Friday, October 28, 2011


Baxter's first ever antler: $8

Plastic packaging thingy from something I got in the mail: free

Yeah, u know how story ends. :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

busy paws

Just a little happy tiny chumley video today cuz yippee, it's Thursday!! :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

special request

mom, so long as we are going rideys may we go back to the pet store and see if they have any bacon flavored bubbles my friend poe has them and he says they are delicious!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

nana nana boo boo

Always a little gent when we take the tiny chumley to lunch with us at the hot dog place, it still doesn't stop him from doing a little wishful thinking, or air licking.

mom, if u take the onions off, i can so help u eat that !!

And that was the start to our happy little Sunday afternoon.  :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

a ball full of rawhide helps the medicine go down

With the weather cool enough so that he go rideys with us on errands, tiny chumley floated high on cloud nine yesterday,  watching from us his car snoozer while we ate lunch seated by the restaurant window so we could watch him, then going to the park for his lunch,  and walkies afterward where we serendipitiously met up with friends we haven't seen in forever.

ooo mom n dad, dat was fun.  where to next??, mister happy go lucky queried when we got back to the car.   Why the fabric store of course, so you and your dad can bake in the sun while I look for some things I need to make duds and elmer fudds. oooh yippee skippee - bakey bakey time with dad!

Shopping mission accomplished, poppin fresh came home still afloat on on his happy cloud, radiating heat from his sausagey body like a meatloaf fresh from the oven.

and what r we doing now mom? he asked with his tail held proud and high.  Well baby dog, I'm sorry but....

I pulled out my dust mask and dremel.   Which for those who do not speak little kielbasa,  readily translates into,  it is time to do your nails. 

nooooOOOooooOoooooOOooooooooooo....  The happy air that had kept Baxter aloft all day whooshed out from beneath him as his dad picked him up and and we all assumed our pawdicure positions.

But don't worry baby dog. Remember you haven't had your nails done in three weeks and that means you haven't had rawhide for three weeks either and that means u get rawhide today!

oh right...woooty pa-tooty! let's get this done, shall we? :) :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

dapper doxie duds: kirby hepburn sedgwick

dear diary,
yippee! didjoo ever have one of those days where u wake up and wonder if u r ever going to get a chance to wear your wig again because teacher told u not to bring it to school anymore even though u were very good and did everything she said and even cleaned her erasers for her? well lucky for me, mom finished kirby's dud yesterday and since her mom described kirby as one part edie sedgwick and one part audrey hepburn, well u know what i just had to do when it came time to model  kirby's hepburn-sedgwick inspired dud.  although boo hoo mom would not let me borrow a sharpie like i wanted to so i could have duk duk draw a beauty mark on me.

anyhoo here is a peekypoo at kirby's dud.  it has cross woven two toned silk pleated trim and freshwater pearls n everything! mehopes kirby likes it!!

well i must go and draw the costume i want mom to make me for halloween so i must say bye bye for now and talk to u tomorrow! :)

b. :) :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

hello my new friend :)

nibbley nibbley nibbley doo,
hello my new friend.  
glad to eat u! :)

- baxter, 4.8. years old, on welcoming his new rainy day toyfriend, mr taddeus e. pole.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

me wanty dat

oooh, i smell cinnamon and love!

- baxte, 4.8 years old, moments before enjoying another one of miss kim's homemade super delicious snackies :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

bit o honey

pardon me, has anyone seen my tutu and yellow stripey leg warmers? i need them for recital after school 2day. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

dapper doxie duds: olive the buzzy bee

Hooray, today a peekypoo at a cheery little dud I just finished for sweet mini Olive, who regularly checks in on the bees that her mom keeps.  So what's more fitting than a bee inspired dud? One that's made from dyed cashmere and plaid woolen and bound in black sateen and embellished with measuring tape ribbon and a little bee charm.  And a felted ball antennae cap for the days when she's feeling extra buzzy.

 whooo, mom, antennae! bzzzzz. bzzzz. when i am done helping u model olive's dud, can we start making something for me? i have lots and lots of ideas! bzzzzzz.

not yet baby dog, but soon my little friend!

bzzzzzzzzippeeee! :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

the front door

mom, what do u mean lulu is going home today?? lil pink puppy was going 2 take her to show n tell 2morrow and chocobot and she are going to play bridge with his friends on wednesday and duk duk n me already cast her in our next play as the amazing xena princess warrior and u know if she does not do it i will have to and we haven't even gone thru the chik-fil-a drive thru yet or anything!

wait...does this mean i do not have 2 share you or dad or my snackies anymore? bye bye lulu! mom says u were a wonderful guest. come again i had a great time and hope u did too! let me help u with your crate butchoo can totally leave your extra kibble if u want.  don't forget your blankie and be sure to blog me. bye bye! 

mom, can we snuggle on the sofa now, justchoo n me?  :)

- baxter, 4.8 years old,  suffering from singular sofa snuggle withdrawal and an apparent lapse in manners.  (hee hee -  lulu, u really were a sweet little houseguest! :) )

Sunday, October 16, 2011

snackies in the park

dear diary,
yippee skippee it was such a nice day out yesterday that not only did i get to show lulu the pet store where mom and dad get my kibble, but we went for a nice long walkie in a park that I have never been to before and we had a really swell time.

now, diary, it is only six o'clock in the evening as i write this because i wanted to finish before 2nite's pupjama party starts so i cannot tell u yet how much fun we had after our park walkies and pet store visit but i can tell u that while we were gone duk duk and chocobot went to the game store to pick up a certain wii that was being repaired on account of u know who spilling monkey chow milkshake all over it and yeah u know what we will be doing 2nite - minus the monkey chow milkshakes that is.

anyhoo, with any luck by the time u r reading this we will be on level 1956493 of scooby doo n shaggy's super haunted magic mystery bus adventures so if u need anything, it might have to wait until after we walk thru the hall of golden arches and find the magic key of mystery.

b. :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

heads and tails

With the recent rains having stirred up so many things for two little dachshunds to investigate in the backyard yesterday,  I hardly could catch a glimpse of anything other than little sniffing heads and waggy tails wandering one way or the other, crisscrossing about til finally it was time to go back inside and rest, and wait for Baxter's appointment with the tushie man. :o

A special PS - methinks some homies may have missed out on B's little budgety 2012 desk calendar so I set up a preorder listing in Etsy for anyone interested in reserving theirs from my next order which should be available in early November. So if you are interested in getting a happy little gifty to keep or give this holiday season, just clicky clicky here, but hurry if u want to be included, cuz the little kielbasa will be placing his order on October 20th :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

kitty perch built for two

Two tuckered tushies spent a little quiet time on the kitty perch yesterday afternoon, recharging after a rather wakey wakey pupjama party night and happy bark-ophonous morning.

mom, can u please wake us up from our kitty naps if u see the snackie man and his truck coming?  i so want 2 get everybuddy some fresh n fishy pupcakes for our twister party 2nite! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

snackies please

dear diary,
hee hee, yep this is me and my friend lulu and yippee she will get to stay with us for a few days and so u know we are having a pupjama party only this picture was taken before we put our jammies on. mom says she is not sure what it is when doxies get together but they always seem hungrier when they are in a pack and that might explain why we spent a lot of the evening looking at her like this. well until we figured boo hoo we were not getting any xtra snackies for the night. 

anyhoo, lucky 4 me with lulu here mom said i do not have 2 go to school and so today methinks if it is not raining and after she and lil pink puppy n chocobot play glitter barbie beauty school then maybe i will show her all the new holes i made in the backyard and maybe we can make some new ones.

i hope u r having fun at your pupjama party cuz i know we are! :)

b. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

double posties: u r invited! baxter & duk duk's amazing pupjama party weekend!

dear diary,
yippee skippee! normally i do not write u twice in a day diary but i just found out that my friend lulu will be coming to visit 2night and spend the whole weekend  and of course u know what that means - pupjama party!!  and to make it extra fun u r invited too!!

just remember, it's byopjs (bring your own pup jammies) and there will be no mooshy yucky kissy kissin or anything like so of course it's going 2 be fun fun fun! 

okay i have to clean my beds now and put away my toys and start making monkey chow milkshakes so i will talk 2 u later! :)

b. :)

carpe doxem

Four little paws did their very best to climb the stairs of the jungle gym the other day, though I'm not exactly sure why tiny chumley took it upon himself to scramble up so high with such derring do.  Maybe he knew it would rain this week, and that he would spend yesterday quietly snoozing under cover of blankie in his car seat while we ran errands, listening to the gentle rain drip drip drop on the roof of the car, while he happily dreamed of all the fun he had in the sun.  :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

trouble bubble

why no, teacher, i did not lose my copy of romeo and juliet.  why do u ask?

baxter, 4.8 years old, after turning in  his book report .

Monday, October 10, 2011

book report

dear diary,
yippee, mom n dad took me to the nature park yesterday and it was super fun! butchoo know what? we got home kind of late and wouldn'tchoo know that our netflix was acting up so i could not watch the romeo n juliet movie that i was counting on to 2 watch so i could do my book report? so then duk duk thought maybe we could find something else 2 watch instead that might be close but then lil pink puppy would not give up the tv remote and when i finally got a hold of it the remote was stuck and the channels kept changing back and forth and there wasn't much time left before bedtime so i watched what i could and, well, if i do say so myself,  i think i did a very good job with my book report and i bet teacher will not notice at all that i did not read romeo n juliet.  especially since i wrote my report in pen and included some drawings - methinks i will get extra credit for that too!

anyhoo, i must go and find a nice plastic binder for my report so i can turn it in today, but i thought i would share a copy of it here 4 u diary, cuz i know u would want to read my masterpiece.  i hope u r having a wonderful monday!!

b. :) :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

short story long

dear diary,
so diary, u know how lil pink puppy spilled a monkey chow milkshake all over our wii and how it went kablooey shortly thereafter and how we kinda left it in the laundry room to dry since it was rainy out all that week and how we sorta got in trouble cuz we didn't tell mom and after a week the laundry room smelled like we played a guess whose foofie game in there even though we didn't but we were playing that game only we were playing upstairs and then mom  sniffed us out and us to stop but our wii was still all crusty and kablooey? well after we decided to pool together all the glitter and kibble and worms that we were saving from our flaming headless pumpkin robot project, we finally had enough to take the wii to the fixit shop, and so it is still there and we could not play with the wii this weekend and so me and duk duk decided to ask mom if she would buy us a unicycle and two helmets and after she said no and after we asked her if duk duk could use her sewing machine to make parachutes for lil pink puppy and chocobot while i set up the diving board off the deck and after she said no to that, well, i guess asking mom if i could go down the slide at the playground didn't seem like such a big deal. and so u guessed it - i did! with a little help from my mom of course.  but next time methinks i will bring scooby doo cuz he would be much more super slidey slipperiffic and then i could just ride him down like a surfboard and then mom could even take pictures! 

anyhoo, diary, today i have to study for my vocabulary quiz and write a book report on a book i have not read yet.  and u know what that means.  i sure hope they have romeo n juliet on netflix!

b. :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011


i bring u sticky sticky, but me chewy chewy!
- baxter, 4.8 years old, on describing yesterday's fetch and chew playbreak. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

cute is all u need :)

I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but there are some days I've noticed when it seems the little kielbasa wakes up with an extra helping of fuzzy faced cuteness.  When he wakes up, quietly radiating a sunshiney glow,  that draws me to him like a moth to light. 

For tiny chumley, I am sure to him it is just another day.  But for me, I am lost in wonderland. Captivated by cuteness, and charmed by his innocence and optimism. Beguiled his velvety soft ears and pinkety pink belly, and his little short legs and long, sausagey body.

Please, baby dog, roll on over.  There's a tummy I need to rub.  :)


Thursday, October 6, 2011

dapper doxie duds: jasper the friendly pup's playduds and retro gent duds

Yippee, today a peekypoo at the happy little pair of duds I finished yesterday for Jasper, whose mom knew that all work and no play makes Jasper a dull boy.  Which is why methinks her special little boy not only will have a nice new dapper retro happy little gent dud complete with removable vintage silk bowtie, but also a cheery owl dud made from fabric picked especially by his mom for her sweet little boy, all in colors that will complement his light and lovely complexion.

tiny chumley, of course, was happy to help model Jasper's duds, working for his usual little itty bitty smidgens of snackies until his nose found out he could do better.

wooty hoo! wooty hoo! look at me i'm an owl! wooty hoo! hey wait...
is that a snackie i smell? in a snackie pocket??

baby dog, you can only look right now.  we have to take pictures.

ooookay mom....

.....but maybe :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

migration theory

o mister turtle,
is it warm where u are now?
say hi to the birds. 

- baxter, 4.8 years old, on having not seen  he not seen mister turtle for weeks, and wondering if turtles migrate south on the backs of birds for the winter. :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

pup in boots

mom says it is too muddy for me to go outside and dig, but i say, can somebuddy help me put on my boots so i can go out n play? :)

- baxter, 4.8 years old, on making do with the temporary changes to his yard now that the lawn has been reseeded.

Monday, October 3, 2011

a boy and his george

Baxter's little heater friend George made his first appearance of the season yesterday, humming quietly on lo while tiny chumley abandoned his kitty perch in favor of George's newly formed tropical microclimate.

mom, promise me you'll wake me up if see somebuddy walking by that needs barking at, okay?? my baby friend asked as he nestled into his bed.

Of course, I said with a wink as pulled a down blankie gently over his sausagey body. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

so happy 2 c u!

Tiny chumley is a often blurry kong toy carrying rocket when we return home from errands and he has been left home alone.  Racing down to first greet me then circling back to get his kong toy and the goodbye snackie he apparently saved to eat when we came back. 

wheeeeeeeeee! everybody's home! everybody's home!  wheeeeeeee! his happy little wiggly body will then declare as lucky charms and clovers and bits of fairy dust stir up in his wake, til finally he collides into me and we catch up on all the kisses and hugs that we missed for having been apart in his mind for so very long.

mom did u know i barked at three dogs while u were gone? and i saw not one but two squirrels running across the street?  and didjoo know that the mail lady drives away whether u bark at her or not?  but i barked at her anyway just to make sure she knew i saw her.  and didjoo get me anything? and may i have another snackie? not my kibble but a really fishy snackie u know?oh where's duk duk? i think he was reading upstairs. u want i should get him and we can all snuggle on the sofa together? 

Why yes babydog, I'll tell him as I get back up to dry myself off from our rather licky conversation.

Home, I am always reminded,  is where the wiener dog is. :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

it's not my birthday so i'll poot if i want to

Yippee! Even though IKEA has yet to restock the shelving I so desperately need to make the makey life a little easier,  it's been a crafty week.  Today, a peekypoo at a very special birthday hat that Ammo's mom commissioned for her amazing little boy . Can u say birthday party? 

ooo, mom! ammo's birthday is really soon. do u think they need monkey chow milkshakes for it?  cuz methinks if i start making them now duk duk can fly it up just in time to play pin the foofies on the puppy!! :)

Well baby dog, I'm not sure everybuddy likes to play that game but you can always wish him a happy birthday.

oooh, okay! happy happy birthday soon ammo!! :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

party poopered

(sniff sniff..sniff sniff sniff)

hee hee hee, (sniff sniff) oooh,  fruity.. (sniffy sniff) with slight hints of glitter - green i think - and monkey chow and, wait,..

(sniff?) is that jelly bean?  no, no, wait, more circusy...hmmmm.... ooo - cotton candy!  i guess chocobot!

hee hee okay u go now chocobot..

now remember chocobot, with lil pink puppy out of the game now it's best 6 out of 7. wait'll i get my mask on and i will tell u when u can go, okay?


pheeeew! real funny. i said wait!

(muffled) okay let er rip!


HEEE hee hee hee hee hee hee - uh oh wait.

yes mom?

Baxter Babydog, I hope you and your toyfriends aren't playing that awful guess whose foofie game up there.  Is that why you wanted me to make you green beans and cabbage for dinner last night? mom?

Well whatever you are doing up there stop. You're making the chandelier shake.

okay mom.

(blink....blink)  (blink)


(foop foop foop!)(pssssssh!) (pshooooooo!)

ooo - anybuddy wanna go outside and make poopie snakes with us? :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

dapper doxie duds: blues clues

Hello! My name is Baxter your roving reporter reporting to u today after wrapping up my modelling shoot for my mom's latest dapper doxie dud for my friend and Annie's new chocolatey dapple brother Blue.  Pardon the voiceover, cuz I am still a little nakey cuz mom hasn't put my collar back on. But in the meanwhile I thought U might enjoy seeing what Blue looks like.  Blue was adopted back in March but he was so skinny that his mom decided he needed a little fattening up before my mom made him his dud, and lo and behold he is just perfect now and now he has his very own dud!

Mom says his duds were made with neckties from all sorts of different decades, going as far back as the 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s and into the present.  I say, I think this will look swell on Blue, dontchoo?

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed my report as much as I am enjoying my itty bitty snackie! This is Baxter your Roving Rover Reporter wishing U a very happy happy Thursday!! :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

i remember

Rain fell gently outside when we read the news.

mom... will i ever see twix again? i didn't even get to say goodbye.

Well babydog.  I think so.

and maggie? and jeeves?

Yes, babydog.  You will see them, too.  But hopefully, that won't be for a very very very long time.

but if i won't see them for a very very very long time, how can i make sure i will still know them when i see them?

Well babydog, I suppose you'll have to find a way to keep them in your heart and  remember all of them.

oooooh...... you know,  teacher said if we say things out loud it will help us remember.  do you think that might work, mom?

Why yes, baby dog, I think that's a very good start.

i remember digger and kep and padua. and i remember jeeves.  and  i remember maggie  and  miss edith and allie and lulu's dad mister tom. and i remember twix

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

they might be giants

Yeah, somebuddy needed a bath after stumbling across this great find in our backyard.   but mooooom, i still haven't figured out what's down there yet. what if there are trolls down there, or monsters???

Monday, September 26, 2011

nice try

dear mrs teacher,
please excuse baxter poopie bottoms from school today.  as u can see he is not feeling very well and neither is duk duk the magnificent.  please do not bother calling me with their assignments today because i am sure they will catch back up upon their return. though i cannot guarantee baxter's butt will be any less stinky.

thank u for understanding and if u would, please send lil pink puppy home early so he can finish decrusting our wii.

yours truly,
mrs baxterpoopiebutt and duk duk's mom

Sunday, September 25, 2011

etsy fresh: happy homieween!

dear diary,
yesterday mom said if duk duk and i helped her load new paper goodies to etsy then we could earn seventy-five cents each and of course we said heck yeah because duk duk said that would get us at least halfway to our flaming headless pumpkin project fundraiser goal.  or wait, did he say that it would hardly buy us even half a pumpkin?  anyhoo, seein's how our wii went kablooey cuz lil pink puppy spilled monkey chow milkshake on it yesterday morning while he n chocobot were playing barbie barbie sparkle revolution and we had to wait for it to dry, it seemed like sumptin fun to do anyway cuz it was kinda rainy most of the day and my poopies were a little loosey goosey which is more than i know u might want to know diary but it will become important very soon i promise. 

so anyhoo, i am so glad to have helped mom cuz looky - halloween will soon be here and now there is a card for all the snoop doggs and their homies out there.  fo shizzle doggie dizzle!

and every homie wants to celebrate thanksgiving right? especially when there is so much to be thankful for.  like, the rawhide. mmm, especially the rawhide.  and sometimes with all the talk about turkey n stuffing, moms and dads forget about this most very important tummy yummy detail so not only can my homies send sunshine with this card but it remind them about the rawhide, u know?

so anyhoo that was mostly my afternoon but u remember diary how i said my poopies were a little loosey on the goosey yesterday morning? well wouldn'tchoo know that i got my own special package of sunshine in the mail from miss kimberly and i could tell it had something extra extra yummy in it and i started to open it and everything but because my tummy was a little rumbly in the wrong sort of way, i had to say boo hoo cuz mom put it up but i am hoping that everything will be better today and so i can say yay and thank u very very much miss kimberly! :)

well diary, i best go now and see if the wii is dried out so me n duk duk can play some mario kart before lil pink puppy n chocobot wake up.

toodley-dizzley doo!
b. :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

plan b

dear diary,
this year me n duk duk thought it would be cool to build a flaming headless pumpkin robot for halloween but wouldntchoo know we would need like a hundred pumpkins and wouldntchoo know that mom says we have to buy all the pumpkins ourselves and wouldntchoo know that all the pumpkins at the grocery store cost like three dollars each?  that's like a whole year's snackie allowance just for one!  not to mention it would be a lot of trips to the grocery store since really me n duk duk could only take home one at a time in my pedal car and that would only be if somebuddy helps us load the pumpkin in the car after somebuddy lets us pay for the pumpkin in snackies. or poopie snakes -  which would be their choice, of course. 

but anyhoo, mom said there might be some chores we could help her with to earn real money for our project and so maybe if we are lucky i will get to tell u more about that 2morrow. but in the meantime diary, i wanted to wish u a very happy saturday!

b. :)