Wednesday, February 1, 2012

little kielBasa

dear diary,
yesterday i went on a field trip with my school and guess what - i found a b that's bigger than me!! i cannot wait to ask mom if we can paint the same b on our driveway at home bcuz u know, it would b so cool! 

anyhoo, i must go now bcuz me n duk duk are supposed to work on a joint video project for music class and right now we are down to one computer on account of lil pink puppy spilling chocobot's glitter all over the keyboard and fritzing it out.  wish us luck cuz we will have 2 take turns and u know how good duk duk is at sharing!

b. :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

lean on me

Sometimes all it takes to calm a case of the morning barkies is a little sunshine and an ear rub.

ooo dat's good mom!  can u please ask the strangers next door 2 wait until i am finished here? i still have more barking to do. :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

red igloo

Warm lavender and vanilla scented blankies for the little kielbasa yesterday, who took a break away from george to bake in his temporary red igloo, fresh and warm from the dryer.

mom, please do not turn off george! i'll be back there as soon as my igloo gets cold. :)


Sunday, January 29, 2012

spring is in the air

I always wonder what it is that tiny chumley is trying to detect when he puts his snoot in the air and sniffs with dedicated intensity.  When it is obvious to nobody but him that something interesting is, was, or will be coming.  But with daffodils in some places almost ready to bloom, I have a feeling that yesterday's sniff, I know exactly what his nose was trying to confirm....

yippee! yep i think so mom cuz i can smell it - spring is just around the corner!! :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

kippu o kudasai

choo choo! tickets please!! the stegosaurus steam train express is ready for departure!! :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

happy shadows, happy faces

It really doesn't take much to keep the lucky charms and four leaf clovers twinkling brightly and floating weightlessly in tiny chumley's happy little world.   Sure he has his fancy toys and fun fun snackies, but then there are the simple days like yesterday when all that was needed was a random stick to fetch and warm warm sunlight to help cast long and jaunty shadows.

And often in tiny chumley's happy go lucky world, happiness needs nothing at all. :)

hee hee hee, if u do not feel like making your own funny faces,  make someone's day send them me n duk duk's  funny face card  that u can find on etsy! i hope u have a wonderful weekend! b :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

double posties: where the deer and the antelope p-p-play

Hee hee, the little kielbasa and duk duk have been hard at work designing and uploading new goodies for the etsy shop, and I couldn't wait to share a peek at three of them - a rootin tootin foofie producin sweet little cowboy birthday card (stink not included),  and two little magnets perfect to send include as happy gifty inserts.

ooo, mom, do u think we can rustle up some rawhide for lunch? cuz it's almost high noon!  :) :)

haiku 4 u


a picnic outside,
and playing with the squirrels.
i like late winter. :)

- baxter, 5.1 years old, on enjoying yesterday's sunny, sausage body warming weather.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

quick quick slow

Up til yesterday, rain and chilly temps kept tiny chumley from his usual evening walkie, and so instead the little kielbasa filled his time in other ways, catching snackies and playing with duk duk, and yes,  even dancing a shuffle with his dad while we all waited for better weather.

mom, i am so glad the sun came back but boy did we have fun even without it.  next time it rains, can me n duk duk go looking for worms on the sidewalk? :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

iron ladydog

hee hee, no duk duk u can't come back up again cuz queen dukabeth already opened parliament and now it is margaret baxter's turn to address both houses of - ooo, wait. i think i hear mom coming.

um, sorry mom, me n duk duk forgot put penny's dud in the mailbox but we promise to do it 2morrow.   wouldjoo like some tea and biscuits  :) :)?

Monday, January 23, 2012

happy year of the dragon

dear diary,
so, did i ever tell u that chocobot is friends with a dragon?  and that his name is chester mcfoofie and besides the obvious reasons why we might want to invite him to stay with us, did i tell u that we were also having a chinese new years celebration yesterday and with it being the year of the dragon he was the guest of honor and we had a great time eating fish snackies and monkey chow noodles and watching him set off firecrackers just by breathing on them? and did i tell u that he outfoofied us all to the point where even i had to open a window 2 get some fresh air?   hoo-wee.  and did i tell u that chester promised to come back when the circus bears are in town so we can have a fire breathing act like all the best circuses have? yep, i didn't think i told u.  but now i did! 

anyhoo, happy year of the dragon and happy monday!!

b. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

dapper doxie duds: penny for your thoughts

Well hello, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, reporting to you today from the ninth annual hat lady convention and garden party.   Hee hee, okay well no not really, even though I am wearing what looks to be a really swell hat, aren't I?

I am here to report to you today on something even cooler - the dud my mom made for my new friend Penny!  And besides me not really being able to fit Penny's new dud, there is a really good reason why Penny's new dud is on my head because you see, Penny and her mom n dad are behind the super fun site,!  So naturally I needed to model penny's dud on my wiener noggin, right?

Anyhoo, this is Penny.  She is lovely, isn't she? 

And here is a closer peek at her new dud!  My mom says it is made from a deep raspberry pink diamond weave mercerized cotton interlock bound in indigo denim and the flower is made from hand dyed silk satin mixed with an imported quilting cotton print and mixed iridescent glass beads and fresh water pearls. I say, I hope Penny will love it!

Anyhoo, this is Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you the foofiest of Sundays! :) :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

crawl space

Sometimes it takes a little convincing to help tiny chumley remember that he is, after all, long and short and built for going into all the tight places that others cannot.  And so while the rain kept us from doing our regular Friday afternoon walkie, we instead played find the teeny tiny snackie.

oooh i found it! and okay u r right mom i can totally fit under here.  does that mean me n duk duk can use it as our new dog n duk cave? or maybe we can hide some monkey chow under here?? :) 

Friday, January 20, 2012

easy as 1-2-3

Hey boys and girls, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, and I am here to talk to you today about my easy 3 step plan to total toyfriend fun! Tired of all the squeaking your toy makes when you bite down on it? Worried that your toyfriend might be gaining weight from a little too much snackie toss practice? Maybe your toyfriend is just in need of a total toyfriend makeover. With my easy 3 step plan, not only will sll these problems be addressed, but you will also have the best time of your life.  And, boys and girls, it only takes less than three minutes.  But why talk about it when I can just show you?  Are you ready?  Don't blink or u might miss it....


Ta-da!  But wait, want the fun to happen all over again?  Why,  just ask mom or dad to help u put everything all back inside and voila - you're ready to start back at step one again!  Super cool, right?  

Well boys and girls, speaking of super cool, it is time for me to say goodbye because I see my new toyfriend Mr Greyhogg is all ready to play EZ3 again.  And see, just like that, I am already at step 2.

This is Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you a very happy playtime! :)

(hee hee, thank u miss steph and charlie for the wonderful hedgehog.  as u can see i had a LOT of fun with it and i will again!!  :) )

Thursday, January 19, 2012

baxter and duk duk's amazing circus show: the great snackie toss

dear diary,
well even though chocobot does not know when his circus bear friends are coming back to town, me n duk duk thought it would be a great idea to start developing new act and games for our circus. and u know how there is always a ring toss at the circus midway?  well we thought why not make it one better and make it a snackie toss!  so of course yeah u know we had to practice that game yesterday.  here is a video from our first practice training sessions (and yeah u can even watch it in HD if u want - just clicky on the gear to change the viewing quality!)

hee hee, yeah i am so hoping to improve on my personal best and mom says so long as me n duk duk do not post any more poopie pictures to facebook then she would be happy to train with us every day at lunch. yippee!! toodley-doo! b. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

fabulously scab-u-less

It's been two weeks since tiny chumley's tushie tangled with his border collie cousin's herding instincts, and the signs of their encounter are fading away nicely.  Yesterday, the last of his scabs disappeared, and a soft layer of peach fuzz has mostly grown in to cover his pinky pink skin.

mom, r u sure there's not any way we can get my fur to grow in longer? i saw bugs bunny use a great hair tonic on elmer fudd and even though that kind spouted flowers i am sure there is one for just growing regular long hair and u know i have been wanting long hair for as long as i can remember and chocobot said if it grew in long enough we could braid it! :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

polka dot wednesdays

Top isn't exactly the first view that comes to mind when I think of angles from which to photograph the little kielbasa, yet aside from when he is busy acquiring prime pillow real estate in our bed at night and I or his dad or the both of us are awakened to the full frontal sight of a fuzzy face or pokey paw, top is often the primary view from which we see and interact with our  height challenged little sausage boy.   A less informative perspective, I imagine, than what he sees of us.

mom, didjoo know dad has a forest inside his nose?  and that teacher always wears a dress and polka dot underwear on wednesdays? and can u believe how much bubblegum is under the tables in the cafeteria?? :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

snug bug

aw mom, do we have to go walkies now? it's so cold out and me n dad just settled in to watch cartoons!

- baxter, 5.1 years old, grateful that his mom put on his cashmere lined cozy dud, but wishing he had spent less time googling monkey chow recipes late Saturday night and more time looking for an XXXXL little kielbasa sized heated hamster ball.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


but mom, what do u mean my nails are too long?

how can it be time to do my nails again? we just did them like two weeks ago.


nope. nosirree. not gonna happen.

(blink).... (blink blink)

ooo, was that the snackie jar i just heard open?

okay mom u can do my nails but please keep them long enough so i can dig properly in the backyard, okay? oh, and may i please have two snackies this time bcuz i really feel i deserve it with my staples n all, dontchoo? :) :)   

Saturday, January 14, 2012

dapper doxie dud: the midnight sky

Hey everybuddy it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter reporting to you today about the goodies my mom finished yesterday for my friend Pinto. As u can see, Pinto is a very cool piebald and yeah u guessed it, he is actually close to my size, which is why I can actually model the dud my mom made for him.  I like to call this one the midnight sky, because the dyed corduroy my mom made and used reminds me of yeah u guessed it again, the midnight sky.  Only on this night the moon is full which is why you see glints of swirly lights and darks on the fabric and asymmetrical silk necktie embellishment  and of course, the vintage watch movement full moon!

Hee hee, oh yeah, did I also mention Pinto ordered up an Elmer Fudd Flapjack too? And yeah I can fit that too so here I am wearing it!  I am so very excited for Pinto because me n duk duk are going to take the pedal car today and drop it off at the post office and then he will have it in no time. 

Next up on the crafty list? My mom says the fabulous Penny's dud, and then after that she will be working on a ton of fit models so if u have been waiting patiently, thank u and know that I will be helping mom with everything these next couple to three weeks so stay tuned!

I am Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you a very delightful and foofie filled Saturday!! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

pedal car driver

dear diary,
well diary, now that my cool tushie staples are gone and the vet determined i do not have a heart murmur, i guess i will have to look for other ways i can maintain my superbad street cred with the kids at school. and since mom will not let me get a pirate tattoo on my tummy and mom made me n duk duk throw away the nunchuks we made out of toilet paper rolls and twisty ties because they turned to mush after somedukkie just had to play with them out in the rain the other day,  i think i am going to try depending on props less and focus more on developing my inner outer superbadness.  and methinks, it all starts with a look.  the look.  cuz all i need to ask is, are u talkin 2 me?


hee hee hee, toodley-doo!
b. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

bye bye bling bling

dear diary,
well today mom says the tushie man will come and take my staple bling out and soon my tushie will look like this again, only i won't be wearing my snowsuit cuz boo hoo, it has not snowed here at all and it is starting 2 smell like spring

anyhoo, i will be sure to let u know how everything went but for now i must go and register the tinyduks in school so they can start learning and stop pooping in my water bowl.  (yeah, kona kinda warned me about that.)  i hope u r having a wonderful day!!

b. :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

three little dukkies

"...any-  anywuh- oh, anyway.  anyway have fun with your new toy- toyfriends! your buddy,  kona."  

ooooh didjoo hear that, duk duk?  kona says your nephews can stay forever! yippeeeee!! oooh lil pink puppy is gonna be so happy to have his own little duk duk friends to play with. let's feed them some monkeychow milkshakes and then while they are gassing up we should write kona back and tell him that the three little dukkies arrived safe n sound.   :) :)

(thank u so much for my new little dukkies, miss mary anne and kona!!!)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

me likey dat: fun for a duk and a dog

hee hee hee, if u see sasquack can u please tell him to hurry up with his costume bcuz bax austin the six million kibble pup is waiting 2 wrestle him in the time tunnel and thru no fault of his own it is quickly filling up with noxious green foofie gas and soon it will not be very habitable for secret agents or sasquacks!

- baxter, 5 years old, anxiously waiting for duk duk so they can play in their new  BUSA tunnel toy :).


Monday, January 9, 2012

i've pooped everywhere man

dear diary,
well diary, even though the trip back home was pretty boring, me n duk duk n chocobot n lil pink puppy are back home now safe n sound and can u believe we traveled over two thousand miles?  which is really cool becuz that means i have traveled over twelve thousand miles now, and duk duk thinks that means i've pooped practically everywhere on earth and so now for our new years resolution and thanks to some inspiration we found on the way back home, me n duk duk are going to try and send a poopie snake into outer space - u know, 2 like the moon or sumptin.  we both think it will be a lot easier and cheaper than trying to send a monkey like we tried to last year.

anyhoo, i hope i can stay awake in school today because me n duk duk are going to get up extra early to shine up my tushie bling cuz heck yeah u know all the kids are gonna wanna see.  and we might even try to charge admission because even though project poopie snakes in space will be cheaper than project monkeys in space, duk duk think it will still cost a tiny fortune so the sooner we start fundraising the better, dontchoo think?

b. :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

etsy fresh: love is in the air

dear diary,
well what a fun trip i had to visit my grandma and my cousin jasper and his family!  and it's kinda not over because me n duk duk and chocobot n lil pink puppy are still making our way home but guess what - since we upgraded out train tickets to business class now i have access 2 the internet and so i decided to help mom add some super cool new cards and some perennial favorites for birthdays, valentines day, and even st patrick's day!  here is just a tiny sample of whatchoo will see if u visit and yeah u know it, there's even a luchador birthday card!

anyhoo, while i was out west me n duk duk had a ton more swell ideas for cards so hopefully by the end of the month u will also see more goodies from the brought to u by baxter n duk duk series.  cuz u know, the world needs more happy cards, right?

b. :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

homeland defense

A tiny hole in his grandma's fence was a source of great curiosity for sherriff chumley, who took it upon himself to investigate this mysterious portal and make sure that no unwelcome visitors would cross into his grandma's backyard.

hellooo?  if u have been trespassing into my grandma's yard u should know that  i am leaving behind some very scary poopie snakes so do not come again unless u r asked because not only are they stinky but they will eat u!

Friday, January 6, 2012


I love the little places that Baxter finds as his hiding spots when he realizes our separation doom is imminient. Shadowy areas without much clearance for coaxing hands.  The kind of spots that might be actually perfect if he would only remember that there is more of himself to hide than actually gets hidden.

mom, i was so quiet! how on earth did u find me and do i really have to stay at home??

Thursday, January 5, 2012

tummy talk

Tiny chumley's tummy patience was thoroughly tested yesterday, having spent over 20 minutes squealing and gnawing and chucking his rawhide stuffed kong toy all over his grandma's house before finally giving in and dropping the source of his frustration at my feet.

mom, u know i cannot get this out e-z-lee.  will u please hold it for me so i can nibble on the inside cuz i cannot visit with grandma until my tummy says i can!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

treasure chest

No worse for wear and sporting nifty new chrome bling on his tushie, tiny chumley wasted no time in checking out his cousin's digs, making himself right at home in a toy box that was almost too tall for him to investigate.

ooo, duk duk, bring me a stool! i see enough wubbas 4 everybuddy in here!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


dear diary,
yippee! we are finally here at my border collie cousin jasper's western saloon and no sooner did we unpack and settle in than, uh, well, what can i say there was an accidental herding incident.  but please do not worry for me bcuz the vet said my wounds were not as bad as they look and even though one of them was not very deep it was a tiny bit  wide so to help it heal better i got two very cool staples and antibiotics and i even got a tushie shave! although not shaved with my name like i was hopin but maybe my vet will do it when he visits me to take my staples out in 10 days.

anyhoo, i totally wish it were halloween now bcuz wouldn't my tushie make the best frankenstein ever?  mom always said it had a life of its own. :o

b. :)

ps - do not worry,  i am okay bcuz jasper thought it might be a good idea for him to stay at his grandmas house while we are in town and we r going to video skype bcuz that way he says if his herding instinct surfaces, all he will be able to herd is his monitor and well u know, it is a lot harder and less susceptible to herding than my tushie.  and he said i could have all his snackies while he is gone and they are very delicious.  and, mom says most importantly, although i have not exhibited any symptoms of problems, the vet here said she detected a heart murmur and now i will totally get that checked out when i get home. i know, what a day, right? :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

double posties: testing testing

are we there yet???

- baxter, 5 years old, ready to reach his destination out west.

and yes this is a double postie because it is driving me nuts trying to understand why these posts will not bridge or manually post to facebook! :o

dapper doxie duds: feelin stitchy!

dear diary,
well it turns out u cannot get netflix via the telegraph like we were hopin, so the ride out west is long and slow and even though it is foofie filled, we can hardly wait to get off this train and walk on the dry sandy soil of my cousin jasper's ranch.  and hopefully find a real sandworm so we can ride it.

but anyhoo, as i have nothing really 2 report today bcuz we are still on the train, i thought i would show u the wonderful duds i helped my mom make for my friend stitch, a long haired chocolatey dapple who is not only getting a happy black and turquoise aqua sushi dud, but also these super duper ones!  and yeah as u might guess, stitch is a lot smaller than i am otherwise i would have modeled them all for u.

hee hee, yeah that's right, stitch was named after stitch, so of course he needed a stitch dud, right?

and even though we just celebrated the new year's arrival, can u believe there will be another new year coming up?  this time it will be the year of the dragon and wouldn'tchoo know that mom found a lovely embroidered silk robe back in chicago thinking the right pup would come along and need this turned into a harness and wouldn'tchoo that that right pup was stitch?  

and yep, this was the one that started it all.  bcuz when stitch's mom first contacted my mom she decided she wanted a very nice quilty dud for her boy and well, u know what they say about potato chips?  my dud drawer and now stitch's dud drawer is a testament to the fact thatchoo can't have just one.

mehopes u likey them very much stitch and i cannot wait to see u wearing them!!!

b. :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

go west

dear diary,
with christmas over and school not starting for another week, me n duk duk n chocobot n lil pink puppy were almost getting bored and then we thought, why not take the train and do just like the pet shop boys and go west to visit my cousin jasper?  which is a super idea because now that i have my sheriff's outfit, i think i jasper will be better able to tell me apart from the sheep he likes herding so much.  and with my cowboy hat, methinks i will fit in very well with the local scenery which i learned in school is whatchoo want to do, especially in rome for some reason although i am sure it applies to the great sand and cactus filled deserts of the wild west.  

anyhoo, so as u can see me n duk n chocobot n lil pink puppy are all packed up for our adventure and maybe on the train ride we will work on our new year resolutions but for now i must say hasta luego pardner, bcuz soon it will be time to board our train and as we will be in western coach class, methinks there will not be any internet, only telegraph. which i think will make it very difficult to watch netflix,  but duk duk says he knows morse code well enough that it should not be a problem otherwise it is gonna be one long foofie filled trip.

b. :)