unfortunately duk duk pedaled too fast around a curve and our candy trailer got loose and careened off into the rain pond by bunny ravine and although everybuddy is fine and the pedal car is too, most of our loot melted when it all got wet. but on the plus side the drainage is not very good there and so we will all be going down to bunny ravine after school today if u would like to join us for a sugar swim.

pps - to offset the candy loss and minimize impact to our year end candy targets, and especially 2 help start spreading holiday cheer,  me and duk duk will be doing another special flash Robot Doxie Christmas Ornament Doot on Wednesday 11/4 at noon EST. Oh and if anybuddy was wondering we also hope to have calendars in the shop about Mid November. And now that Halloween is over we will be helping mom with necklaces and teeny tiny treasure boxes too so stay tuned. :) #passiton

Friday, October 30, 2015

happy hello ween :)

well, i know sewing pleather and sewing tiny are really difficult, mom, but i am really disappointed. because yesterday u said that they were all done, which i took 2 mean obviously that they were ALL done, including chocobot's and lulu the tiger's and lil pink puppy's costumes, because basically they are just the same as mine, only different shaped and sized. i even had your status down as green in our project master file report as little as three hours ago.but  now here are at t minus twenty4 hours about to start our dry run with the little misses, and Project OompaWonkaWinked is totally in deep poopies. which, on any other day would be just fine because, well, u know, poopies.  but we are talking candy here, mom, candy, and the one opportunity a year to get lots of it for free. 

okay, so, our scientifically optimized trick or treat schedule requires us to be at house number one by five pm, so with travel and snackie time, plus a little foofie factor thrown in for good measure, the new and final costume dropsqueak deadline is three pm.

well, we've got a dry run and u have work to do, so i won't keep u any longer, mom. and i would like to thank u for your time and contribution to Project OoompaWonkaWinked thus far.  bye mom, we'll see u after the dry run.


hee hee, finally, a use for all that mumbo jumbo speak i always hear dad using on his work calls.  u don't think i was too hard on her, do u, duk duk?  yeah, u r right, there is no room for babies in project OWW.

okay, so, when we go to the little misses house, remember, duk duk, since u won the guess whose foofie game, u are U Know Who.  and that means u have to do all the talking - candy recall, effective immediately, but this time instead of blueberries, it turns people into falcons, or wolves, or tigers, yadda yadda yadda.  u can improvise a little to keep it from sounding too scripted, but stay in character and remember to work with what we have. main message is, candy defective, sincere apologies, we are here to take it back 4 u and my very cute and diminutive u know whats will gladly help u.  what u say will be very important because i think on my own people will look at me and be like, who's the witch wearing the shiny hurricanes onesie? (siri, research note to self: does tim burton like hockey?)

now, the plan is for the rest of us to be quiet and just collect the candy, but if prompted, we have 2 be ready to sing and dance.  lulu the tiger and chocobot, have u both been eating chocobot's special glitter this week and practicing the helium foofie?  good. 

 well, alrighty then, i think we're ready to start this dry run.  all together on three.  one. two. three...

good morning starshine, the earth says hello! :)


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

sweater weather

It's that time of year when our weather teeters between ok and kind of chilly for tiny chumley. Seventy degrees is about his minimum, and anything less than that on any given morning means I can count on him making a beeline to his heat cave when we go downstairs, hopeful that he might enjoy his morning snackie inside the little flowery festooned palace that I made him last winter, while his heater friend George keeps guard against the chilly morning air.

I must admit, as the gray on his face and paws appear at an ever increasing pace, I am torn between letting him laze peacefully as he would love to do all day in his little tropical wonder dome, and luring him out to play and do all the things he still can do before time renders him a sleepy, weakened little old man.  Luckily, there is a compromise that suits us both.  A quick whistle, the promise of snackies, and a makeshift playtime sweater cut from the sleeve of a thrift store sweater,  are all the things we need to merge our worlds back together.  It's that time of year, my little friend. It's sweater weather. :)

Monday, October 26, 2015

#tinylunch: fishs eddy :)

"ooOOOooOOOOoooOOOo!" the little dachshund exclaimed when he arrived at the lunchy lunch table that his mom had set for him.  Not only was today chunky chicken water day, but he could tell he was going to be served in the grandest of style. 
"i spy a new dishtowel tablecloth!" he squeed as he put his napkin his his collar, "printed with friends i do not either have 2 bark at or share with!"

The little dachshund's nose twitched as he examined the other new score he knew his mom must have gotten for him and his dad on her recent trip.  "why, it's a super cool dachshund shaped creamer in my second and a half favorite color, blue! and best of all, it's filled with chicken water!! well, mom, what are we waiting for, let's pour my water and get this chunky chicken party started!! :) :)"

(psst - in case u want to score these too, let your fingers do the walking and  clicky here  and here  #happyshoppingMonday

Friday, October 23, 2015

lappy time

hee hee okay, duk duk, I will watch u swim in the lake from here because, u know, I would not want dad's lap to get cold or anything :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

still life :)

uh nopies, mom, there's nobuddy here but us statues and statutes never get in trouble. well, unless u #blink :) 

Monday, October 19, 2015

just another makey Monday :)

hee hee okay mom u can take pictures but keep them fuzzy because our Halloween costumes are top secret and even though this is just a fit model based on the pattern u drew up from scratch, u just never know who might put 2 and 2 together and that would b a total disaster. and 2 answer your question, I agree it is a little bunchy and baggy back there even 4 me. I cannot imagine what it would feel like now if zorro never visited me when I was a puppy and he never took away my u know whats. I do not even like it when I poop a Loki.

oh yes, totally take it in. that feels much better. what's that? o, well , u know how when u accidentally eat a toyfriend thread, and u do not know u ate a toyfriend thread til, u know, it comes out, but it always comes out last and it keeps all the u know what that came out first just hanging around? and no matter how hard u try to get rid of the u know what that's hanging from your butt it just keeps hanging around? well a pooping a Loki is that. because no matter how hard u try to get rid of the real Loki , he just keeps hanging around. it happened in Thor one and it happened in Thor two and it even happened in avengers 1, remember?

and pretty much the only person who can really get rid of Loki is Thor, which is why sometimes from the backyard when dad takes me out for u know what, u might hear me asking dad to Thor me, which now u know would be for obvious reasons. 

yep, I'm pretty happy with the range of motion and the leg length is pretty good too. but I feel like the tail hole should be moved up and if we are going to do that then maybe we can also make the legscye a little bigger just to, u know, optimize things?  if u draw it with a sharpie I can tell u if it is right or not.

yeppies like that. oh snap it is almost time for me and duk duk and chocobot and lulu the tiger and lil pink puppy to pedal to school! I sure hope duk duk remembered to pack the trebuchet today. lemme get off the table and round everybuddy up..

o and mom, do not forget to take the fuzzy filter off the iPhoney and text me during study hall if u have any measurement questions :)

Friday, October 16, 2015

little souvenirs


oooOOOoooOOOOOooooooOooo! me so likey, dontchoo, duk duk? i do not have my reading glasses on but let's see if i can read what it is. - pet.. key.. cover. oh, pet key cover,  for pets who have keys! yesss, finally we can stop mixing up my key with your key for the u know whats because u know whating u know whats the u know what and then u know what u know whats. hee hee let's see what else mom got us...

wooty! a tiny crankshaft music box!  we can mount this on the dashboard of our pedal car,  hook the crank up to the driveshaft, and voila, sunshine even on the days when we have 2 pedal to school in the rain!! 

oo nice! mom even got us a book  that looks interesting enough to actually read. i sure hope google translator works on printed books. but if not, i guess we can always just look at the pictures like we always do anyway, only this time we will have to turn the pages from left 2 right i see. i guess wolves in japan are predominantly left pawed maybe? anyhow, this supercool book sure looks interesting and i sure hope it is scratch n stiff, dontchoo, duk duk? with plenty of butts in it, for obvious reasons. 

wait, is that it? okay okay, no need to beak me, duk duk. lemme ask her..

 mom, a) thank u very much for these lovely presents u got me and duk duk on your trip. b) they were very thoughtful and we very much appreciate them.  and c) um, well, didjoo happen to maybe also get us something, o, u know, something gummy for our tummies? :) :)


Monday, October 5, 2015

c u next wednesday

It's time again for tiny chumley and my big boyfriend to break out that big block of cheese and plan their boys only visits to the chikky fil a drive thru.  I'll be away for a bit, and although there may be occasional posts on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter, our posts here will resume two Wednesdays from now.  Which in blog posting time is only three blog posts away, but I know for tiny chumley will be an eternity.

mom, I really do not see why u cannot take me and dad with you - dad can drive us like he always does and by me being here instead of my snoozer,  just look at how much room I am already not take not taking up.   :)

Friday, October 2, 2015

seven days and seven nights

mom, if it doesn't stop raining this weekend, do u think me and duk duk can build an ark?

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


oh goody! another episode of #tinylunch! and, no wait, can it be? yessss! delicious tiny banana steak! :) 

Monday, September 28, 2015

no peeking

sorry, dad, no peeking not even during preliminary fittings. :) #topsecrethalloween

Friday, September 25, 2015

psst - pass it on :)

Hello my friends, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, reporting to you today about something this is really not as far away as u think it might be.  That's right, I am reporting about Christmas, because me and duk duk and mom have all been working very hard to make sure all our duks, er, robots, are in a row and everybuddy who missed out on a super cool robot doxie ornament last year can get one or two or u know, more this year before we are all made out.   So whether u like your super cute robot dachshund ornament adorned with festive red toys or teeny bow tied gifts, or with glittery poop or awesome disco balls, hopefully we've got u covered.  Which is why we also thought we would start offering our first litter very soony soon so that way it is one less thing u have to worry about during the actual holiday season.  Cuz you know, why worry about whether your precious package will arrive in time when u can just get it now, with plenty of time to spare? So if you are thinking like us and would like to shop early and get while the getting's good, our first litter will be ready for adoption on Sunday 10/4/2014 at 8:00PM EST.  But why let me tell you that, when I've got super cute helpers that can do even better than me?....

hee hee, robot doxie litter numbero uno - assemble formation pyramid, salutations announce!!


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

one hundred percent

see, mom? one hundred percent wolf fangs. now may i please have some meat??:) :)

pssst - wooty hoo! for our supercool and long time friends who read our blog and also happen to notice and carefully read fine print, me and duk duk will be posting to our Etsy shop  a special pre-announcement tiny litter of robot doxie christmas ornaments this Thursday 9/24/2015 at 4:00PM EST. this litter will only be available for adoption until 9:00PM EST at which time the etsy postings will be deactivated so everything can stay secret until we are ready with our official robot rollout in the next few days.   if u r reading this from facebook please help keep this event special and do not post any facebook comments referencing this special event :)

Monday, September 21, 2015


(sniff sniff) hee hee hee (sniff sniff) - o boy that was a doozy! 
okay, i'm gonna say chocobot because it smells like doughnuts mixed with destiny. am i right?

yessssssss! okay everybuddy, keep or put your mask on cuz it's chocobot's turn to guess next. (fumble fumble fumble)
oh wait, go hide everybuddy, i think i hear mom coming...

why hello mother. it is so nice 2 see u. no, i have not seen duk duk or chocobot or lulu the tiger or lil pink puppy. in fact, i have been working my homework just like u asked me to do an hour ago.i have already outlined three essays in my head and duk duk was going to help me write it all - wait, what was that? why am i wearing what, mom? :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

pantalones de goma

dear diary,
you would think after all this time, the tushie man might remember what to touch and not to touch when he comes for my annual checkup. but every year,  just in case to make sure he remembers, me and duk duk always like to make sure it is abundantly clear. and every year, no matter how we say it, it seems he does not listen.

i sure hope next year mom finally finishes making me my rubber pants.

b. :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

the monday after

dear diary,
the sleepover me and duk duk hosted for the little misses this past weekend was quite a success, but unfortunately i cannot tell u much about it because what happens at motel bark and quack stays at motel bark and quack. so I will leave u with just one question - does anybuddy know how to get pink glitter nail polish off duk feet? 

b :)

Friday, September 11, 2015

otoscopic :)

hee hee, wait, mom - just hold them up a little longer. i am pretty sure i can hear the ocean! :)