Showing posts with label all gussied up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label all gussied up. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2013

flotsam and jetsam

hee hee, no, i have not seen anything about the great white poop shark yet, have u duk duk?  i am glad we decided to add underwater sea diving for when we sail the seven seas this summer. between your water proof feathers and my googles and my blue floatie, we should be able to see not only the great white poop shark up close, but maybe also we we are lucky, we will even see moby poop himself!   i am so glad today is the last day of school, arentchoo duk duk?  oo - i think i hear the bus coming! get in the wagon hold my goggles so i can pull us to the bus stop!! :) :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

time for a birthday party :)

 birthday present wrapped - check!   card signed and put in bag -  check! party hat on - check! 
okay, mom, let's go to little miss julia's birthday party!! :) :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

hound of the poopievilles

wanted: one giant magnifying glass and tweed cape (duk size medium). willing to trade for gummy worms or monkey chow.  serious inquiries only, tinysherlock221 at

Friday, April 12, 2013

dapper doxie duds: springtoberfest

Hello my friends! It's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, reporting to you about the latest in springtoberfest fashion, fresh off my mom's sewing machine.  These happy duds are for my friends Quintin and Jewel, who ordered their duds way back when.  Lucky for mom and for Quintin and Jewel, their patience paid off because looky - here are their duds.

This time Jewel and Quintin wanted to celebrate their German heritage in true Octoberfest style.  So first up, a peek at Jewel's dirndl dud, a vision in oranges and green complete with a buckled ruffle edged bodice and removable skirt/apron  and yup your eyes are not fooling u, folk badger trim! 

Now what's a boy to wear when his sister is wearing a dirndl?  Why, lederhosen of course!  Only just like me, Quintin is a mover and a shaker so u know, who needs pants?  So, to keep things nice and lederhoseny, mom made sure to piece in the seamlines and pipe them, and she made a reversible suspender placket featuring acorns and oak leaves, because Quintin and Jewel live very near the city of oaks. This lederhosen look is made from super soft pinwale corduroy and bound in bottomweight twill so Quintin can jump and bump with the mountain billy goats if he wants to, while Jewel collects edelweiss in the mountains.  Unfortunately for me, I am much bigger than Quintin otherwise I would model it for you. But maybe one day mom will make one for me, maybe even with suede or leather!

So that is it for this week in makey my friends! And I don't know about your plans for the weekend, but I think I've got some yodeling to do!  This is Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you a wonderful yoldel-eh-eee-poooooooooo! :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

of bunnies, and timey wimey stuff

dear diary,
i am sorry i do not have much time to write today but i am busy practicing chasing bunnies for reasons i cannot divulge completely yet.

in other news, i am very excited about watching doctor who tonight and in honor of tonight's premiere i thought i would show u how things are progressing with the doctor who dud that my friend murphy ordered from my mom.  it was pretty much done, but there were a few accessories that mom wanted to make.  like  the timey wimey pocket locket that my mom finally finished as an optional accessory!  and yes if murphy decides to get it, i am pretty sure he is gonna have to promise not to touch it because like me, even though he might like to watch doctor who on television, he probably really does not have enough time to listen to him in person

oh, and there is one more optional accessory that mom made this past week, and that is the time wimey kinda chameleon pin, good for time traveling dogs and humans alike!  something tells me i am going to need my very own doctor who dud, because these accessories are super cool!!

anyhoo diary, i really must get back to operation bunny bun bun so hope u r having a wonderful saturday!!

b. :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

timeparadachsnduks: goodbye yellow brick road

"having left their doctor friend before getting critical information on how to use princess primpnpink's purposefully powerful pedaports, time-adventurers-accidentally-turned-into-girls baxter and duk duk and their soon-to-vanished friend susan carefully consider their options before going through with the only one they can think of.."


to be continued (but hooray,  not for much longer! :) : )

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

time paradachsnduks: gone without the windbag

"detoured by different extension of time, weary time adventurers turned accidentally into girls, girl baxter and girl duk duk, find relief, with a little help from a horse named susan.." 

"having ditched their long winded and time displaced doctor friend, girl baxter, girl duk duk, and a horse named susan who curiously looks like chocobot go off to seek princess primpnpink's purposefully powerful pedaports...and find them.." 

to be continue (phew, almost there!)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

timeparadachsnduks: one step closer, another step back

"disappointed to find that their mom's unfinished timey wimey device did not turn back time as they had hoped, girl baxter and girl duk duk are now faced with an interesting observation, and a time challenge of a different sort..." 

" ..hours later..."

to be continued (sheesh!)..

Monday, March 18, 2013

time paradachsnduks: the schwoomp effect

"having overheard their mom talk about the coming week's makey projects, girl baxter and girl duk duk hatch a plan to change themselves back into boys... "

Sunday, March 17, 2013

fashion sunday: the week in makey make review

"we interrupt our story this st. patrick's day to bring you this very important message from out story's sponsors.."

Oh, okay, is this thing on? Hello, my name is Baxter and you might already know me through my blog, facebook, or  twitter.   I am not a stinky girl, but I play one sometimes in stories like you've been following. And I sometimes do it to help my mom when she has made things that I need to model. And today, we are taking a break from our story because I have many things to model.  Here, let me show you...

This is the dud my mom just finished for my friend moxie's order.  Moxie is chocolate dapple girl whose fashion inspiration comes from royalty.  New royalty that is, because before  prince willam's wife married him and became the duchess of cambridge, she was plain ol kate middleton.  Who wasn't really plain or old really, just fresh and modern, simply styled and feminine without being too frou frou.  And so moxie's dud needed to be like that too.

Behind the scenes this past week, my mom also finished the duds ordered by my friends Penny and Leroy.  This time Penny wanted a play dud made from a pretty bubblegum pink princess crown print that she picked out herself, and she wanted ruffles too, so after i helped mom look for the perfect trim and coordinating fabrics to match,  I helped her make it! And model it of course!

 Now, if your sister has a princess play dud , what do you think you should have if you were her brother?  Yup, you guessed it, a piratey play dud, because how else are you going to be able to place princess and pirate together?

And can u keep a secret, my friends?  Because I can tell you these duds are very fun to play in and you can even add things from your very own closet - like ohhh...

a pretty purple flower crown so you can sit by the window and watch the butterflies and airplanes fly by with your very best friend...

or, soon-to-be-fresh in mom's etsy shop,  a super cool pirate hat so you can arrrrrrrr the seven seas! (I hope to help mom put them on etsy Etsy early this week starting maybe even as early as tonight so be on the lookout for the red alert doot doot dooty doot!)

Okey dokey, well that is it for today.  Boy am I pooped, and not even in a snakey sort of way! I hope u enjoyed looking at all the things I helped mom make this past weel and I hope you have a wonderful coming week!! :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

el salchicha returns

dear diary,
today nothing much is happening, other than the usual stuff.  like waiting for the lucha signal so me and duk duk can save the world.  what's happening with u?

b. :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

rained out

(sigh)  well duk duk,
 i guess our drag racing plans are postponed again...

sheesh, u would think they would tell u that in the description before u order it, right? i mean, why wouldn't a yellow dukkie hoodie be waterproof? it's a yellow dukkie...and it's a hoodie....

oh well...hey, u wanna get chocobot n lil pink puppy and play guess whose foofie?  do not tell them but i ate a monkey chow hoagie and a piece of glitter cake yesterday. :) :)


Friday, January 18, 2013

early riser, what happened to all the snow we were supposed to get??

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

merry merry joy joy

hee hee, merry christmas, my friends!
b. :) :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

dapper doxie duds: anthropologically speaking

Today a peekypoo at a happy little purple corduroy dud with cotton lace, velvet trim, and freshwater pearl embellishment that I finished for Gabby in early November but was not able to photograph until now. 

tiny chumley,  of course, was more than ready to hwup and hwup his way into some snackie modeling time and performed ever so wonderfully yesterday, despite the fact that Gabby's tiny dud hardly fit him at all.

hwuuuuuup - hee hee, hey duk duk - can u please get me some safety pins bcuz based on how much velcro i see by the chest strap, this whole dud might blow any min--  no i do not need to go on a diet anymore and u cannot eat my gummy worms bcuz the tushie man said my weight was fine now and -- hwuuuuup - hurreeee - if i do this we can all get snackies!! :) :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

thinking of me :)


gee mom, i can totally tell u were thinking of me while u were gone and u saw how happy i was that u came back home yesterday night and thank u for this very very nice present but, u know, tomorrow is thanksgiving, not christmas and well, next time u visit grampa and gramma and go to the wally world up there...well, instead of getting me the elf hat or the santa hat with a beard now thatchoo know i wear a medium, don't they have like snackies or, u know, toyfriends or sumptin thatchoo can bring back? not that i am not very grateful or anything bcuz i like my new hat and all, butchoo know, i cannot share it with my tummy or duk duk or chocobot or lil pink puppy or anything like that. :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

trading wooty! yippee, we collected eight bags of skittles last night!  that should get us at least as many bags of gummy worms from little miss sarah, if not more because we did not open them or anything.

now all we need to do is wait for little miss sarah to come home from school. :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

happy halloween from the poopball wii-zard !


ever since i was a young pup,
i've made my poopie snakes,
from outside to even inside,
my poopies i would make,
but i've ain't seen nothing like them,
not even on a cake,
that brown green and blond duk,
sure poops mean poop balls!

hee hee hee -
trick or treat!!

the poopball wii-zard & his toyfriends

Thursday, September 20, 2012

dapper doxie duds: much ado about something

but,  mom, if i wear nikki's new dud on my head like this i cannot wear this pretty flower crown i found in our play closet from when me n lulu were doing our pirate skit and i think it would go very well with nikki's new dud, dontchoo think?  and  i think i can fit it if i hwuuup hard enough,  and once i am dressed as  purple princess queen of the forest, i can recite the speech i wrote, u know, so it will be an interactive modelling session.  please? it will be so fun...oh yippee! okay will be right back!

(HWUUUUUUP! o thank u duk duk for helping my get my crown on...okay places everybuddy...)

"O friends and loyal subjects of the purple forest, we cometh here today to celebrate a new dud for my friend Nikki, who merrily is fond of climbing rocks and roaming the mountains of her native wilderness with her fair sister Lucy, and thus she did require a simple dud that was outdoorsy girly but not too frou frou - " (vroom, skreeeeee!)

hey wait, was that??? do u hear what I hear??  


(bark bark brik brak bark bow wow wowbark bark brik brak ribba ribba bow wow) hey, up here, man in brown! yeah  u know i'm barkin atchoo! (brik brik woof woof ribba ribba) i'm ruff and i'm tuff even in purple flowers and yeah just leave that package and run off now cuz i'm that scary.  (rowr rowr arf woof arf) yeah dat's what i'm talkin bout.  barkatchoo next time too, scaredy pants! (bwoof)

oh i am sorry mom, u were saying sumptin?  maybe...or um, yeah.  can we maybe,  start this modelling session over? maybe, after i go downstairs and see what the man in brown left me? cuz well, u know, it might take a while for me to get back into character n all. :)

(hee hee, I hope u love your new dud Nikki!! :) )