Thursday, November 24, 2011

happy thanksgiving

and thankful are we to be together with family and friends today and everyday...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


dear diary,
hee hee hee, guess what - our thanksgiving houseguests have arrived!  and yeah u know guessed it, our visitors are duk duk's brothers, duk duk and duk duk! and as u might imagine everybuddy was really happy 2 see with each other again bcuz it has been forever since duk duk has been able 2 visit and talk with the duk duks becuz duk duk's brother duk duk lost his iphone and has not saved up enough gummy worms 2 buy a new one and duk duk's other brother duk duk lives in the enchanted forest where all the glitter in the trees interferes with cell phone and wi fi reception.  so needless 2 say there is a lot of catching up 2 do.  which we will do, and then it will be time to do a little lucha lucha b4 we all settle down to start preparations for our thanksgiving meal.  which i am so excited about bcuz we caught some nice juicy gummy worms the other day!

anyhoo, mehopes u r having a wonderful day before thanksgiving!

b. :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

circus act

dear diary,
yippee! next year if chocobot's circus bear friends visit us again, me totally hopes that my friend madwilly can also join us cuz looky - besides going 2 the lake to fish for gummy worms bcuz duk duk's family is visting us for thanksgiving, madwilly and i have been working on our very own jumping act!  and duk duk thinks we might be able to incorporate flames which will make everything super super cool, right?

anyhoo, diary, i hope u r having a wonderful tuesday bcuz i know i will be! :)

b. :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

guest photographer

dear diary,
u remember my friend madwilly, right? well guess what, she is visiting us and brought her new totally cool camera with her! and yeah u know it,  in between helping with the mulch n all yesterday, she took pictures of me and she was kind enough to share them with me so i could share with u! i am so grateful that methinks i will make her a monkey chow milkshake and bring it 2 her for breakfast!

well diary, today 2day is going 2 be super fun fun bcuz s me n chocobot n duk duk n lil pink puppy r all going 2 start writing our letters 2 santa.  i hope your day will be just as swell!!

b. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

mulch ado about something

dear diary,
yippee!! today my auntie robin's kids and uncle dana are coming to visit and not only does that mean more laps for me to lie on, but it means my entire backyard is getting remulched! which is good becuz when i woke up yesterday morning i found a giant pile of the stuff in my driveway and really i dunno how it got there but methinks aliens beamed it in while i was sleeping which was a bit of a bummer cuz if they could do that then why not just beam it where it needs 2 go so everybuddy will have more time to visit with me? 

anyhoo, i am so glad it's all getting done bcuz double yippee, duk duk's cousins will be coming for thankgiving dinner this year and with a freshly mulched backyard it will be much easier to play poopie snake toss n go seek. i am so excited i can hardly wait!! but i best go and get my boots on so i can help mom n dad n everybuddy spread mulch.   

b. :) 

Saturday, November 19, 2011


baa-aa-aa! pardon me, but do u know where i might be able to find a flock of sheep i can herd? i need to practice because i am the shepherd in our school's christmas play this year! :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

hatching eggs

Sometimes I wonder what Baxter thinks when I or his dad happen upon him doing what he thinks to be entirely nothing, and out of the blue comes a giant squee from us.  Like yesterday, when I came across the little kielbasa quietly resting with his shorty paws tucked under his meatloafy body, nesting like a little chicken trying to hatch his eggs.

mom, u say squee, but i say, can u please make me mittens? it's cold in here!  :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

message 2 mars

Tiny chumley was all excited when we ran across this parabolic sound reflector on our walkies this past weekend. The physics of which were not lost upon his always ready-for-more rumbly little tumbly.

ooo ooo! earth 2 mars, earth 2 mars..please send more snackies. or rawhide. or rawhide and snackies! ...and give my best to marvin and daffy! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

fetcher in the high

Yesterday morning was one of those mornings where the little kielbasa woke up and knew something interesting was going to happen.  I knew because rather than sticking by his heater friend, george, which he always does on cool mornings so as to maintain his desired body temp of baked potato,  he followed me, making my journeys about the house mildy perilous as I moved piles of fabric and sweaters in a halfhearted attempt to tidy up the messes I made the day before.  Risking the fact that I might stumble over him, so that he didn't miss out on the exact moment when something interesting happened.

Baby dog, whatchoo want?, I asked to his cocked little head after I finished and settled down to do some work on the internet.  I could tell that my noisy little whine generator was bored. 

I stared into his bright brown eyes, and then focused on the very light frosting of gray hairs on his chinny chin chin.   No, I sighed, you're not getting any younger, are you?.. I suppose you're right, something interesting really should happen today, shouldn't it, little friend?    Which is how I ended up raking in the backyard, shaping leaves into chumley high piles and sprinkling kibble in them.  And how the little kielbasa ended up spending his afternoon, happily rooting around like a piglet in search of truffles.   :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

etsy fresh: thanks for giving, brought 2 u by baxter & duk duk

dear diary,
wooty hoo!  even though thanksgiving is all about the turkey and pilgrims and well, being thankful, me n duk duk thought that there really should be a way that we could all say thanks for giving.  so we helped mom come up with super cute thank u cards that everybuddy can use.  or give, so other people can say thank u too. cuz u know, it's really important 2 say thanks after santa gives all those presents, right -  u know, so he will give u more next time?

so anyhoo, if u have somebuddies special that u know u will want to thank this year for all the cool stuff u know u are going 2 get this holiday season, or if u need a special little thank u gifty pack, u might want to clicky here and visit my mom's etsy shop to get some before they are all gone - cuz we made mega mix packs and mini mix packs and every mix in between, and even mixed packs of christmas cards, because, well me n duk duk were on a roll and we wanted the adhesive strip pull off plastic thingy to make foofie noises with cuz u can only make the noises for so long til they get too wet and then u need fresh strip.

b. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

lucha lunes: el salchicha vs the double duks

hee hee hee, oh no! el salchicha smashes on duk duk2 with a flying cactus clothesline rolling thunder turnbuckle flip while his twin partner duk duk1 anxiously waits by the sidelines to be tapped in.

but can duk duk1 save his partner in time? the answer is no! el salchicha tosses duk duk2 out of the ring like a rag doll and goes after duk duk1 with his famous bronco buster three point drop! ladeez and gentlemen cover you eyes bcuz this is a massacre of epic proportions! the referees should be calling this lucha match at any min- 

oh my goodness, out from nowhere, duk duk 2 just wailed on el salchicha with a flying forewing smash and now el luchador is pinned for the count!  one..two..three!!

ladeez and gentlemen, and just like that this lucha match is over.  congratulations double duk duks!! 

hee hee hee, anybuddy else want 2 lucha?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

baxter's eco-friendly tip #582

when getting something from the pet store there's no need for a bag.  just have me carry it out! i will even take it all the way to the car for u. :) :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

cadence for walkies

hee hee hee - heigh ho the poopie-o a marching we will go! :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

etsy fresh: brought 2 u by baxter n duk duk

Hee hee, ever wonder what happens when a lucha obsessed little doxie and his toyfriend duk are given free reign to make whatever paper goodies they want? A protection magnet, to ward off evil and unhappiness wherever it is posted.  A curly moustachioed nod to movember, also known as wishful thinking.  A pooches gracias thank you card, because a good luchador should not only be feared, he must be well mannered.  And of course, invitations to rumble, perfect for inviting friends to the next doxie backyard lucha throwdown.

hey everybuddy - me n duk duk hope u have a very mucha luchatastic weekend! :) :) 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

while u were raking

why, no, mom, i was not digging while u were raking and i certainly do not need a bath. why do u ask?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Faces have been cropped to protect the guilty, but somelittlebuddy decided to sneak out the door and follow a certain somebigunclebuddy outside while the car was being packed yesterday and had to be brought back inside.

what, u mean we are all not going for rideys?? oh. well, bye bye grandma and grandpa and unclebuddy! please come again soon!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

come fly with me

hold on tight mister hippo! if a baby circus elephant can fly, surely we can, too, dontchoo think? :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

weekend update

dear diary,
yippee! my grandpa and grandma and uncle came into town this past weekend and we have been doing all sorts of fun stuff - except going 2 the flea market bcuz for some reason i could not go along with them yesterday which was a big boo hoo for me but then when mom came home she showed me what she scored and i was so happy to know that at least she was thinking of me and then everything got better bcuz then we all went to the park for a very nice walkie and i even shook hands with like a gabillion kids and showed them a few of my tricks and of course u know that meant i had lots of snackies.  so all in all it was a very very nice weekend.  how was yours, diary?

b. :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

happy meal

Hee hee hee, some days it's all about the accidental ronald macdonald look,  and the little happy meal that loves me no matter what fashion mistakes I make. :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

bowwow to your sensei

Hello! It's me, Baxter, your not so roving rover reporter. Not reporting to you today because I am training to become a luchador.  And even though it is raining out, a good luchador must train everyday. Rain or shine.  Would u like to come inside and join me?

To fight his enemy, a good luchador must be very patient and focused.

He must not let temptation distract him from his very important goals.  To defend his honor and fight for his country.  To live another day so that he may lucha again.

(blink)  (blink)...



But an even better luchador knows how to recover after he has fallen to temptation, dontchoo think?  :)

Hey mom, how do u turn the camera off?

(hee hee hee, thank u ramsay for the super delicious giant snackie and fun fun hippo toy!!!!!)