Monday, March 26, 2012

shed a light on me

Tiny little red hairs have been speckling our floors lately, a sign of the little kielbasa was long overdue for a good brushing and grooming.  But no sooner than I finish did my tiny boyfriend show me what grooming truly meant to him.

oooo, we're grooming?  here mom, i'll show u how it's done!! :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012


a-a-a...achOO! um, okay mom maybe we better close the window after all but may i please keep george on?  :) 

- baxter, 5.25 years old, on having to give up on the notion of having his cake and eating it too, or in this case, having the window open and running his heater friend george also

Yep, the pollen is a little heavier than usual for this time of year....

Saturday, March 24, 2012

freezing point

but mom, what do u mean i cannot have the window open and george on at the same time?  it is already happening and the weather channel says it is only seventy seven degrees out right now which u know is less than the eighty that george is set at and even though it is so cold out i need to keep the window open so i can smell all the pretty flowers outside and describe them in my science report that is due on monday and in any case teacher said it is good for us to get fresh air and i do not see why the only way u can do that is to be outside, especially when it is so cold out still, know what i mean? :)

- baxter, 5.25 years old, on redefining the meaning of freezing cold.

Friday, March 23, 2012

dapper doxie duds: take me out to the ball game

dear diary,
yesterday i finished modeling the last of the duds mom made while i was away, and i must say i sure hope mom will be making more duds soon bcuz me and my tummy will not otherwise know how to make up for the loss in the snackie bonuses we have been receiving all week. but even if that doesn't happen soon, at least we went out with a double header bcuz this pair of super cool red sox baseball duds were made for my wonderful friends  bogey and remy. i certainly hope they have as much fun wearing them as i did modeling them, because as you can see they are quite versatile and in fact bogey n remy could even make a movie with them and probably win an oscar because as you can see the duds and how u wear them can really help a pup elicit very nuanced emotion.

well diary, speaking of movies, i best get going bcuz me n duk duk are going start production on our top secret feature film project for school. i cannot tell you much about it but if u know of where we can buy a bowl big enough to make 5000 gallons of jello, u know where to find me.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

dapper doxie duds: tucker's LSU Sporty Dud

hee hee, okay, one more time mister dragon, but this time, kick AND foofie!

- baxter, 5.25 years old, on teaching the finer points of foofie football to his friend mister dragon.

Well hello, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter reporting to you today on another dud my mom made while me and duk duk were away on spring break camping on foofie mountain.  Today, it's all about football.  Or, LSU football that is. Which, I really don't know how to play even though I had a chance to learn and earn a badge for it back on foofie mountain but did not because I was busy making - er, hunting - poopie snakes, but as u can probably tell from the picture above, it really doesn't matter.  Cuz mostly I think u kick and tackle and run and well, all the stuff we do in foofie football except for the foofie part. So I hope my friend Tucker will still feel right at home wearing his new dud because from what I hear, his little sister Tilly is all about tackling him, just like it's done in either game.  Hee hee, come to think of it, maybe she needs a football dud, too.

Anyhoo, even though my tummy and I had a fine time modeling Tucker's LSU football dud, I am so glad to give you an opportunity to see Tucker modeling his own dud too. Doesn't he look swell?  I hope he has plenty of swell adventures in it.

This is Baxter your roving rover reporter, wishing you a very happy and poopie filled Thursday.  :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

dapper doxie duds: penny princess's purple posey dud

Well hello, it's me, Baxter, your roving reporter reporting to you today from my home. Now, it's wet and rainy here but I like to think it's because I just helped my mom send a happy package of sunshine to my friend Penny Princess.  You see, while I was away, apparently mom got a lot done in the crafty department and so today I wanted to show u the dud she made especially for Penny Princess.  And yeah, you guessed it, I was a little too big to be modeling her dud.  So maybe today we both can use our imaginations to think about how the dud might look on Penny, who is a really cool piebald who looks like - well why don't you see for yourself?

Yep this is my friend Penny but her mom calls her Princess a lot and so I guess I like to think of her as Penny Princess.  And just like me she is a rescue, only not like me she has a brother which sometimes I think would be cool til my tummy chimes in and reminds me I would have to share my snackies and really, I do not get enough snackies as it is.

But anyhow, are you ready to see Penny Princess's new purple posey dud and imagine how she looks in it, because here it is!

Yep, Penny's purple posey dud was made with a periwinkle and purple and magenta cotton batik and embellished with an iridescent and mixed glass beaded handmade flower, topped off with a very sweet sterling silver and amethyst dangle.  I hope she likes it! And maybe if my tummy is lucky tomorrow I will report to you about a dud that actually fits me.  But for now, this is Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you the wonderfullest of Wednesdays! :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

welcome to wootyville

dear diary,
do u know what is even better than coming home after having been gone a long time? why, coming home to a present of course!  after i got home from school yesterday mom finally let me open the package that my friend romeo and miss christie sent me while i was gone and wouldntchoo know it was chock full of very special goodies.  i cannot wait to introduce dukky to duk duk bcuz i think they will have a lot in common, and my other new toyfriends mini me and rojo bear are going to have such fun with chocobot and lil pink puppy. and of course i will have fun with them all!  but there is one thing i am grateful that i will not have to share, and it is the delicious bounty of snackies that also came in my package.  there were so many kinds, i hardly knew where to begin! and lucky for me there are so many of each it will be a long time before I have to decide where to end.  so miss christie and romeo, if u happen to be reading my diary, me, my toyfriends, and especially my tummy thank u very much for such a wonderful and welcome gifty. 

b. :)

ps -i hope u r having a wonderful tuesday!! :) :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

hello again :)

hee hee, i missed u too, my friends. :)

- baxter, 5.25 years old, overheard just after he and duk duk came back home from his and duk duk's spring break pupscout camping trip to foofie mountain.

dear diary,
yippee skippee me and duk duk are back from our spring break pupscout camping trip to foofie mountain and let me tell u, boy did we have fun.  though i am not so sure why people are always talkin about fresh mountain air cuz at least on foofie mountain, things started to smell a lot fresher once we made our descent back down the mountain and..wait, what's that on my head u ask?

u mean this ol thing??

hee hee, well diary - it's my new supercool scouting hat bcuz me n duk duk completed enough activities that we graduated from pupscouts and now we are first class junior chipscouts!!  i cannot wait to show you our complete new uniforms and the badges we earned but somedukkie forgot to pack them and now we have to wait for campmaster rick to send them to us.  but do not worry, when they come i will show them to you.

anyhoo, mom says i cannot stay too long on the computer bcuz i have to unpack and get ready for school plus i need to catch up with lil pink puppy n chocobot and see if they brought back the gummy souvenirs like me and duk duk asked them to from the candyland forest where chocobot's uncle pegasus lives but diary, i just wanted to say even though we had lots of fun, i missed u very much too and am glad to be back home and tomorrow i will talk to u again. and i hope your spring break was just as wonderful.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

please stand by: spring break

Hooray! It's spring break for tiny chumley and the gang, and after almost three years of daily posting and over 1000 posts here in kalyxcornucopia world, it's time for a little bloggy R&R.  But fear not, friends and homies, mister poopie snake and friends will be back in two weeks on Monday March 19th, with more super fun happy-go-lucky and sometimes crafty adventures! 

hee hee, mom, can I please say something very important? 

Sure thing baby dog.

if u just dropped a poopie snake after reading this news, please send all unwanted snakes to me n duk duk, care of pupscout camp master rick, cabin b on foofie mountain. but please postmark by march 15 so it will have time to get there before we leave to go back home.  and, i hope u have a very fun spring break too !  :)

(ps - the etsy shop will still be open and i will still be working on dapper doxie dud orders and yep, i am sure the little kielbasa will be dropping in from time to time on facebook - and no, baby dog does not need any more poopie snakes. :)   <3)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

hide n go

shhh, please do not tell duk duk where i am.  we r playing hide n go poop! :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

return of the giant shirtball

Even though it has only been a week, by tiny chumley's sense of time, it had been ages since his little tummy delighted in the chewy eewy goodness of rawhide.  This I know because mister bright eyes had been unusually frisky yesterday morning, doing everything within his power to redirect my attention from what I was doing, to what I should be doing.  Which was, in his earnest opinion, all about giving him what his tummy said it needed. 

mom, here.  i'll even show u where it is!, his perky little face declared as he skip stepped toward the IKEA beast, being ever so careful to reel me like a fish, freshly hooked at the end of his line. 

Oh yeah, I realized as we reached out destination and he glanced up high, the rawhide bouquet of roses that I didn't use after all for our Valentine's day picture.  "Okay baby dog you can have just one.  But we gotta make it last longer than five minutes."  It was time for the return of the giant shirtball.

A little wet sneeze sprayed my ankles as I shook dust from the tees that had up til now been enjoying the quiet life in a forgotten pile upstairs.  Undeterred by the dust shower, Baxter wiggled with anticipation, proud to see the accomplishments of his past encounters with the tees, now so holey that it was going to take more than a few minutes to knot them in such a way that his rawhide stuffed kong toy didn't just roll out in complete and utter surrender to its fate.

"Ta-da! It's not so giant anymore but here you go my little friend!" 

thanks mom, bye bye!! And off he jauntily scamped with his shirtball in tow, lucky charms and twinkly stars and four leafed clovers glinting in the sunlight as they trailed behind him.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

raindog games

When little friends bide their time by playing games on a gray and misty day, it isn't what you play, but how you play it.  :)

hee hee hee, foofie bomb launched to b-5.  uh-oh chocobot, u stunk my battleship!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

monkey on my back

well mister manhands, monkey chow milkshakes are rather habit forming, but i do not see how staying on my back is going to help with anything. r u sure u would not be more comfortable with my mouth around your neck? :) 

Monday, February 27, 2012

sleepy sunday

my sleepy sunday,
recharging my batteries
in the nice warm sun.

- baxter henry, 5.1 years old, drowsily waiting for his dad to come home. :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

while u were visiting

For a couple months now I have been thinking about redoing the colors in my crafty space.  Switching from warm reds and oranges and other happenstance colors to the cooler  tones of aqua, turquoise, and green.

I figured if I put my mind to it, I'd be done in just a few days. I have a lot fabrics in the new colors already and what, recovering my pair of office chairs? Maybe a day each, and the fabric shelving panels, oh, another day, and yeah the onerous task of making actual lined window curtains? Okay, maybe like 4 days to do it reasonably right with a few breaks thrown in for good measure.

With big boyfriend off to visit family, I thought I might be able to get most of it done these past few days. At least everything but the curtains, anyway, because I still don't know what I want to do for them.  But surely with one less person in the house to mind,  I can finish everything else  in all free time I would have on my hands, right?

Visions of welcoming home my big boyfriend to studio orderliness and color cohesiveness danced through my head as I started sewing.

But now? Like, four-ish days later? Yeah, you guessed it.  Now with t-minus just a few hours before tiny boyfriend and I trundle off to the airport to pick up big boyfriend,  my studio is even messier then when big boyfriend departed and I am at best 30 percent finished.  And I know that these beguiling brown eyes had plenty to do with my lack of crafty progress.

Welcome home, honey!  Wanna see the big hole we dug in back? :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

i am a dachshund


no time must i waste
in getting my stinky back
i am a dachshund :)

- baxter, 5.1 years old, dedicated to the task of recovering the stink he lost less than 24 hours ago.

Friday, February 24, 2012

what, time 4 a bath?


(Hee hee, yep, somebuddy stinky was long overdue for a u know what.  And much to his dismay, yesterday he got it. :) )

Thursday, February 23, 2012

a yoga in the sun

is not what i thought it was,
but i still liked it. :)  

- baxter, 5.1 years old, disappointed that no cats were involved after all, but still happy with his decision to exchange his esp library book for one on yoga. :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

dapper doxie duds: puppsburgh steelers

okay mom, i am ready to model oskar's new steelers dud....wait? what?  i might actually be able to fit this one?  oh yippee! give me a second to put it on right, okay?

ta da!  o me so cannot wait for oskar to get his new dud and maybe when he gets it he will show me how to play football or at least show me how to make steel bcuz me n duk duk can really use a lot of it for the skyscraper we plan 2 make this spring after we are done with the trebuchet :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

tiny snowman

hee hee hee, okay lil pink puppy, methinks u have it from here but come get me when u r ready 2 make it yellow and hurry bcuz i have been holding it 4ever!

- baxter, 5.1 years old, on taking a break from building a snow fort with duk duk to help lil pink puppy make his first snowman ever. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

extrasensory poopception

dear diary,
i might have forgotten to tell you about the esp book i checked out of the school library last week but considering my tummy is still very rumbly, there is really nothing here to report.  except do not waste a whole week's worth of study halls studying esp books when u could have been drawing poopie snakes instead.

b. :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

the doctor is in

One of these days the world might get to see the cuteness that is Baxter's little monkey toyfriend, mister manhands.  But apparently, today is not that day.

hee hee hee, i see you need some stitches removed, mister manhands. but do not worry, the doctor is in!! :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

soon 2 b 4 me!

o yippee skippee,
a rough n tumbly playdud
soon 2 b 4 me!

- baxter, 5.1 years old,  happy to model the tee that he wants his mom to use when she makes his new playdud.   :)


Friday, February 17, 2012



Rain pitter pattered gently on the windowpanes while tiny chumley sat on his tuffet and glumly looked out on the gray and gloomy day that was yesterday.  

"Poor little pumpkin," I told him as I unglued myself from my morning's online search for ribbon and assorted sundries for dud orders. "You look like u could use a chinny skritch."

Baby dog had been pretty quiet that morning.  With everyone staying dry and warm inside their homes, there was nothing to bark at on such a wet and dreary day.  Though the seas were raging mightily, there was nothing to awaken the fury of my little kraken-hund.

Which is maybe why when I settled beside him and started skritching his chinny chin chin, out came a suprising and tremendous eeeeeeeyawing yawn.  A plea to the gods, I guessed, for something kraken-hund worthy this way come.  Because even the tiniest of kraken-hunds need something to release their fury upon, especially on boring wet and rainy days. :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

chocopup valentine

The little kielbasa was full of barkies yesterday, pausing only long enough to take a quick picture with the tiny chocopup that wandered into our household for Valentine's day.

mom, i know i cannot eat him bcuz he is made of chocolate n all, but can me n duk duk please use him in our next video? he would be a perfect stunt dog for our  super spy cataclysmic morphamatronic poopie snake epic explosion scene!  :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a little help please?

Tiny chumley needed a little something to keep himself busy yesterday, and so out came one of his favorite busy boy pastimes, the rawhide stuffed kong toy.  In the past, it used to give him a solid twenty minutes of happy happy joy joy before he gave up and came pleading to me for help, but now I see a certain little someone's impatient tummy has decided prompt him to jump to the chase.

mom, we both know how this story ends. a little help please?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

lucha love


"a good luchador is not only a fiercesome wrestler, but he is also kind and good and sharing of his love."  

- el salchicha, one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight days old, on wishing everybuddy a very happy valentine's day!! :)

Monday, February 13, 2012



...and this little bowl of porridge was too cold.
but me ate it anyway :)

- baxter, 5.1 years old, retelling the tale of goldilocks and the three bears, as only a doxie and his little hungry tummy can tell it. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

playing with duk duk

A quiet little happy playtime video this Sunday, featuring the little kielbasa's new old friend, duk duk 5. :)  

why hello duk duk, u seem to have something caught in your throat. let me help u! :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

thank u :)

dear diary,
even though i started off this week not so swell with a fizzy tummy, look at how lucky i got by the end of it!  yep, that's right, my friend oskar sent me bear biscuits! and yeah u know i could tell that package that came in the mail was 4 me.   me n duk duk cannot wait to try catching a bear with them, but just 2 be sure i had to taste test them to make sure they were going to work. and they were delicious!!  thank u so much oskar and miss alicia!

well diary, speaking of fizzy tummies i have 2 spend at least part of this weekend catching up on all the schoolwork i missed which is sort of a bummer because if we do catch a bear this weekend, well i guess duk duk will have to be very persuasive on his own about why the bear should stick around to join our circus act this year.

anyhoo, i hope u r having a wonderful saturday!! :)

b. :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

workin 9 to 5

One of these days I would like to make the little kielbasa something to comfortably hold my camera to little body, just so he could amble around all day and I could see the world from his little lowrider perspective.  But for now, I guess I shall be content sharing with the world the happy go lucky views that I get to see every day, all from the hours of 9 to 5.  :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

acorn ultimatum

psssst - hey, squirrel! i will trade u a poopie snake and a thirty second head start next time i see u on the birdfeeder in back if u take that acorn u have in your hands and throw it at the stinky neighbor bassets next door.  but let's just keep this between u and me okay?  i already got yelled at for running off and barking at them earlier. 

- baxter, 5.1 years old, still trying to partake in his favorite naughty pastime, warring with his neighbor bassets next door.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

me dunwanna

 mom, are u sure i have to go back to school today?

- baxter, 5.1 years old, happy that his tummy stopped being fizzy, but not so happy that his impromptu vacation is coming to an end  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

chopsticks please :)


Hee hee, yeah, somebuddy is feeling better, and he has been loving his six times a day fauxshimi mini meals.  :)

mom, even though my tummy is feeling better now and we agreed i would slowly try my kibble again, may i please have at least a few more fauxshimi mini meals bcuz me so wants to learn to use chopsticks and i will wear a napkin n everything!

Monday, February 6, 2012

hot water bottle

A quiet Sunday for tiny chumley and his upset tummy.  And thankfully, thus far, uneventful.  :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

tummy war

my unhappy tummy
woke me up early again.
guess i will eat grass.

- baxter, 5.1 years old, now resting comfortably and reflecting on his yacky sunday morning.

It's a bit of a puzzle really.  The little kielbasa's whole yack business this weekend that came with rather unfortunate timing as there are so many factors to consider. The tasty forbidden bunny poops of spring time.  The transition from both old can and bag of food to new ones.  The tiny tomato past its prime.  His willingness to stand out in the cold wet backyard to graze on more grass. His otherwise fine demeanor and ever bright eyed desire to consume tasty tiny bites the foods he loves, save for the new kibble that was willing to eat yesterday with some mild convincing, that he now most vehemently schnubs. The fact that he had cha-chingy overnight stay at the emergency vet for hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, or HGE,  roughly four years ago. The only time since he was adopted that we were separated for the night.

It's the HGE that really has me in overthink mode.  HGE is one of those things that happen without much firm root cause and there are lot of suspicions as to what might cause it. And of course in the past few days, it seems he has had opportunity to come in contact with all the prime suspects.  My worst and possibly uneducated theoretical concern? That if I don't manage the morning empty tummy yackies, if his tummy stays empty for too long,  all the gurgly acid that his tummy seems to produce in protest would make its way down his digestive tract, and all that extra acid in an empty environment would trigger the inexplicable bloody horror of HGE.  So giving his tummy something to do after a morning yack is critical.   Job number one.

Normally a few bits of kibble does the trick, but this past weekend the kibble he so normally gobbles down without a thought has been spat back out.  At first, I wasn't sure if he was schnubbily protesting the lack of fishy kibble that I had sprinkled in the old bag.  But this morning, even after his kibble container was thoroughly stunk up with the stinky turkey patty I left in it overnight, his tummy told him to  schnub his kibble while accepting eagerly licking at the spoon of wet I subsequently offered him.   Okay, that's it. Tummy you win.  Let's try a different bag of fresh kibble, and yep, let's get some white rice too, just in case.

Tiny chumley is snoozing comfortably by george under cover of blankie as I write this, and really he seems no worse for wear, no different than any other day at this time.  But as he sleeps, as his dad is off to get a new bag of kibble and a small bag of white rice, I wait.  Wondering what next his tummy will choose to do, and wondering what I will do next.   

Saturday, February 4, 2012

dachsagorean theroem

sorry mom me busy tracking things.  cuz everydoxie knows that 

daffodils squared + warm weather squared = bunnies squared! :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

pardon me, excuse me, outta da way pleeze

From the grainy shadows of early morning did pop the little kielbasa's head, straining to see inside and elevated as it was by tippy toed paws that pranced ever so slightly forward as the box slowly slid away from him.

pardon me, xcuse me, outta da way pleeze! oooo - a package from the mail lady! dad, r u sure your name was on it and not mine?  bcuz u never get packages and i always do!   :):)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

baxter and duk duk's tiny song singalong video

dear diary,
well me n duk duk had a fine time making our karaoke video project for school though our collaboration was not as seamless as it could have been on account of us having take turns at the computer bcuz of lil pup puppy's glitter spill and well, by the time duk duk finished his part and i got to see it, it was getting late and so we kinda just had to go with it if u know what i mean.  but i still think it turned out very nice so i hope enjoy singing along and do not forget to watch it in HD by clicking on the gear at the bottom!

b. :)